Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Thirty Five Weeks Later

“You would do the right thing.” Kana said reassuringly. “Death, yet the force. Right?”

Well, that sounded macabre. Still, should it come to it there was the expectation that depending on the circumstances Kana’s death would be a necessary one. No, actually that wasn’t true. If Kana was faced with the same situation, this was as good of a time as any to be honest with her friend. Even if it would hurt.

“I don’t think I would do the right thing,” Kana looked at Corvus. “And that is what worries me. I don't see me doing the right thing would I be given a choice between the two. You're...”

She had to change the topic. Painful honesty could wait.

“I think the ryhscate thing is temporary. Raven will see plenty of more flights soon enough.”

A sheepish smile. That was all her friend got. For now.
[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus nodded. “If it were as easy as my life or yours, I wouldn’t hesitate for a nano-second.” No gallows humour, just the truth. That’s how it was with them. It was getting more like old times – the uncomfortable things could be said and the really uncomfortable ones didn’t need to be as they both knew anyway.

And then Corvus shrugged. “How about we don’t let it happen. Agreed? But about Raven. Since you allowed it to be shot up on Nar Shaddaa, she’s been running perfectly. But do you know what? I think she’s missed you. Come on, it’s after midday, a small drop of Corellian won’t do us any harm. And remind me to up the ryshcate order again.”

[member="Kana Truden"]
The thought was a nano-second decision on both sides. Kana knew that should it come down to it, that either of them had to die for the other to live she would take the hit without a doubt in her mind. No way that Kana would let it come to that, but if it did… No, it wouldn’t.

“I wouldn’t hesitate at all.” Still no gallows-humor. “I just wouldn’t.”

The subject dropped and they approached the hangars. About time, that ‘corellian’ would sit nice just about now. Burn away the depressing small talk and change it up for something less gloomy. Kana approached the doors and they opened with the stroke of a few buttons.

“Ryshcate would sit so good right about now.” She turned towards her friend. “I lived off of basic provisions for a while. Trust me when I say that anything with taste is a step up.”

“So you haven’t crashed the ship yet? Not even once?”
[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus looked skyward for a few seconds and then counted off something on her fingers.

"Desert planet, Silver Jedi planet. That's it, I think. But neither were technically crashes. Just bad poodoo. And anyway, I know I have just what you need on board."

Corvus led the way to the galley and, opening the fridge, asked Kana to grab a couple of glasses. She pulled out a bottle of Corellian Whiskey, a large slab of ryshcate and a small cake, decorated with icing. It said simply, 'Welcome Home [member="Kana"].' White icing, blue letters. "I'd pretend I did it myself but if you believed me you wouldn't eat it. Nor would I." She smiled warmly.

"No candles," she pointed to the roof, "Afraid the sprinklers would go off. Just pretend there's one, blow it out and make a wish." And with that she held up the cake in front of Kana's face.
Silver Jedi? That was more than Kana knew. Was that why she was gone for a while that time oh-so-long-ago? And desert planets? Technically not crashes? Her mind raced with questions as the look on her face begged the question, ‘What the heck?’ She reached for the glasses and turned around.

“So wait, you cr-whaaaaat?”

In front of Kana was a cake. Not any cake, a decorated cake. A decorated ryshcate even. Welcome home indeed and a small laugh left her mouth open in surprise. She had not expected that at all. What more cards did her friend have up her sleeve? A quick look around the ship didn’t give anything away and she proceeded to fake there was a candle on top to blow out. What else could she do? This was a very pleasant surprise and she did not intend to ruin it.

Still, a small embarrassed snicker escaped her system. She must have looked like an idiot.

“You know, it’s strange to be back. I used to wander around those halls on Hoth all alone, muttering to myself about everything and everyone. To actually have someone talk back again is a very welcome change.”

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus smiled at not only surprising Kana but neatly changing the subject. And not wishing to waste the momentum, she followed up. "Whilst I cut the cake, what can you tell me about your time away?"

And Corvus grabbed a couple of plates and cut two small portions whilst she listened to her friend.

[member="Kana Truden"]
“It was lonely.” Kana’s smile faded. Not completely, but it faded a bit. “It was me and three maintenance droids. Not a lot of room for social interaction there.”

“Oh and it was cold. After only a short while on Hoth I realized that while the room may be isolated somewhat it was still freezing. Constant movement became sort of like an instinct. The beds were even harder than they are here and colder to boot. The blankets were thin and I had like a dozen of them on me to keep warm. Other than that it was great!”

Her smile returned and she thought on what else to share. Would she share the things she had meditated on or would she discuss the weather some more? Really, it was a decision that made itself.

“I meditated daily which, I admit, was a first for me. I didn’t gain perfect clarity, in fact a lot of what I thought I had learned has proved itself otherwise. I could never distance myself from people and I could never truly tie down my emotions. In a sense it could be said I came to terms with what I can and can’t do.

A lesson I’d like to think has been as equally important as any other. What about you? Are you sure nothing has happened around here since I left? What about Kian and the Shadows? You were pretty closely associated with them, right? I mean, the armor and...”

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Kana timed that just right. Corvus wondered if she should swallow the cake whole or chew it and take an age?

Chewing and pretending to reflect on the very deep and meaningful question, Corvus shook her head once or twice before finishing the mouthful with a modicum of dignity.

"Of course I've been training. Lots of training. I tell you, there's a few Padawans that are going to make excellent Knights before too long. And in truth that's a large part of what I've been doing of late. No Shadow missions. Although...I've made contact with the Silver Jedi and the One Sith." She held up a hand and - realising she had a fork in it - quickly lowered it again. "One of my...unscheduled stops was at the Silver Jedi Temple. Good people, similar ideals but..." She searched for the right words. "Too political for me - at least that's how I took it. You know me, I serve the Republic. I would not be comfortable making decisions about which planet deserved saving over another."

"And I met a former One Sith. We both were forced down by an ion storm and had no choice but to work together or die. And he'd provided intelligence about Sith spies in the Republic, so it worked out well in the end." Corvus started to realise how matter-of-fact she'd made these two events sound.

"They were really no big deal, Not really." She smiled that false smile that said she was uncomfortable and wanted to change the subject. "Hoth eh! Went there once. Nearly got eaten by a wampa."

[member="Kana Truden"]
“Well, that explains why our ‘mutual acquaintance’ knew our names.” Kana grabbed her plate and proceeded to stuff her face with cake before looking up at Corvus. Cake in mouth she spoke up before the question was asked. “Rhen Var - another personal journey way back.”

“However, he did not paint quite the same picture of them. Referring to them as dark jedi even. It’s not a subject I am familiar - or comfortable talking about - so I’ll just leave it at ‘I dunno’.”

Kana lowered her plate. If there hadn’t been something left on it this would have been the part where she shrugged. As far as she was concerned the Silver Jedi could be left alone, for now. She wouldn’t turn her back should they need her for something but after what had been told of them she remained at least a little bit wary of them.

“Just... Be careful, the rumors weren’t the greatest.” Kana returned to her cake eating. “The ryhscate is great, thank you.”

“Tell me about the wampas. What's happened?”

A big piece of what was left on her plate found itself shoved into her mouth. At least that way she couldn’t talk, should it be required of her.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
"Message received. And I've heard the rumours you have about the Silver Jedi. But then, I suspect someone could say the same about some of our Jedi - and claim the whole Order is like that. We know the truth, but try to explain that to someone who saw our Knights using Force Lightning or openly preaching about being aggressive." Corvus was pleased the topic had changed from personal stuff.

"And you've met Enya...No? She's a Padawan that was on a ship that crash-landed there. She was the only survivor. I was sent out to check out the distress signal and the next thing I knew, a wampa fancied having me for lunch. Enya saved me, then I saved her. It was all a bit fast and sounds more scary than it actually was. A good kid. She's about to take some time out with other Padawans - stretch her wings so to speak. It'll do her good."

"So, how are your Padawans faring?" And Corvus poured them both a measure of the good stuff - Corellian style.

[member="Kana Truden"]
Padawans. Now that was as good of a jedi subject as ever. Kana finished chewing down the last of her piece and put the small plate down. She let her hand brush against each other to get the worst of the leftovers off of them before she spoke up.

“Meeting up with other Padawans can teach you a lot.” Kana’s eyes wandered aside for a second. “Just, you know, make sure she meets the right ones. I know I did, but what are the odds, right?”

“And as for my own padawans...” Her face scrunched hand reached up for her forehead as if to wipe the insecurity away before slowly dragging itself across her face. “I, uh... I don’t know.”

“The ‘self-doubt poodoo’ comes to mind again and I keep wondering how I managed to get myself talked into it. I mean, I have no idea what I am doing or what to run by. I have seen masters teach but I have never seen a master be, y’know, a master. My framework is blank and I feel like I am basically just fumbling around in the dark trying to do the things that ‘make sense.’”

“But hey, except for that everything is great. One of them is proving a bit more easier than the others, but all within good time. I hope.”

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus nodded. When Kana gave advice, you listened. She was no longer the newbie full of self-doubt and more and more she was the source of inspiration to Corvus. “I hear you. Don’t worry, I’ll keep a watchful eye. I remember some of the Padawans we used to associate with? I never see them anymore.” There was a faraway look in Corvus' eye now.

And then bang. There was that self-doubt again. Oh how Corvus wanted to scream. “Listen bed-hair, you just tell them what you know. Or what you feel. Or what you believe. If I’m honest, I just reflect on how I was taught. The various Masters and Knights that taught me. Including you!”

“And sometimes the challenging ones are worth it, right?” Corvus wrinkled her nose. “And then sometimes the teacher’s pets are great too. Hey, I could be describing us two!” She laughed and prepared to duck.

[member="Kana Truden"]
A snicker was what Corvus got. She may have been ready for a hit, but she got a snicker. Because at least Corvus still had her way with words. Bed-hair, now that was definitely a first. The big news were the the self-doubt that Kana had so conveniently gotten rid of which had resurfaced. It was odd, she hadn’t felt the doubt in a while but something happened. She wanted to boil it down to the exile, but the last time she felt like this was after that. It was in the prison cell with the man who had come seeking punishment.

“Yeah, you’re right. Maybe I’ll tell them about the importance of friends as well.” She smiled back at her friend. “Though that one might be a bit too obvious for even a master to tell.”

Kana threw a glance around Raven, her second home after Hoth got tripped down to third, again. It all looked so familiar yet alien. They had seen a lot of things with this ship. The ship itself had probably seen way more than a ship would like to see. Like having a hole blown in it. Truly, with the way they had treated this ship it was a miracle it was still going or even the same ship.

“We’ve both seen a lot of things with this ship.” Kana set her sights on Corvus again. “When do we get to go again? Eating ryshcate is fine and all, but we still have our duty. I mean, the galaxy still cries out for the jedi’s aide after eight months of my absence, right?”

“It was way too long since I helped out around here.”

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus narrowed her eyes. "There is a galaxy to be saved. And there's always planets that need help. Nar Shaddaa, Gilthoniel, Zeltros. Take your pick."

She finished off her own ryshcate and turned on the datapad on the table. "Now where are the interesting Jedi Missions when you want one. Here's one on Zygerrian. Fancy being kidnapped?"

[member="Kana Truden"]
Kana ran through the information. A slave auction. Did Corvus want Kana to be ‘kidnapped’ for a slave auction? The faces and expressions she ran through spoke of many things. Confusion, curiosity but most of all they told Corvus that she was crazy. Kana closed her eyes for a moment as her index finger pointed for the sky. Her mouth hung somewhat and…

“You do realize what will happen if you mess this up, right?” Kana chuckled quietly as if she was amazed yet she brushed it off with a sigh. “Well, why not? No one ever said being a jedi was glamorous, right?”

She handed the pad back to [member="Corvus Raaf"] with a smile. The fact that her friend had not volunteered to be kidnapped in the first place did not pass Kana by. Maybe it was Kana’s tendency to be put in a cell that was the cause for it. She had after all broken out of a cell at one point when on a mission with Kian, though that was hardly something Corvus needed to know yet.

“Just, if we’re going to do this we'll need more people, obviously. I don’t doubt you, but two women of our kind is definitely worth considerably much more than if it was just me. We need to be smart about it. Bring at least one more person with you.”
Corvus was pleased. Kana was as action-oriented as she was. She'd missed that of late. But who else to invite? "Were you thinking Padawans or someone with more experience?"

She mused the options as she waited for Kana's response. Should they be the rescuers, or the victims, be together or be split up? Kana was good at the details. She's work it out and Corvus would go where Kana said. Things were definitely back to normal!

[member="Kana Truden"]
Her pad was withdrawn gladly. A smile at Corvus for letting Kana take care of the thinking and they were off.

“Well, that really depends on how you want to go about it and if you want to do it as fast as you can. If so we could always have you grab a knight or fellow master to come along with you. Master Karr should be pretty a reliable for that unless you have other ideas.”

“Another alternative is to grab a padawan or two. As weird as it may sound we could use this as an opportunity to teach someone about the force in a more practical manner. Now, I don’t have any names for this list but I bet there’s enough eager students out there looking to help or make a name for themselves out there.”

Kana let out a soft laughter. This was actually more fun than she imagined.

“I suggest we get me kidnapped the usual way in order to bring less suspicion on it all. Unless you know someone shady enough to hand me over to the auction upfront while keeping a straight face?”

“Wait. You've got ideas, right? Wouldn’t want to make it all a Truden Production.”
Corvus laughed. "Even if I had a suggestion what's the odds on you listening. But seriously, I like the idea of one of us being kidnapped. Then the other could work with a couple of Padawans to effect the rescue. And if I'm honest, I think I look more like Knight Shan than you!"

"But you're definitely in charge of this one. You need the practice, what with being on holiday for so long!"

[member="Kana Truden"]
“You’re probably right.” A compulsory snicker made it’s way over to her friend. “I’ll take this with me and see what more I can come up with.”

Kana waved the pad in the air and quickly made way for the door. There were so much to plan yet she stopped at last second. The door opened and her stride came to a halt. Eyes dropping to the pad she gave it a look over. She began biting her lips, her eyes wandered from side to side as if she was trying to make her mind up about something. Kana’s eyes sparked up at Corvus one last time and for a moment she hesitated to speak.

“If this doesn’t work. If something happens and-...” It didn’t feel right. “I just want you to know that I…” Kana wiped the worried look off of her face and put on her smile again. “Put a lot of planning into this. Nothing will go wrong.”

“In a while, crocodile.”

Kana exit the ship and the let the door close behind her. Soon there’d be a mission to go on.

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