Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public "This is just the beginning..."


Upon the Surface of Draconia
City: Dragon's Point (The capital)
Location: Primary Council Citadel
It was the early morning, within the large urban city of "Dragon's Point" The capital was bustling with its normal populace. Each one heading to their variety of jobs within the city. From Bakers, and metal smiths, all the way to more administrative jobs in a large office building. However due to it's recent history of taking in immigrants that wished to join in the planets prosperity, many people, native or abroad all experience problems in their day to day life's

Social and Economic issues arise almost overnight as planet-wide, store homes are seemly out of food to feed the newcomers, and money is in high inflation as much more is created. The planet and government simply was not ready to take in everyone it did. The Draconion People did have plenty resources to share, but it would take time to reach where it would need to go. This need for labor would almost solve itself, as many jobs were created and filled planet wide.

In the Worse cases Xenophobic tendency's, and groups have risen up on both sides, but both sides seem to only be made of a very small minorities. Only a few racial biased killings have happened since the start of the "Integration initiative"

However today was supposed to be the start of a new era. Renowned Diplomat and soon to be heir of Zakuul would arrive on the planets dock, He would make plans to speak with the Steward of Draconia, as well as meet a few friends or perhaps foes. The day itself would not be noted had it not have been for the festival games that would take place through the week.

All were invited as a sign of good faith for the galaxy. Jedi, and sith. Mercenary's and thief's Or simple common folk where all invited for there chance to win up to a small fortune on many of the games. Either as a participant, or a betting and bribing in the shadows, or if they dares to try, to simply heist the grand prize.


Dorian Had made his way to the inside of Council Citadel, and stood in it's grand hall. Large Pillars that gleamed a light blue shine, and an ornately decorated floor and celling truly made the halls rival even that of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Not that he had ever been there to compare. Leaning on one of the pillars where he droids stood close to him, Watching.

"There late, they were meant to be here an hour ago" Spoke the droid
"You would think an Invitation to the largest building this side of the parsec would be an honor to all...Let's give them a while more" Dorian sighed both in disbelief and impenitence

"Do you think something happened"
"No, not here, The only places safer then here are some of the major Jedi Temples"
The invitation had been there and she was in the sector... the chance to see a developing planet coming into the galaxy... fun times.... plus lots and lots of food. The biot was flying the ship so that she would be able to arrive. The Del-Ya tucking her wings in close while she walked around and double checked all of her equipment. The small packs that were able to fit under her wings and her hair was out of the way. She had her interface which allowed her to check out and see some of the different things. Zakuul was a place few went since the older times but there was information on it. Several governments worked to try and overtake it and succeeded but eventually all moved back and away.
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It had been some months since the young Mandalorian first came to Draconia. She spent most of her days on the great ring around the planet, taking odd jobs for the local Bounty Hunter's Guild which sent her from one end of the station to the other. As unfortunate as they were, the immigrants from far away worlds brought the forlorn bounty hunter a number of opportunities. Perhaps a few of these unfortunate souls were criminals themselves, but mostly it was those who took advantage of them that she could take advantage of in turn. Smugglers often disguised themselves to hide among the displaced or even kidnap the unattended to traffic as slaves to the Hutts of the outer rim territories, while others simply used the crisis to hide their own identities whilst looking for a place to settle where the law of other world's couldn't come for them.

She didn't particularly care if she was any better or worse than them for using this opportunity to line her pockets with credits. Nor was she unaware however, that she too was hiding here.

But what was she hiding from? The Mandalorians? Her family? Herself, perhaps? there had been many days now that she herself didn't know the answer. But for all her efforts, A Twi'lek clad in Beskar and with a knack for getting results was bound to get someone's attention eventually.

Some of the locals had taken to calling her
"The girl with The Golden Gun" in lieu of a proper name, and that little moniker had begun to spread to the surface as well.

Eventually, stories of The Golden Gun would culminate in the drafting of a letter. The very letter that brought her to the Council Citadel
Today. It would have made sense for an invitation to reach her, there was to be a festival of course, but why was it addressed to her specifically? The message had been left for her with the Guild proper, meaning that someone had gone through the effort to find her specifically, and not just send a copy pasted message.

But why?

That was the only thought on her mind as she looked up to the citadel, it's tall spires casting a shadow over the slick black Visor between her and the outside world. She came armed and armored of course, as any Mandalorian should whether they follow the creed or not. There was some hope that she wouldn't be stopped by security, seeing as there were other mercenaries participating in the festivities, though she did her best to keep her posture relaxed and non-threatening just in case. No need to draw undue attention, more so than her armor would at least.

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Dorian And his droid would be notified that their "Guest" had arrived, Dorian Being a minor Member of the council due to his status had guards, and a spy here and there. It was more then enough eyes around to tell him everything he needed to know

He mad his way to The Mando Who had already attracted unwelcoming eyes from a guard or two. Her armor and weapons made them feel very uneasy, and they were ready to bite if need be. This was a place where weapons were not allowed, unless under very certain circumstances.

As Dorian would get closer and closer to The Mando, that he personally sent the message. A since of darkness, but not evil could be felt by even her. It would not be long before he could be seen, Granted his tall droid would make it far easier to spot him, as it never left his side without his word. He was a tall, dark-haired and tanned skinned man, dressed in finer clothing. It seemed closely inspired by old Imperial Fashion. Long sleeves, and tight edges. Not something that was designed to be comfortable. His saber hung proudly off his side, only slightly covered by a dark cloak. Something he added to the clothing himself.

He would make contact with the Mando girl

"I humble myself by welcoming you to the main hall" He said, With a slight respectful bow "I am glad the "Golden Girl" did accept my invitation" He called her by the wrong name, Likely a mistake by passing rumor's getting her name wrong, or maybe it was purposeful. If it was he hid it well.

TAGS: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla
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The young Mandalorian had become used to the staring by now. Most days, it felt good to be considered the most dangerous person in the room- but others- it was quite... isolating. Most wanted nothing to do with a Mandalorian, and even other Mandalorians were just as likely to be standoffish towards anyone wearing the gleaming Beskar on their own path. Such is life, she mused, pretending that it meant nothing to her.

Though, a new concern indeed rose in it's place, completely dashing her thoughts away as an uncanny feeling came about her. Something... Dark. Something... strangely familiar. In a way, it reminded her of Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua .
But... No, It couldn't be. Could it? This feeling wasn't quite as overbearing. Not some tempting voice playfully dragging clawed fingers across the back of her mind. No, this presence- though powerful indeed to be felt my a clone with no connection to the force- was not presented as a threat to the soul. Not yet, anyway.

She turned towards the source abruptly, as if the presence really did call to her even so, spying only the hulking droid above the crowd at first. It wasn't until the two had properly emerged that she could affirm her theory that this was in fact not Adeline. A disappointing affirmation, though comforting in it's own right.

Not today, Tae'l. Not yet.

"I humble myself by welcoming you to the main hall"

Her mysterious host announced himself at last, prompting a slow nod from the Mandalorian, if only to be polite while she took her measure of the man. Admittedly, she hadn't done much research into the local politicians, So as embarrassing as it was- She had idea who this man was.

What she did know, was that this strange presence seemed to become more potent around him, and that his dark attire was similar to that of the Zakuul nobility whom she had seen once or twice before. There could be no doubt that he was a powerful man, and in more ways than one. The small glint that appeared to be a lightsaber on his belt only confirmed as much.

"I am glad the "Golden Girl" did accept my invitation"

"Hmh" She chuckled almost inaudibly, tracing the grip of her golden gun with a leatherclad pinky, now having some idea as to why she was here "And to what- or to whom- do I owe the pleasure of this invitation?"

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"And to what- or to whom- do I owe the pleasure of this invitation?"
He replied quickly to her question, watching her trace the hilt of her gun with a smile. His smooth, deep, and sweet voice was both oddly out of place, yet was perfect for him "My name is Dorian Tarkin, Heir to House Tarkin and the throne of Zakuul, and many other titles that befit me" He seemed annoyed at the amount of royal and other titles that he had. "And this here is Cole" He introduced his droid, which he seemed to hold in a high regard.

"Would you rather we get right into business, or would you like if I offered you a drink" He asked her simply wondering what kind of girl she might be. It was not hard to tell that every interaction between them from now on would be a test, starting small of course.

TAGS: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla
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She regarded "Cole" with a simple but polite nod as well, knowing enough to reason that a droid with it's own name and a master's respect must have been around long enough to gain proper sentience. If this were the case, then she was perhaps in the presence of two living people, and not just a man and his electronics.

"Cole, and Lord Tarkin. Like the grand admiral of the Clone Wars? Willhuf Tarkin I believe? A grand Moff after the war. It seems that both our families have some history to them" Perhaps her mother's obsession with the clone wars would come in handy after all.

"Tae'l, of- Clan Vizsla" She paused very briefly, considering how much to share of her ties to Mandalore.

"Would you rather we get right into business, or would you like if I offered you a drink"

Though it seemed that Lord Tarkin was more aware of the Mandalorian Attitude than she initially thought, and though thankful, she was slightly embarrassed to have assume his interest in small talk like most Aruetiise of his station. This was about business after all.

"Ah, The drinks can wait"

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"Cole, and Lord Tarkin. Like the grand admiral of the Clone Wars? Willhuf Tarkin I believe? A grand Moff after the war. It seems that both our families have some history to them"
"Willhuf Tarkin Was Born on the planet Eriadu, My family is not anywhere associated with him, just a Similar name" This was the truth, Nowhere in his family tree was he related to the Tarkin war hero, or criminal, Depending on who you ask.

"Tae'l, of- Clan Vizsla"
"Clan Vizsla, I am very honored to have one of your noble house in my presence" Another bow from him as he has heard stories, as well as respected the clan name and house

"I hope you can walk and talk" He turned his body to the side and did start to move a bit away from some of the more crowded areas of the great hall. He would of course wait up should it be needed

"Is it stated in the message you got, I am looking for one of skill, you see my father has been" He paused for a moment trying to find a correct word, but failing to find something adequate "...Different recently, and I worry for his safety, However I do not require you to guard him" His hands were clasped behind his hack, hidden by the large cloak "I am looking for an operative I can trust, Can I trust you, Golden girl" There it was again, the wrong official name, Was it was intentional, or perhaps it was simply a mistake. But now it was less sure if it really was. Maybe it would be a nickname?"

His droid would walk behind them if she chose to walk by his side, his droid seemed to move and act just as nobly as Dorian

TAGS: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla
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Funny to think this was the first time her House had earned respect since leaving the watch. Perhaps in their newfound victories, the Enclave had forgotten those who came before? So many ancient and proud clans were lost during the war, even among the enclave's own ranks. Sometimes she had to wonder; How long before I am the last?

Nevertheless, she bowed her head in kind, and followed beside the Heir of Zakuul.

"Is it stated in the message you got, I am looking for one of skill, you see my father has been" He paused for a moment trying to find a correct word, but failing to find something adequate "...Different recently, and I worry for his safety, However I do not require you to guard him"

Does he want me to kill him...? She thought, her mind ever preparing for the next episode of violence as if it had never known anything else. Or been given the chance, at least.

"I am looking for an operative I can trust, Can I trust you, Golden girl"

No, more likely he wanted a spy or sorts. someone flexible to act as his eyes and ears- or blade- should the need arise.

"I value both our Discretion," she answered plainly, coming to understand just how serious this matter must be. "I will honor whatever pact we make. But, I don't come cheap..."

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"I will honor whatever pact we make. But, I don't come cheap..."
"Money is little issue for myself, I can offer you half a million credits now, more so if you do a good job" He keepted walking till they reached a small hallway, one void of the guest, and other life "The Job on the other hand, I need information, and a few extra eyes here, But most of all I need someone who would do my bidding, things that I would rather not do myself." He paused for a moments as if he hated the idea "Killings, spying, and much more anything on a whim. I sense a war coming, and I would like to win it if possible"

The area around them was dark, and his façade dropped a bit. It was not evil, but rather the need to be prepared for anything. His own mind, while something he was trusting less and less with the days, would still serve him. Had he not been suffering his illness, his plague he would be happy to do everything himself. But now he needed the help of hunters, and all who would take his credits, to ensure that his will be done, even if he was going insane each passing day
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"Half a mil?" She hummed sweetly, coming to a stop in the secluded hallway. She stood still for a time, listening carefully as the air seemed to change around them. Whether it was the force or just a gut feeling, who could say? But Tae'l could see the same paranoia in his eyes that she saw every time she looked in the mirror... He was trying to stay one step ahead of the game too, always fighting to survive in a galaxy with only one promise: Violence.
"Killings, spying, and much more anything on a whim. I sense a war coming, and I would like to win it if possible"

"You need someone fast on the draw then," She leaned against the wall, mulling it over while traced the gold and wood of her pistol grip again.

"Okay... I'll play... What's our first move?"

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"Okay... I'll play... What's our first move?"
"I have already hired one similar to you already, A local gunslinger from Tatooine, Good potential, First goal would be to meet up with him if possible, Otherwise I do have a simple task, There is a draconian Shipment of Draconian Steel Heading to a trading partner on "New Cov" I need you to over see the shipment and the tradeoff, It is highly important"

He did not want to seem like he was talking to a child, but he knew how important this task would be, His shipments have been under raids from pirates which would normally steal the powerful resource. "My guy can meet you there to help if you need it"

TAGS: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla
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"Draconian steel?" She had heard a few things at least, enough to know that it was rare and therefore valuable, though she'd never seen it up close before. Supposedly it could "heal" itself if the rumors were true. Otherwise, she knew very little about the world she'd be calling home for the remainder of this contract.

In all honesty, there were better options to oversee trade in her opinion. Having been to Draconia for only a few months and bringing an... Aggressive stance toward negotiations, it her hope for a swift drop off with very little haggling involved.

But, Lord Tarkin's money was as good as any- if not better- and so she would accept regardless.

"I'll take care of it. Anything I should know before I arrive, or will your man handle the briefing in person? Can I trust his judgement?"

There were many gunslingers on tatooine. Though there were at least a few dozen less after her last visit. In truth, Adeline was the only gunslinger of tatooine to earn her respect over the years, and that was a very high bar for the average moisture farmer or thug to reach for.

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"I'll take care of it. Anything I should know before I arrive, or will your man handle the briefing in person? Can I trust his judgement?"
"My man can handle the briefing, More or less your there to scare, Most will think twice about attacking a convoy where a Mandalorian is around. He will also have more jobs for you, I'm sure"

He did need the help, and it would be true that she would be busy for the half a million that he promised,

"I can also offer you a room at 'Helex Tower'" The Helex Tower was on of the better hotels on the richer side of the Urban City, Where much of the rich patrons would gather while on the planet. "Just don't bring any 'Company' for the first few days, if you accept"

TAGS: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla
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She would tilt her head the updated job-description. With this man preparing for war, she half expected intrigue- rival operatives- something that would yield a complicated contract. But by the sound of things, She was fighting pirates and other lowlifes with a will for violence but not the same knack for it. If anything, this would be simple! Enough of a challenge in numbers for her liking, but predictable enough in her opinion.

"I can also offer you a room at 'Helex Tower'"

"Just don't bring any 'Company' for the first few days, if you accept"

"No playmates in the public eye, Got it" She nodded, almost amused- though understanding- that her character warranted the clarification.

"I do accept", she answered with a satisfied nod "Though I've one last question; How do I contact you if needs arise? Or do I work through your man. He my "handler" or something?"

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"No playmates in the public eye, Got it"
"I guess you could call then that sure" He noticed her amused smile "Although If someone was of high rank, such as myself for example, I'm sure none would care" Was this a bit of flirting, he certainly was. Even if it was very empty and maybe he did not really mean what he would say. However he quickly went back to his personally again
"I do accept", she answered with a satisfied nod "Though I've one last question; How do I contact you if needs arise? Or do I work through your man. He my "handler" or something?"
"I would prefur you don't contact me unless it is needed, While I do like talking to pretty women and fighters, I do have many others to talk to. Jessie,err...Kaiser as he liked to be called will act as the quickest way to contact me when you are off planet, so you can call him a handler" He was glad she would accept his offer "I do have one last thing, Fight my droid" He simply just stated to her, with very little waiting time

TAGS: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla
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"I guess you could call then that sure" He noticed her amused smile "Although If someone was of high rank, such as myself for example, I'm sure none would care"

"We're not talking prisoners, are we." She said, curiously tilting her head to the side.
Tae'l genuinely lacked the experience with relationships to accurately judge this as flirtatious or not, though it earned her curiosity. Her silence was in part due to her being unused to the notion rather than being uncomfortable, though she hadn't a clue how to react.

"I would prefer you don't contact me unless it is needed, While I do like talking to pretty women and fighters, I do have many others to talk to.

"Even your hirelings?" Now it was quite clear, though she hadn't the time to react now, which was likely of Damion's design.

"I do have one last thing, Fight my droid"
A split-second pause was followed immediately by the roar of a Jetpack carrying her sidelong into the hallway and out of the nearby droid's reach, Cybernetics translating her own thoughts to digital command of her armor quick as any droid could command themselves.

By the time she landed deeper in the hallway and stood to face the droid, Her sensors had already acquired a lock that was fed directly to The Golden Gun for which she was named. Then, throwing her weight back to preemptively point the holstered gun towards the enemy, she simply tilted the gun up out of it's leather and held down the hammer with her other hand, immediately prompting the high-power cylinder to begin spinning as several
Sea green lasers sped towards the droid in a smoking display that left heat distortions in the air behind them hot enough to test the defenses of even Beskar. Every shot seemed to be targeting it's center mass in accordance with the powerful targeting computer, practically aiming itself for the Mandalorian as she began a slow march towards her target.

Clever bastard...!

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While Dorian Did not mean for the fight to start this instant, and instead planned for a small area battle where it would start of a bit more fair, this would have to suffice, as it seemed a bit to late to stop the fight. Dorian shifted to the side as to not be in the cross fire, his hand behind his back gave the impression that he was unworried about how the fight would turn out.

The droid would quickly open a small shield that would deflect all but one of the blasts. Only one would hit the droid in the shoulder due to the shield becoming red and soon dissipating with the damage of the blaster rounds. The beskar inlays with the armor would make sure that very little damage would effect the droid. The charred armor would not even have a dent. The droid would quickly take out a lightsaber pike that extended from a compartment in its leg, and charged at the mando. Any follow-up shots would also be deflected by the yellow blade the droid had. It moved as fast as most other jedi.
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While it was true that she had quite literally jumped the gun, it had scored her the first hit, and perhaps spoke to the gunslinger's ability to take initiative or respond quickly to threats. Or simply a learned paranoia.

She was just as quick to activate her own Wrist-shield
as the droid rapidly closed the distance, bathing the hallway in blue and golden light that clashed like the two warriors who cast them. As it was a one-way shield, Tae'l had pressed her blaster through it, leaving only the smoking barrel exposed as she indeed followed up with another torrent of blasterfire, only to watch it deflect pitifully off the lightsaber, eliciting an annoyed growl from the Twi'lek.

A lightsaber, huh?!

She'd have to get creative, though she supposed that was the point. This was a test after all.

As the droid neared, her shield expanded to cover the entire torso, and she thrust it outward in an attempt to bat away the lightsaber blade with unexpected strength for a woman of her size. Her
cybernetically enhanced muscle replacements would come into play now.

And while she had the shield up still, She would wait until the droid strikes to slip the barrel through again- firing at one of it's leg joints.


The droid was agile, surprisingly so. Just as sudden as the charge started, it stopped. The droid's first attack would of course jumping up to the wall, and quickly, launch itself from the wall and into the mando, attacking with the blade of the saberstaff. The yellow blade hitting the shield,

As soon at the droid was back on the ground, it would take a stance and start to provide quick pokes with the saber, to gauge a weakness in the mando's Defence. The stance, the jabs, and the attack's seemed almost jedi like. Eleagance and grace were certainly noticeable for now. The droid new this was only a test and was not going to go all out on its current target.

While it made pocking attacks it was preparing for any attack that she may make with its legs and feet. Talon like blades made from songsteel, would erect from the back of the droids legs. Much like a raptors talons.

TAGS: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla

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