Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public "This is just the beginning..."

ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ

Her shots were doing nothing and she needed to come up with a plan B, fast! Her weapon was powerful enough to melt through the beskar armor but only with concentrated fire, but the droid was moving too fast to achieve this precision alone. In truth, she'd never fought a droid quite like this before, and encountered only a few Sith during the war.

It appeared to be a mixture of many advanced forms. The stance with which "Cole" wielded the saber reminded her of the Samara 's pike techniques, but the way he jumped from the wall was similar to her own Mandalorian martial arts. Now it had bladed feet that were almost animalistic. Trying to feel out her opponent was turning into a nightmare! He must make for a valuable bodyguard indeed.

Luckily, Tae'l's own fighting style was equally obscure. Though it incorporated some well known Mandalorian technique, it had developed around her own unique needs for a near-lifetime.

Perhaps it was brutish, true. But was it effective? She'd soon find out.

She knew that the only way to defeat this thing would be to chip away at it little by little. They could go for hours if needed- certainly the mechanical body of her foe could- but it would have to be death by a thousand cuts. Starting with the legs, which would likely slow the droid down to her speed or at least give her some small reprieve.

With a newfound determination, She lurched forward with her shield up, angling it to parry the lightsaber away from herself while opening a shot with her
smart-rope at the droid's upper legs, which would hopefully wrap around at least one of the thighs so that she could throw it off balance by jerking the "rope" with the a strength enhancing Crushgaunt.

If the gambit paid off, it had the potential to open the droid's defenses long enough for Tae'l to land more shots into Cole's knee with a hope to weaken it for future attacks.

To achieve this, She abruptly leapt back a few paces with her jetpack, using the inhuman strength of her crushgaunt to pull the rope with her, gambling on that desperate bid to knock him off balance.

Tragic Writer Tragic Writer

The 6'5 Tall droid would be an expert in the weapons and equipment it possessed, the saber pike included. expert moved would make this unit extremally deadly to even jedi and sith. Good thing a Mandolorian could also match that of jedi.

With a newfound determination, She lurched forward with her shield up, angling it to parry the lightsaber away from herself while opening a shot with her smart-rope at the droid's upper legs, which would hopefully wrap around at least one of the thighs so that she could throw it off balance by jerking the "rope" with the a strength enhancing Crushgaunt.

While the smart-rope did not hit exactly where she may have wanted it to fire, it would be no less effective. The rope would wrap around the droids lower leg instead of it's thigh. The pulling of the rope with the artificial strength would indeed pull the droid down, and off balance for a bit. The droids chassis would hit the ground before the droid was able to ajust to its new position.

However quickly if nothing would happen while it was on the ground, C.O.L.E would almost launch himself of the ground with its arm's, dropping the saber staff to do so. If it was allowed to get to this point, it would retract a fairly large sword like blade from its right arm to cut the wire cleanly, and land back on the ground and activating a small energy shield, similar to her own once again. The shields current color was yellow, but was slowly changing to become more blue in coloration

TAGS: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla
ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ
Seeing the droid come crashing down, Tae'l fired another burst of high intensity plasma at the droid's knee again, hoping to build up enough heat to wear it down wear down the surface and weaken it for the next attack. However, she cursed as the droid leapt to it's feet again, and suddenly cut itself free.


She kept firing as the shield came up, realizing that it would become quite the obstacle if she missed the chance to dissipate the energy field.

That was when she noticed the Lightsaber on the ground, which C.O.L.E. had traded for a hefty blade of metal. It would be difficult, and the risk of being wounded in the attempt was undoubtedly high, but a rare opportunity had just presented itself...

Taking a deep breath, She lunged forward into a sudden sprint, heavy boots of leather and metal thundering with every stride. Once half way to the droid, Tae'l raised her fist to belch a stream of superheated plasma from her gauntlet's
Plasma-castor. If she targeted it's face then- even if temporary- perhaps she could blind it?

While doing this, She slid across the floor by dropping to low, raising her shield above her head to fend off the droid and suddenly boost her speed with the jetpack, Sliding towards the discarded lightsaber at high speed in an attempt to grab it!

Tragic Writer Tragic Writer
Zinayn folded his hands behind his back and approached the grand ornate double doors that led into the rather impressive building. He’d heard on the Holonet that Draconia was having an economic crisis. However, according to the media, some lord or somebody was going to “change” everything for the better. The Gray Jedi was skeptical.

But he’d decided to go to Draconia anyway and meet with this miracle-man. He now was standing before the doors, and two heavily armored guards crossed their pikes in front of the entrance. “Halt! You cannot enter without approval from Tragic Writer Tragic Writer himself!”

Zinayn sighed and hoped this Damion would come to the door quickly, before he had to perform a mind trick on the guards. Or worse.

“Alright, just tell him it’s Zinayn. The Chiss,” he said. He had no doubt that the Draconian had heard of him before. A man of his status had to have some eyes and ears in a lot of places.

He placed his hands on his hips and waited.

Tragic Writer Tragic Writer Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla

Tae'l raised her fist to belch a stream of superheated plasma from her gauntlet's Plasma-castor.
Cole Was quick to react to the superheated mass of mater Raising the shield to met with the heat. Expanding the shield to met the requirements needed to block the heat and mass. However due to the much larger area it took, as well as the amount of heat, the Shield was dissipated quick quickly, Turning from its bring yellow to a deep red, before shutting off completely

Even if the heat hit the droids "head" it would not fully blind it. The circle in the middle would act as a secondary set of sensors and eyes. Seeing that the Mando was going for it's pike it had little care. The songsteel blades would be more then enough to deflect any blade that she would have, as well as incorporated into it's armor would be nasty surprises for those who would be willing to try such an attack

“Alright, just tell him it’s Zinayn. The Chiss,”
As the fight went on Two of Dorian's Elite Guard would walk into the hallway. At first surprised by the fight going on, but as long as Dorian was calm, So were they. In fact Dorian Was watching intently the fight that might have to soon end, before it even began

"Sir A Chiss has come to see you, Goes by the name of "Zinayn" Stated one of the guards to a distracted Dorian

"Huh...Oh yes yes The "Grey Jedi", Please take him to my office I will be there shortly, make sure he is well taken care of"

Very few words were saied before Dorian went back to watching the little test, he was giving the mando. He knew his droid could take her, easily. But he did not want to destroy any of the walls, lest part of his reputation, and family fortune be reduced

TAGS: Tae'l Vizsla Tae'l Vizsla Zinayn Zinayn
A minute after he arrived, the guards came out and gestured for him to follow. They took him in through another set of guarded doors and into a luxurious chamber.

Zinayn took a seat in a nek fur high-backed seat and looked up at the tray a servant brought before him. He grabbed a water out of the dozen other drinks.

“He will be with you shortly,” one of the guards said.

“Excellent,” Zinayn replied without turning around. He would take that time to study the room for exits, entrances, and possible secret trapdoors…

Tragic Writer Tragic Writer
ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ɢᴜɴ
Tae'l snatched the lightsaber from the ground with little resistance, turning around to face the droid again as she held the saber out to keep some distance between her opponent and herself.

It was easy! too easy...

Though subtle, The droid had kept it's defense up even while "blinded" and therefore should have countered the moment she got close enough to steal it's equipment. This meant that it could not only see her, but also did not regard her stunt as a threat. Tae'l certainly doubted it to be a miscalculation on the droid's part, which made it's apathy all the more disturbing.

Though it made sense. Her infamous Golden Gun, a weapon that could pierce even beskar, hadn't left a mark just yet and her attempts with a blade or to imbalance the imposing machine had been mostly fruitless.

She was running out of ideas and the test wasn't going her way even if she was uninjured, for now. But she still a card or two to play.

Activating the lightsaber-staff in her left hand, she suddenly swung overhead to get the droid's attention, hoping that it would attempt to parry or at least be momentarily distracted. Simultaneously, She draw a PK-45 Disruptor pistol fin her right hand, quickly firing a broad bolt of Sonic energy at the droid's mid-section in another attempt to knock it down or test it's defenses for a follow up attack.

If that didn't work, she would be out of options that didn't risk collateral damage or forfeiting...

Tragic Writer Tragic Writer Zinayn Zinayn


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