Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This is The End


Well-Known Member
Nyx said:
What is RP? Stories. What's one of the best elements of a story? Death.
I have no problem killing my characters, provided their death is meaningful and relevant to their arc.
I haven't killed any of my characters since I joined this board, but before that, when I was just writing fanfiction, I did it quite a bit.
For me, the best stories are the ones without happy endings, bittersweet to downright bad-guys-win. And that usually ends with the main character face down in the dirt.

So one day, when I have decided Nyx's story has reached it's end, she will die. She will die spectacularly, and everyone will love it.
As long as my writing partners are cool with it.
What interests me are sundry types of characters. There is the desire to right all my characters going down or out in a blaze of glory, but I am equally interested, probably more interested if I search within myself, about tracing the path of an honourable person through their slow gradual decline into dishonour before meeting their end alone, in an alley ODed on something cheap and nasty...

...or perhaps a vicious evil warrior with dreams of galactic supremacy who dies as their Empire burns, or falls on their own sword while pursued relentlessly after one glorious failure...

I am done with heroes and villains. Bring on the nuance.

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