Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This is where I introduce myself, isn't it?

Hello there?

This is the basic awkward situation where you post without knowing who will respond... While I'm brand spanking new to Chaos, I'm not exactly a noob in roleplaying or forum things. I have like twelve minutes of forum and three sessions of RPG behind me, but I wish to be a bit more implicated than this.

So here I am, and I don't know really where to begin... Maybe start looking for a group? How I see my character, it'd be an ultra-imperialist, a Palpatine fanatic... Or whatever is relevant in this timeline. If anyone happens to play Imperials in the Core, well hit me up and we can start like this.

Dimitri Voltura

Crance Kef Crance Kef not Imperials over there. Only the Galactic Alliance who have the New Jedi Order (who is currently under attack by the Brotherhood of the Maw)

Closest thing to the Galactic Empire of old is probably the New Imperial Order which more closely resembles the Fel Empire. You can check them all out over here. You can also check out the map that shows all the major factions bar one new one on the board currently.
Dimitri Voltura

Since it's offered so kindly, I'll jump on it. As I said, I'm considering throwing a character into ultra-imperialism somewhere in the Core or Deep Core. Do you know any people I could write along in these territories?

Ultra-Imperialism you say? Like Dimitri said, the Core is dominated by the GA and SJC but...the BoTM has a subfaction known as the Final Dawn who are basically the people behind the Brotherhood (Its kinda a cool backstory tho) and want to take over the entire galaxy once more.

Considering I (this character) lead the Imperial Remnants in the Core, I just thought this info would be useful


Crance Kef Crance Kef welcome to Chaos :) As mentioned above there's a subgroup in the Maw that are big on Imperial stuff, as well as other groups on the forum like the New Imperial Order. Lots of opportunities for those Imperial-types to grow on Chaos.
Hello there?

This is the basic awkward situation where you post without knowing who will respond... While I'm brand spanking new to Chaos, I'm not exactly a noob in roleplaying or forum things. I have like twelve minutes of forum and three sessions of RPG behind me, but I wish to be a bit more implicated than this.

So here I am, and I don't know really where to begin... Maybe start looking for a group? How I see my character, it'd be an ultra-imperialist, a Palpatine fanatic... Or whatever is relevant in this timeline. If anyone happens to play Imperials in the Core, well hit me up and we can start like this.

Welcome to Chaos!

I see you have been introduced to some of the major factions on the board, but there are many imperial groupings, big and small. I would suggest jumping into the SWRP discord server to find out more.

Most of the stauch imperialism is in the outer rim atm, as a democracy holds the Core systems. Of course, you could always fight to change that from within.
And I represent the Spirit of Christmas Faction Haters, who tells you to be wary of literally all of these dudes shilling out their factions. My advice would be to roll solo and not join a Faction, it's easy enough to sit in the LFG forum and get roleplay threads.

It's probably faster, actually. Faction shillers just want you to sit in their discords and accomplish nothing like the rest of 'em.

Anyways, welcome to Chaos!

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