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Creatures of conjured smoke appeared around the room. Tain, kneeling in a spot that only had one other acolyte nearby, saw three of them turn towards her and cock their heads in a peculiar manner that was familiar to Tain in the worst way. A chill wound up Tains spine as she watched them float slowly nearer, their forms nebulous.Darth Hauntruss said:"Woyunoks hadzuska koshûjontû. Dwomutsiqsa!"
Darth Hauntruss said:"These Dwomutsisqa...ancient Sith Magic conjured Smoke Demons. Shall be your first test." Hauntruss lent out a hand and the creatures responded with immediate obedience. "I want to see how much of the force you can muster to save yourselves. For only in the very abyss of danger can the deepened submission to dark side be cultivated." Hauntruss than strode up and clasped her hands behind her back. "You no doubt speak of how as a darksider you control you anger and fear....Hiss hiss hiss...When your training is complete...You will know fear. Like no other. All you must do...is survive."
As the Sith Master spoke, the three Dwomutsiqsa that had oriented on her began to shift into a shape that went with that familiar cocking of the head. One moment they are floating slowly towards her, the next they are stepping down from the air in unison, all in the form of her Stepfather. Pasty white skin stretched over a form that was once supremely muscled, and was now a little less so and more bulky due to liquor and food than working out and discipline. All three were dressed alike, starkly white undershirts tucked into the black pants that had once been a part of the mans Imperial uniform. The cuffs on the bottom of the pants, hanging over bare feet, were in a state of disrepair, pieces of thread poking out here and there from holes worn in the fabric. All three strode forward, that sickly, drunken smirk painted on all three faces; knuckles popping as first one hand, then the other were cracked and stretched.
"You cannot be here..." She said as she stood and stepped backward. Her form and face hidden by robe and mask, no one could see the sweat begin to form, nor her eyes widen. She tried to hold onto her anger, and not let the fear grip her stomach. "I killed you. You raised your hand for the last time over a decade ago." Her reasoned speech had no effect on the three forms of her stepfather. She took another step back as they split apart, two going to the sides to pen her in as the one in the center kept striding forward slowly. "My elbow went through your chest. I broke it on the wall behind you and walked away as your corpse was still cooling." The edge of fear crept into her voice, her throat becoming heavier with emotion as she took another step back. "You said you would break my mother for sleeping with her Sith boss...you said you would break me for being born." Her voice went up several octaves and tightened as her breaths got shorter and faster. Her heart started beating harder. Then she yelled, "I broke you! Against the wall and on the floor, beat your family nevermore. Never raise your fist on high, for at my will you did die! Never knowing fear your self, I threw your body through a shelf. And as your blood and body cooled, even mother could not be fooled. For fueeld by anger, hate and fear, my latent power did appear!" At this point, anyone looking at Tain could see the red glow of her eyes through her mask, a biological gift of he who fathered her. Her voice had reached fever pitch and the last few lines of her impromptu poem were screamed at the top of her lung. As she finished, her breast filled with the anger, hate and fear that had suffused and empowered her on that day long ago, she pushed out and struck at the creature before her with the Force. The creature was slammed backward, flung meters into the air and against a pillar. Its form puffed into black, roiling smoke and floated down tot he ground to reform.
The other two slid in on her sides and she felt familiar fists drive into her body again and again. At first, she was taken by surprise, there had only ever been one before. The cracked part of her mind, however, didn't care. It only wanted to defend her being until it could get a shot in. As the fists slammed into her sides, she pulled her elbows in close to her sides. She found the rhythm they had been using, and was able to take many of their hits on her arms instead. She stepped forward, dipped her head into a roll and came up a meter away from them. They moved swiftly back to her side and resumed pummeling her. She let out a scream that rippled with years of anger, hate and fear boiling over. No longer thinking of defense, the young woman turned and grabbed at the smoke demon to her right. Her hands went through air and she stumbled through its form. Instinct had her roll forward again and turn a she stood into a fighting stance. As the rage and fear danced through her mind, she realized that she couldn't physically harm these creatures. Her stepfather would have to be defeated, three fold now that the first one was back on the scene, with only her will and the Force. She went into a dipping, dodging maneuver as she stoked the fires of her hate and fear, preparing to battle with the Force instead of fists.
[member="Darth Hauntruss"] | [member="shuduc macar"] | [member="Elensa Jari"] | [member="Akuma"] | [member="Nulgath Zardai"] | [member="Melori Raaf"] | [member="Sage Bane"] | [member="Wolf"]