Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This planet is nothing but a hellhole…

Sometimes silence spoke volumes in a way that words never could. For once Maja shut up whilst her companion clearly thought. It wasn’t entirely natural for her, but she managed it for a short while before Sena spoke.

And then it was clear the conversation had ended. Maja looked outside at changing scenery. She found it…odd. She was used to space which – by and large – remained unchanged but for the subtle differences in constellations. Which to her were as obvious as the move from a bustling metropolis to scenic mountains.

And the transport stopped which suggested they’d reached their destination. Maja looked upwards at what looked to be a temple. Nodding slightly, Maja realised they’d be making the rest of the journey on foot. In fairness the temple didn’t look that far away – but it was a steep climb for sure.

“A steep climb. You don’t say?” Her voice was a blend of sarcasm and genuine humour. “If I said I was part mountain-goat, you know I’d be lying, right?” She shook her head slightly. “But unless there’s a cable car on the other side, I guess we don’t have a choice.”

She pulled out a candy bar from her bag and took a big bite. “I think I’ll need the energy. After you…”

[member="Sena Lassiter"]
“After I what?” Sena promptly shook her head as she caught the meaning of it. “Oh right.”

After setting her first foot along the steps of the steep staircase leading up to the temple there was little Sena could do but carefully motion at her travelling companion where to place her feet. Sure, here and there even she nearly tripped as loose pieces of stone, but that was what was expected. The climb wasn’t anything if a bit bruising.

In truth there was another and easier way up, but the main issue was that Sena didn’t really feel as if she deserved it. It was just the way it worked. An acolyte was never supposed to be comfortable, not really. Discomfort bred a want for more, and a want for more meant she could focus on the means to get there. The means to get there was through the anger at the displeasure. In short, a self-inflicted paradoxical circle.

It took them a while, but eventually they reached the top. The towering pillars let their braziers light up the dark of the setting sun as the girls walked along the tiled path leading up to a smaller staircase atop of which a great temple stood. Each thud underneath the soles of their boots carried them closer.

Sena caught sight of a hound approaching and for a second she freezed up. It quickly turned around and went another way, but not before the obvious damage had been done.

“Hounds. Training partners.” Several of them. At the same time. “They terrify me.”

[member="Darth Zilti"]
Maja paid close attention to where Sena was walking. She was a little disheartened that even the person that came here often was finding the footing a challenge but she soldiered on. It was a steep climb but one of the benefits of being Vahla was a lighter frame, so she was able to move with relative ease and the warmth generated compensated for the extreme cold.

She stole a glance at Sena – who almost seemed to be enjoying the climb – despite the difficulties faced. There was just no accounting for people.

On reflection she’d say they reached the top after a short climb. But here and now she felt it had taken forever and never wanted to do it again.

She took in the sight of the temple now. The setting sun made it look picturesque as they walked along the tiled path and then a staircase before they finally reached the level the temple was on.

Maja sensed a presence and clearly Sena did too. Then she recognised the hound from that icy planet and saw her companion freeze. It soon headed away and Maja nodded at Sena’s words.

“Training partners? Right. And why precisely do they terrify? Just for…you know…future reference.” Maja now glanced around furtively. Something about them spooked the other girl and so until she had their measure, Maja decided to give them a wide berth. “So, do we knock or something?”

[member="Sena Lassiter"]
“They attack out of nowhere with ferocity like few.” Sena looked to Maja. “It’s how my master has chosen to teach me saber combat. I am honored by that alone.”

The duo approached the grand gates of the temple. It looked big and clumsy which wasn’t too far from the truth. All around them the dark side of the force seemed to be blooming out in joy, reaching for the pair as they approached the gate. A stray hand raised itself towards the portal out of habit as the girl utilized her inborn gift to telekinetically open the door.

“We got a greater tool for getting doors open.” She let the doors go wide open before letting go of her grip and let the doors drift back into a closed state. “The priestesses are up ahead.”

The acolyte carried the two along the hallways until they finally reached a great chamber. The torches along the walls and the reverb of the entire room brought an eerie mood over all of it would encompass. The darkness that seemed to encircle them in this very location was just an added bonus.

“Priestess.” Sena knelt down. “We seek you.”

A top of an elevated stage a black-haired apparition slowly turned around to gaze upon Sena and @Maja Vern with a calculating look. Her small, skinny form slowly extended itself in a sweeping motion with her arm.

“What do you seek of me, acolyte?” Her dark voice called out. “Who is this that you have brought?”
The Sith in general had an odd system of honour. Maja herself was regularly beaten to within an inch of her life by her first Master and her second gave her with a burn scar that covered almost half of her back. Character building some called it. Proving your worth, others said. Yet Maja knew she’d be the same when it came to her own Acolytes when the day came. The Dark-side will devour those not worthy of wielding it – so the lessons had to be fierce and lay waste to the weak.

Maja wasn’t sure what she expected, but this building lacked…grace for a better word. It seemed functional – but at least there was the delicious flavour of the Dark-side, she could almost taste it on her tongue.

The doors moved aside and talk of priestesses piqued her curiosity. The place simply felt isolated and empty. The thought that others would be there hadn’t even entered her mind.

They trod the hallways in silence until they reached a large room. It was lit by simple torches that cast a preternatural glow to the area. Although it was stone underfoot, to Maja it was like walking on tendrils of the Dark-side that could be coaxed to form serpents at a moment’s notice. It felt like Tython in this regard, or Lake Nath on Ambria. The very substance beneath their feet felt like stone formed from the very Dark-side itself.

Maja didn’t bow as a rule. It felt wrong somehow to defer to anyone. But in keeping with her companion she knelt in a similar fashion. She was keen to speak to her companion as tow what she should do but before she could, ahead of them a black-haired apparition slowly turned around to gaze upon them. Maja felt she was being appraised and remembered the feeling from her first meetings with her two Masters. It was uncomfortable.

“What do you seek of me, acolyte? Who is this that you have brought?”

Maja wasn’t sure if it was for her to respond or not. But she could keep her tongue no longer. Even when alone she talked non-stop. “I am called Maja Vern. My true given name is Pluvia and my family name is unknown…” Sharing this information felt natural – even though only her sister and Master knew of her true first name. “I am Vahla, as is my sister Silara – who is known you you I believe. I think…no, I know it is my destiny to serve the Ember and humbly request the opportunity to do so.”

She glanced sideways at Sena. She was used to talking but not making speeches.

[member="Sena Lassiter"]

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