Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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This planet resonates with the dark side of the Force…


She’d done her homework. The planet in her dream was Dathomir. It was an obscure planet in the Outer Rim Territories, located in the Quelii sector. The four moons had been a major clue. The mention of the Witches of Dathomir had obviously helped and the name [member="Petra Cavataio"] had sealed the deal.

As she piloted her ship, she knew she had to head for the mountains. Even from her dream she remembered how inhospitable the place was and that landing close to…well wherever she was heading was not possible. So she entered the coordinates for a landing spot that was at least near to where she’d estimated her planned destination to be. A few kilometres across hazardous icy mountains in rancor country. What could possibly go wrong?

So she landed and wrapping up for the cold, she checked and holstered her trusty blaster and headed off in the general direction she hoped the camp would be.

She made good progress early on but realised that despite walking for a solid hour, the undulations of the ground meant she hadn’t travelled as far as she initially suspected. Relying on her hearing, she listened for any worrying sounds but against the whistling of the wind and the crunching of her boots, she heard nothing of note. Certainly not the rancor that was stalking her.

How she missed the eight-metre creature was anyone’s guess. Once or twice she felt at risk, but her still primitive connection to the Force afforded her no insight as to the real danger. Then, crossing a narrow path across a shallow ravine, she slipped and fell. She cursed her luck and her bruised behind; she could only be minutes from the camp now. Dusting herself off, she felt the pain in her ankle. Probably just a sprain but it would make climbing out of the hollow she was in more challenging – but not impossible. Grabbing a candy bar from her bag, she took a big bite and was suddenly aware that it had gotten very dark, very quickly. Looking up she saw that the sun was now being blocked out by a collection of fangs and claws – all of which were attached to the largest rancor she’d ever seen.

As she stared into its beady eyes she reflected that here she was, looking to prove to her sister how smart she was and she was just thankful that her sister couldn't see her now.

Her predicament was…unfortuitous! If someone was going to swoop in now to save her skin, like Bane did for Rain back on Onderon, now would be a good time.


[member="Maja Vern"]

Sunlight reflected off the snowy peaks as she had begun her journey across the mountains to return to her village. Her mind had been on her future and the omens the clan mother had seen. The Stormsisters were few, Daedel was still a young Initiate and they needed resources they didn't have to grow. Nikala, the clan mother, however, proclaimed that would soon change.

She had just crested a hill when she saw the rancor tracks. The large prints were unmistakable and from the way the print laid, the heavier indent on the heal than the toe, said it was stalking. A smile crossed her face as her eyes scanned the ground and found the tracks of another. The tracks were smaller, a woman by the shape, and carrying a pack by the set of the feet.

She pulled a small hair from the ground and smelled it. The hair smelled of a fruity substance, an off-worlder then. She crawled forward inspecting the rancor tracks again, also female, and large but still young and unbonded. Daedel began moving along the tracks until she could she the Rancor moving like a ghost despite its size. Her grin turned from amused to predatory as she decided to try and take the rancor herself. Her feet padded forwards a few steps as she whispered words of power and then streaked forward with blinding speeds, she needed to get in front of it and meet its eyes to establish dominance so with that in mind she lept the small trail to face the beast. To her surprise the off-worlder was on her backside staring death in the face. Another quick word and the spell to speak to the creature's mind settled on her.

"My prey." She told the beast in the form of a growling deep in her throat. The beast rumbled a response and placed its hands on the ground.

Daedel snorted and looked at the other woman and held out her hand.

"She likes you." she said with a serious expression, "You are lucky. She is beautiful."
Well that was…unexpected.

Maja stared up for what seemed like an eternity, expecting either to be lunch or for the naked woman from her dreams to save her. She made a mental note to rephrase that thought if she ever had the chance to re-tell this story.

And then this woman appeared and started growling at the beast before somehow subduing it by some means before turning her attention to Maja. As the woman held out her hand, Maja scrambled to her feet and wiped her palm on her jacket before taking the other woman’s outstretched hand – although she wondered if it would be dirtier after they touched.

“Beautiful, yes, if you’re a male rancor I guess. But lucky, that’s only when you came into the picture, believe me.” She absent-mindedly took another bite of the candy bar in her hand before spitting it out. It had been on the ground and was covered in small stones and dried grass. She considered opening a new one but decided better of it.

“It is…yours?” she asked, pointing at the rancor, “Or do you have this control over all of them?” Maja’s mind was working overtime. She was clearly facing a Witch or a Nightsister – and she had to be wary how she approached the situation, given their diametrically opposed views over the use of the dark-side.



[member="Maja Vern"]

She stifled a laugh as the girl took her hand but could not hold it as she spit the candy to the ground. Her eyes scanned the girls face and she cocked her head to the side. She looked from the rancor to the girl and back and wondered at the fact the beauty of creature was not evident. Strong musculature, steady arch of the back, strong bones, and clear eyes...what was not there to not find beautiful, perhaps off-worlders had different standards.

"This one likes you. She would not accept me." Daedel said in a thick basic accent, "do not you have rancors on your world?"

She looked at the girl's clothing and body openly obviously appraising her and shook her head. She looked to the sky and then to the girl again.

"We must find shelter, storms of Dathomir do not treat kindly those that do not know them." She said before grumbling something to the rancor and getting a rumbling response, "Rancors speak, they understand, she says she will carry us to my village but first shelter."

Daedel walked to the rancor and put her foot on the creatures bent knee then climbed to sit on its back.

"Come we haven't much time."
Maja wasn’t sure if the girl was laughing with her or at her, but she brushed it off. And then shook her head. “I don’t have a world. I was born…actually I don’t know where I was born but I was raised on freighters and never stopped in one place for more than a few days.” She reflected that since her sister had found her, she’d remained a nomad, her quests taking her from planet to planet in quick succession.

“But I’m glad she likes me, better to be eaten by someone that appreciates you eh?” She stifled a desire to pat the creature – she liked her limbs too much to risk petting it, and turned her attention back to the girl, but with a wary eye on the creature.

And she noticed the girl appraise her clothing and finding it…wanting, before checking out the sky. And then she climbed up on the rancor’s back! Maja was no coward but to go from first course to rider in the matter of a couple of minutes felt strange. But she went with it. She walked up as confidently as she could stood on the bent knee and swung herself up behind the girl.

“I’m Maja by the way.” She hoped her voice was steady.



[member="Maja Vern"]

"No world?" Daedel echoed in disbelief. How could one not have a world? Off-worlders were so strange. "A nomad then and seeking something, no?" She held on to the young cow rancor as she moved down the mountain. Already clouds heavy and black like dark wool billowed across the sky and the first sounds of thunder rolled forth in their wake.

"Perhaps better to do the eating." She said with a slight up turn of the side of her mouth. A lopsided grin that left a great deal of room for interpretation. "I am called Daedel."

The merry duo were carried upon the back of the great beast for a hundred meters or less when the rain drops as big as berries began to fall. The frigid water would not take long to soak them through. Daedel pointed through the drops to a large opening in the side of the mountain and looked back at the girl.

"There we can wait out the storm." She patted the mount and held on as it started toward the cave and walked inside just before the rain became violent. She kicked her booted foot over the beast head and slid down to the ground and gave herself a shake before she began pulling off her outer layer of cloths.

"Can you create fire, Ma'ja?" She asked taking for granted that the other girl had powers. She began to spread her cloths and her pack out on the rocks to dry and began gathering anything that they might be able to burn.
Maja nodded but realised that sitting behind the girl, she would not see her. “Yes, a space nomad. At seems I am a Vahla. My sister is a Vahla but that is the only connection I have. But that denotes my race, not my birthplace. And I seek…my name. At least I used to. When I found out my sister had a different name, I tried to find out what mine was but there are no records. Or at least, no way to trace my record without my name. So I guess I am stuck with Maja. But then I am used to it, it serves its purpose.”

She was relieved they found the cave so quickly – as the rain would soak them through in a matter of minutes and even to her untrained eye, it could only get worse. Her dismount was less graceful than her companions but she at least kept her footing as she slipped off the beast.

As the girl began stripping off, Maja was poleaxed. Her control of the Force was minimal. Or rather the abilities she had been taught were very few. She shook her head, but drew her blaster. This ought to do the trick.

She placed a handful of dry twigs near the exit of the cave and fired on them, facing outwards. At the second attempt, the blaster bolt generated enough kinetic energy to set the kindling aflame and she dropped it carefully on the makeshift fire Daedel was building. Maja took off her sodden coat and placed it over a nearby rock and then sat cross-legged in front of the fire. She grabbed a candy bar out of her bag and then returned to take another and offered it to the girl.

“Thank you Daedel, your intervention back there was timely. I was looking for a clan – but Nightsisters or Witches I do not know. I have dreams you see, and they often tell me useful information. Sometimes I see my sister, wherever she is in the galaxy. Sometimes if I seek something, they give me an insight. And one night I saw Dathomir and knew I had to come here.”



[member="Maja Vern"]

Daedel frowned at the blaster bolt and the noise but said nothing. They were not in Nightsister territory worse they were in Singing Mountain clan territory. The fact would not occur to the other woman and Daedel had not told her. The burden was on her own shoulders if the AllaAllyans had heard.

She listened to the talkative girl and the feeling that the gods were involved in this grew with every sentence. Fire light danced in her dark eyes and heat warmed herfurrowed brow. She sat cross-legged on the rocky ground and rubbed her bare arms idly.

"Visions?" She said looking up at the other woman and meeting her eyes. Her intense gaze holding no hints of doubts, "Dathomir calls to you and the winged goddess led me to you. This is a good omen. I am of the Stormsister clan. We are nightsisters. I too have visions of the stars and worlds I do not know...our fates are tied I think."

She sniffed the candy and took a small bite then looked back up at the girl.

"What do you call this?!"
OK, Maja now knew which side Daedel was on – and was pleased. Her own leanings were more inclined towards the Dark-side and so this could prove very fruitful.

“At the moment I have little control over my visions. I am linked to my sister it seems but otherwise I just have dreams and visions and sometimes they are no more than images and other times they mean something. Like the one that brought me here.”

She smiled as the other girl took a nibble at the bar. “It’s called candy. It’s very sweet and I’m sure they’re bad for you – but I like them.” She smiled and opened her bag to reveal at least a dozen bars in there. "It can come in different flavours but this is my favourite – vweilu nut butter in chocolate.” She smiled again, “I guess there are no local shops here to buy any from, eh? So what do you eat?”

[member=Daedel] / [member="Maja Vern"]

Numbers were not in the favor of the witches. Time was being a harsh Mistress, and it left some fleeing. Grim and depressing had the matters of the world become that old mindsets had returned. This made things even more difficult to improve. Still Petra was grasping at everything to just rebuild her witches to what she had seen them before as. A time when they were a united force that stood against the best and traveled among the stars to worlds they were influencing.

However, time and fate did their thing while Petra was away. It was why she was always on the front line. The witch had to show those that followed her how it should be done. Not an easy feat for many, but she had to do it. Something had to change and being a wrecking ball was a skill of hers. That was why she was on foot traveling the Lands of the Witches. Numbers of patrols and scouts were down and she could cover that as people like her daughter, Lauda handled the small clan issues until she got back.

Through the rain, Petra kept moving forward. Safety from outsiders was the goal and territories faded away in that goal. So being on the so call other side of the land was not abnormal for her. She only made sure her impact was less than near her home. There did come a sound that was abnormal. It perked Petra’s ears and her gaze glanced about. Going to the top of the hill, she was walking on. A better look out point gave her what she needed to know.

The last hill before the mountains, it allowed for the light in the cave to be seen. Not desiring to waste time with steps in the pace of walking. Petra dashed with the force aiding her. Moving quickly enough for the rain to remain still in the air, but that also made the droplets string like little pebbles impacting her skin. She did slow down before reaching the cave. There was no need to just rush in and cause a major scene. She had other ways that were more amusing to her.

Petra simply walked like nothing was going on as she caught the last bit of what Maja said about candy. A grin and sweet words, the witch added as she looked at [member=Daedel]. “Of course candy is bad for a witch, little one.” Then Petra sat down, dripping from the rain, yet she did not mind it at all. Her gaze shifted after she came to a rest towards [member="Maja Vern"], and she just grinned at the outsider.
Maja’s jaw dropped - it was the woman from her dream. If there was ever any doubt she should be her, it had evaporated like the rain on the clothes currently lying in front of the fire.

“I…um…that is…candy, yes. Bad for your teeth I think. But…I mean…um…hello. Did you know I was coming? You see I was drawn to this planet and didn’t know if it was a two-way thing. My sister and I can share dreams you see, I don’t know if you saw me or it was just me that saw you. And…do you two know each other?”

Once she’d regained the gift of speech, the words babbled like a spring stream and just when you would have thought they wouldn’t stop, she promptly closed her mouth. And then she grinned a wide smile. “I’m Maja by the way.”

[member="Petra Cavataio"] | [member="Daedel"]
[member=Daedel] / [member="Maja Vern"]

As Maja asked her questions, Petra simply leaned forward towards the fire. Under her breath a couple of words were said, and then she blew lightly at the flames. They grew into a more proper fire that the witch needed to dry off. Looking at Maja then to Daedel and back, Petra learned the name of girl that regained speech. Though it was cute, a nice remained to her daughters when they went shock and awe.

“Well, Maja… let’s start off with me being known as Petra, and answering your last question. No, I don’t know the other witch here. It is her aura that tells me she is a sister of Dathomir while you aren’t.” Petra nicely said. There was that feeling she used to have when around another group that she was part of but she was going to play her hand closely in that regard. On the other side, she was going to have a little crazy appear in the next go around. “For your dreams… visions and all you want to call them… “ A small pause was laid there, and she continued, “I don’t get visions… the force and I disagreed over a vision so I beat him up and sent him on his way. He so loves to lay a little piece of truth in an endless sea of lies.” Then Petra chuckled.
Maja nodded and shot a glance at the other girl, to see if her face reflected what Maja was thinking.

The red-head was impressed with the magic that generated fire – and wondered (as she always did) how she’d managed it. It didn’t seem like the Force was used – or at least not in a way she understood it. This seemed different – and the use of words was clearly important.

Maja followed the part where the woman introduced herself as Petra and the fact that she didn’t know Daedel made her wonder if they were simply members of two different clans or different viewpoints. Her understanding of the dynamic between the Nightsisters and the Witches was sketchy at best.

And she definitely understood the part about Petra not having visions and seemingly not connecting to the Force – or at last that’s think that’s what she said. So she gave that neutral smile you do when you don’t want to offend by asking someone to clarify or repeat what they said.

“So…Petra...the fire thing. How do you do that if your not on speaking terms with the Force?” Maja was a straight-talker, that much was obvious.

[member="Petra Cavataio"] | [member="Daedel"]
[member=Daedel] / [member="Maja Vern"]

There could have been a million and one answers to answer Maja’s question with a sane explanation. Of course it was Petra so all of those were ignored for her own answer. “The fire was enhance with magick, dear… lovely Dathomirian power without the use of the force. But don’t get it wrong, I might not talk to the force. It is still my slave… bending to my will as we speak. I don’t look this way for nothing. Oh I do use the force for other things but in my book it is inferior to magick. So it is just a slave for my amusement.”

Petra chuckled softly. She could reveal her true appearance but it has scared others in the past. If that act was done, she would give some warning before doing it.

"So what do you know of the force, dear?" Petra asked to get a better understanding where Maja was with her knowledge.
Maja was intrigued by the question. Her knowledge was broadly theoretical, driven by her quest of the crystal that was to take her to Nar Shaddaa next.

"My understanding It is a Force that surrounds us and not everyone can access it." She felt she was on relatively safe ground so far. "There are those that see the Force as either Light or Dark and command great power from it, but only being able to access one or the other aspect of it. And then there are those that look to embrace both sides - who benefit from a wider access to abilities - but who cannot use either as deeply." This is where her views were at best sketchy - based on one conversation with the leader of the Order of the Grey.

"Or something like that..." she added and grinned. "Do I pass?"

[member="Petra Cavataio"] | [member="Daedel"]
[member="Maja Vern"]

Well everyone was allowed to have their view on different subject matter, and the force was one of those subject matters that had many upon many views. To Petra, she just wanted to know what Maja knew. Because of that, it was a fine answer. Of course, Petra remarks had truth to it but it was fine. “Something like that indeed, dear… but that answer sounds like a middle of the road, non-committing like person. However, it matters not. I got what I desire so to the next thing. The vision that led you here… do share the details.”
Maja spoke as if having dreams like hers were commonplace. “I was on Kashyyk, and was having persistent dreams a woman. She was bald and had markings on her face. One time I heard her speak. ‘I am fear. I am the queen of a blood-soaked planet and an architect of genocide. I have helped to crack the galaxy in half with this war and conquered every enemy I have ever faced—including death. All except for you.’

“Then I had a new dream, a voice said, ‘But during your time away, you must not forget what Dathomir has given you. Although space is cold and empty, Dathomir's wilderness is lush and rich. It may be years before you return, so never forget the place that birthed and nurtured you—you will always be a Nightsister.’ And then the dream changed and I saw a planet. It resonated with the Dark-side of the Force. I saw four moons and the land was beautiful – in stark contrast to the aura I could feel. And it felt oddly undiscovered. Known yet uncharted. And then I saw beautiful snow covered mountains, the tops hidden by whisps of cloud. And despite the harsh nature of the elements I knew there were people there. And one woman in particular. Brown hair and eyes, i could see her going about her daily duties and then chat to someone. And i heard her name. Petra. And I was…um…that is, um…aware that the woman was…sort of...naked?”

Maja blushed and avoided eye contact with Petra. She’d forgotten the details until the re-telling.

[member="Petra Cavataio"] | [member="Daedel"]
[member=Daedel] / [member="Maja Vern"]

“Well…” Came from the witch, it was a little odd to hear something that detailed. Petra had heard all sorts of visions and dreams, but they had a vaguer message. She knew more time was needed. Being in Allyan territory was not big issue, it was more the outsider might be an issue when scout parties came.

So stood up and went to the entrance of the cave. It was pouring still with the storm going strong. This did not concern Petra. She simply said loudly with a commanding tone laced with the focus of the force. “Sula esibhakabhakeni ngalokho Ngifisa manje ... Qeda manje ngayala ngokuba nginguJehova Unkulunkulukazi.” The storm became even more thunderous. The witch focused on the energy of the elements. She gave the same commanding tone with the force coming forth from her words. “Sula esibhakabhakeni ngalokho Ngifisa manje ... Qeda manje ngayala ngokuba nginguJehova Unkulunkulukazi.

As the water stopped falling from the sky, Petra turned back to look at Maja and Daedel. “We're going to move elsewhere and speak about this on the way.” She stepped out from the cave and walked into the sun light. The shining light that was appearing while the clouds faded into nothing. A clear sky to enjoy a walk from mountains of Singing through the lush forests to the mountains of Morte.
Maja was intrigued, surprised, amazed and itching to learn - all at the same time. "That was...impressive," she managed. "I know I can use the Force - I have already, but I don't know how I connect to it, it seems to happen when it wants, not when I want. Your command of nature was...incredible."

As she spoke, she put on her outer garments again. They were still slightly damp - but in the sunshine there was every chance they would be dry in a matter of minutes. Maja glanced at Daedel, who clearly saw this as commonplace and she wondered what other mysteries the Force held - and more importantly what she could learn.

"Oh, and where are we going?"

[member="Petra Cavataio"]
[member=Daedel] / [member="Maja Vern"]

“There are many ways to use the force… The Jedi have their mediation, the Sith have their passion, others have idols and so on. The Witches have their spells to use the force which were developed after the Jedi known as Allya arrived on this planet. That’s why we view those spells as part of Allyan magic and not Dathomirian magick” Petra had started off with as they walked. She was drawing the line between the spells that used the force and those that used the spirit ichor. They were different and had their own rules. One rule was broken but Petra always viewed the rules never applied to her since she was never consulted about them. She add at the end, “Commanding nature is part of the teachings but those that follow the Book of Law wouldn’t have stopped the rain since it was naturally created. So we are going to my home.”

Now the vision was on Petra’s mind. There had to be a little truth for her to pull out of and why a vision was created to be aimed at her. So starting from the beginning, she probed for the information. “If you and your sister share visions… how do you know it was not her vision and you are just a viewer?”

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