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This Time It's Not A Fight! (Lords of the Fringe Dominion of Yalara to 175 posts)

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
He blinked. Not only had she, in about 5 seconds, completely shattered his illusion that he was Elijah Rowlin, she had also given a (not really) accurate description of his relationship to her, and had completely verbally disarmed him.

He blinked again. "Er, yes. But don't spread it around. Some people would get....riled..." He could feel his ears begin to burn. "And your name is?"

@[member="Rave Merrill"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@Samanthe Quiwl

The fighter's hatch kicked open, and, with an eardrumshattering BEEEEEEWHEEEEEEEEEEP, the Harbinger of Desolation levitated out of the hatch and made for Sam's arms like a cannonball.


Oh Mistress! Let our wheels be slick with the blood of the innocent! Behold my gift to you, the product of my labors at Roche -- the finest starfighter ever created, and an equal with that of your Master!
@[member="Ashin Varanin"]

Something came squeaking in over the sublight transceivers. Just a ghost of clicking signals, coalescing into grey static and white noise that poured briefly through channel protocols. A brief, unseen haggling between communication personnel and the interrupting presence interloping on the system edges. Finally, a technician muttered upwards at an approaching lieutenant, who in turn spent a second moment of one-sided argument. ...The man's expression paled a moment, then turned to address Admiral Karrde's turned shoulders.

"Ma'am? A transponder's been detected on system's edging... Or what seems to constitute one, given the lack of documentation. ...Says a gentleman or so is eager to know whether or not our presence here is... confrontational. He's adamant on having a brief word, so goes his language. With your leave, ma'am..." He uttered a small apology and depressed a holokey on his wrist-comp.

The channel bleated with static, before a soft, curt voice broke over. "Why are you here?"
The Lord Admiral turned his gaze towards the Optio. "I'm sure the engineers have explosives; more than we have, probably."

A controlled explosion was a good idea. It would allow the crews to gather the smaller plates and check out the undamaged circuiting if it wasn't destroyed in the explosion,

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya smirked to herself. Oh, she had forgotten just why she enjoyed Ashin so much.

"Don't bring a girls hopes up to crush them, Admiral. That's not a fair game now is it."

A series of coordinates began transmitting back to the Chimera.
@[member="Elijah Rowlin"]

"Oh, dono't take it personally, kid," she said, though biologically he had like ten years on her. "I'm the personal assistant of the man who knows everything, and I mean everything, about your situation and that of your wife. I'm called Rave. Like I said, I helped make her body. Helped get you free from OP, too. Also, amuzingly, I was once put in a bikini and thrown in a room with your wife to prove whether she had the self-control to become a Master."


Professor of Alchemy
Valik wasn't largely available for such high speed conquering and efforts, but he still wanted his presence and support ne known, if only to save a bit of face. So he sent a bit of a message to @[member="Ashin Varanin"], to affirm his support.

I can't attend your conquests at present due other issues I need reaolve, but I would like you to know I have a strong idea for a tool or two you might deem useful. If you have the time, I will craft you a symbol that illustrates your power and position, and perhaps have some nice benefits as well. If you could spare me a bit of resource I might also manage to make another silent blade, but that'd admittedly secondary in priority at the moment.
"It bothers me that people would rather continue to build war weapons than search for something the planet has to offer. There has to be more meaning to Aeten II than stygium. Either way, I agree lets see farther."

Spencer pondered the race that Velok had mentioned, she had seen one before this and she quickly remembered the reasoning behind it. Tilting her head, she didn't think the Noghri originated on the planet. It would be something she would have to research later, the man of course gained great attention. As they fast forwarded in time she looked towards Velok. Wonder if now would be a time to question him.

"Ashin thinks I'm some sort of chosen one...Any thoughts as to why or where she got that from? I'm just a kid from Dathomir."


Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
"Oh, Apoleia, I'll bruise more than your hopes..."

Her attention turned to the incoming transmission. Her jaw tightened. "I'll take this one privately," she said, rising from her throne. "Reroute it to my ready room."

Once inside, she took a seat and responded in a voice that did not belong to Ashin Varanin.

"Two reasons, @[member="Seroth Ur-Rahn"]. One, because this world has more stygium than anywhere, and it's been recently rediscovered. But mostly, two: Because this is the only way we can expand, and this is as far from Omega as we can draw lines without provoking them to push their edge of the Neutral Zone closer towards us. This is a line that has to be drawn, galactographically speaking. Why are you here?"
Sargon nodded as he heard the repulsors off the drop ships before he saw them. With the arrival of the engineers and scientist this place would turn into a bevy of activity. "Permission to set up some AA on those cliff walls, Lord Admiral? The planet is a bit to active on the comms for my liking and not nearly secure enough for this type of find."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler

Master Valik-

You've always done right by me, and those plans sound fascinating. It appears this world has stygium, and you know stygium better than anyone. I think we can do business, old friend.

At the young legionnaire's words, he craned his neck to peer upwards at the elevated position offered by the mountainous terrain. "You have my blessing, Centurion Vynea."

It wasn't an official promotion, just a field promotion to give him the needed authority to carry out independent operations and get things done. In short, Dranok had just made him a playmaker.
@[member="Elijah Rowlin"]

"Succinct," said Rave drily, her hands never pausing. "Suffice it to say, yes, that was me, and yes, your wife got rather friendly. I overplayed my hand and she wanted back in control, so I eased off and had her eating out of said hand. Never got past a moderately intimate massage. Then Velok busted in, had her go off to try and start a war between the Confederacy and the Protectorate, and so forth and so on. Wants me bad, your wife does. Sorry about that."

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya pouted as the the Admiral trailed off.

"Please do, Admiral." she muttered in response.
Sam's eyes lit up, it had been some time since she had seen the wonderful little blood thirsty droid. She held the mouse droid tightly as she nuzzled happily with her steed of doom. Looking over towards the ship she grinned and recognizing the layout of it.

"This is why if I ever had to love something it would be you Doomrider. I think its time we take this baby for a spin and blow something up."

Still holding MSE, she climbed into the star fighter and looked around. She wasn't the best pilot and she flipped a few switches and let the starfighter come to life.

"So Doomrider, lets see if you can find something for us to kill and slick your wheels with the blood of innocents?"


Well-Known Member
Zaiden plummeted from the skies, his StealthX programmed to land itself nearby, connected to a Droid Brain that could remotely control the ship. He had spotted @[member="Dranok Lussk"] below himself, just a little ways from where he was. So without a second thought he had simply commanded the ship to land itself, opened the cockpit and leapt over the side. Pointed like a bullet, with his arms and legs held taught, Zaiden shot faster and faster.

Soon enough, Zaiden was forced to use a Force Push in the same fashion asa safety net. As soon as his feet touched solid dirt, Zaiden's own pace matched the man's, "Admiral Karrde sends her regards, I'm here to assist in the locating of the scout team." He said calmly, the fall was nothing, and more so he respected the swiftness Dranok had become a Master, thus would not seem disheveled.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Spencer Jacobs"]

"Simple enough," said the Dark Lord with an immense shrug, as they walked through time and watched the jungle overtake the ancient shattered stygium. There was more than plenty available, broken though it all was. "I can't say for sure, but your origin, coupled with your absolute focus on balance, may mean that the prophecy of the Chosen One may actually refer to the return of the Je'daii."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@Samanthe Quiwl

He buzzed and twirled in his mistress's lap, blaster nearly discharging with joy.


Mistress, I believe we must eviscerate a small camp of hunter-gatherer-warrior types perhaps fifty kilometres southwest of here. Please. Please. Please.
Sargon simply stood for a moment in surprise at the Lord Admiral. It was a battlefield promotion and he understood such things weren't permanent but what he also knew was this let him get the defenses he felt were needed in place. ::This is Centurion Sargon Vynea to fleet command. I need AA guns mounted on the cliff sites around the structure. I also require an update on my HUD connection to command software. Please be advised to expect heavy traffic once this structure comes down for the arrival of the stygium.::

"Thank you, Lord Admiral, I simply consider it a matter of pragmatism to stay prepared and ahead."

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