Disney's Princess
The OP now regards Post 15 as the definitive reply to his musings and encourages all readers to view it as well.
Recently I noticed a difficult discussion about how to best approach 'peer evaluations in regards to Tier 3 (Master Rank Title Permissions). Here is fun except of thought that hit me. Read and discuss at your leisure. It's mostly me just talking out loud. And note. This is not meant as a correction or suggestion to how we already play the game. It is an invitation to see a brighter future. A world with less discrimination, segregation, and with a greater freedom in writing. A world where the Report Button really is all we need.
Tiers 1 - 3 (Apprentice, Knight, Master) are just one of the last blight's chaos has yet to rectify in a long history of player discrimination throughout the PbP genre. Tiers exist to make PvP exclusive, separate players into castes, and keep 'power' away from new members. They promote pride, exclusivity, selfishness, hazing, and dominate bad goal setting habits.
Yet. Most players absolutely demand them.
Compare NFUs. They require no such PvP exclusivity, separation of powers, caste systems, and power gaps. All NFUs have discovered the Great Freedom. That all writers are created equal. Therefore, all their characters are also equal. All things being free according to imagination.
I won't comment about which writer gets to sit in which private club. I won't comment about how writers demand to practice segregation. But I will comment about the dangers of appeasing false gods for the sake of tradition and our own blind lust for fictional titles and delusions of grandeur.
The day when Tiers 1-3 no longer exist on this board, is the day when Force Users stop being OP, voting is no longer necessary, and we all see each other for what we really are. Equals.
Down with FU Tiers 1-3. Up, with all characters being made equal in the eyes of their creators. PvP included.
Don't hate the players. Fix the game.
For clarification's sake, the tier system is not canon. It is a website mechanic.
It is also not a necessary website mechanic. There are no necessary website mechanics beyond what Tef builds for us. I think we often put our own limitations on this website. Limiting ourselves in thought or remaining ignorant about the code and the server. And please note, The Report Button covers all abuses of power. People already do play Tier 3 characters with zero development towards those powers. I am one of them. [member="Karen Roberts"] (Tier 3) has 0 development threads. Zero. Nada. None. I received Tier 3 because I was chosen as a competent writer amongst my group of peers. Not because I grinded, gained xp, appeased a Faction quota, had 50 dev threads, used a Cash Shop Item, or leveled up my MMO.
Advancement to Tier 3 in many Factions is simply a process of hazing. Compare again, no NFU must endure this process of peer evaluation. Only the FU community demands to self evaluate it's members based on 'magical prowess'.
To continue. No 'power' or 'ability' or 'space magic' requires development. This is an illusion. A farce. A status quo. Created by members to give themselves the illusion of advancement within a space fantasy. The only real qualification for writing a Force Adept is having an imagination and a keyboard.
Returning to 'powers' and 'development'. Compare The Factory. No 'tech' or 'gizmo' or 'firearm' actually requires development. The Factory is an optional experience. You many equip or facilitate any 'power', 'tech', or 'gizmo' at any time. Abuse of power is always, and already, covered by the Report Button. No NFU requires 'development' to utility a 'power'. They only require a writer, an imagination, and a keyboard. Only the FU community demands such a practice.
Again. Please note. An approved submission in the Factory does not exempt said item from the practice of abuse. Approved items can still be 'abused'. Only the FU community still believes that a vote of confidence exempts a Tier 3 writer from abusing their space magic. It doesn't. Human nature to the contrary.
What we perceive is not real. We are interpreting Website Rules to fashion our own fantasy. So are many Factions. They see only in: Master and Jedi and Sith. They do not see in: Writer. They see only in: Exclude, Govern, Control, Segregate, Evaluate. They do not see that equality is already here. We are all the same.
A Master Vote isn't real. It's a tool of discrimination based on unquantifiable and fictional criteria.
Recently I noticed a difficult discussion about how to best approach 'peer evaluations in regards to Tier 3 (Master Rank Title Permissions). Here is fun except of thought that hit me. Read and discuss at your leisure. It's mostly me just talking out loud. And note. This is not meant as a correction or suggestion to how we already play the game. It is an invitation to see a brighter future. A world with less discrimination, segregation, and with a greater freedom in writing. A world where the Report Button really is all we need.
Peer Evaluations in regards to Tier 3
Tiers 1 - 3 (Apprentice, Knight, Master) are just one of the last blight's chaos has yet to rectify in a long history of player discrimination throughout the PbP genre. Tiers exist to make PvP exclusive, separate players into castes, and keep 'power' away from new members. They promote pride, exclusivity, selfishness, hazing, and dominate bad goal setting habits.
Yet. Most players absolutely demand them.
Compare NFUs. They require no such PvP exclusivity, separation of powers, caste systems, and power gaps. All NFUs have discovered the Great Freedom. That all writers are created equal. Therefore, all their characters are also equal. All things being free according to imagination.
I won't comment about which writer gets to sit in which private club. I won't comment about how writers demand to practice segregation. But I will comment about the dangers of appeasing false gods for the sake of tradition and our own blind lust for fictional titles and delusions of grandeur.
The day when Tiers 1-3 no longer exist on this board, is the day when Force Users stop being OP, voting is no longer necessary, and we all see each other for what we really are. Equals.
Down with FU Tiers 1-3. Up, with all characters being made equal in the eyes of their creators. PvP included.
Don't hate the players. Fix the game.
How the Admins shuffled the deck: A Website Mechanic?
For clarification's sake, the tier system is not canon. It is a website mechanic.
It is also not a necessary website mechanic. There are no necessary website mechanics beyond what Tef builds for us. I think we often put our own limitations on this website. Limiting ourselves in thought or remaining ignorant about the code and the server. And please note, The Report Button covers all abuses of power. People already do play Tier 3 characters with zero development towards those powers. I am one of them. [member="Karen Roberts"] (Tier 3) has 0 development threads. Zero. Nada. None. I received Tier 3 because I was chosen as a competent writer amongst my group of peers. Not because I grinded, gained xp, appeased a Faction quota, had 50 dev threads, used a Cash Shop Item, or leveled up my MMO.
Advancement to Tier 3 in many Factions is simply a process of hazing. Compare again, no NFU must endure this process of peer evaluation. Only the FU community demands to self evaluate it's members based on 'magical prowess'.
To continue. No 'power' or 'ability' or 'space magic' requires development. This is an illusion. A farce. A status quo. Created by members to give themselves the illusion of advancement within a space fantasy. The only real qualification for writing a Force Adept is having an imagination and a keyboard.
Returning to 'powers' and 'development'. Compare The Factory. No 'tech' or 'gizmo' or 'firearm' actually requires development. The Factory is an optional experience. You many equip or facilitate any 'power', 'tech', or 'gizmo' at any time. Abuse of power is always, and already, covered by the Report Button. No NFU requires 'development' to utility a 'power'. They only require a writer, an imagination, and a keyboard. Only the FU community demands such a practice.
Again. Please note. An approved submission in the Factory does not exempt said item from the practice of abuse. Approved items can still be 'abused'. Only the FU community still believes that a vote of confidence exempts a Tier 3 writer from abusing their space magic. It doesn't. Human nature to the contrary.
What we perceive is not real. We are interpreting Website Rules to fashion our own fantasy. So are many Factions. They see only in: Master and Jedi and Sith. They do not see in: Writer. They see only in: Exclude, Govern, Control, Segregate, Evaluate. They do not see that equality is already here. We are all the same.
A Master Vote isn't real. It's a tool of discrimination based on unquantifiable and fictional criteria.