Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Thread? Thread? Thread?

Cedric Dorn

Okay, lets do it. Three threads, private, public, skirmish, faction, whatever. Come on peeps lets get some stories going.

Alright but seriously. Since my fight with @[member="Mikhail Shorn"] my muse for Diana has absolutely sky-rocketed, i got myself an apprentice and now i would like to do more threads. Would anyone like to run into me somewhere? Or perhaps collect the bounty on my head? Or meet a famous Ballerina? Or the Jedi that killed Velok? Or the Jedi that nearly died on Ossus but is totally awesome cause she didn't?

Come oonnnnn.

Cedric Dorn

Nope nothing at all hence why i posted this up.

There's lots of story potential however, i love open threads the most so i would like to do something on that side of things. Perhaps we could all go chase after the same thing? Three different factions(Circe for Sith, Noah for OP, Diana for Jedi) chasing after something?

Cedric Dorn

Cool, give me a few hours to think of something cool for us to chase after and then ill put up a thread.

Cedric Dorn

In this one? Absolutely, though remember you would be a Hutt in Sith Space.

We can also make another thread where we do other stuff :)

Cedric Dorn

Kel Dor are rather noticeable @[member="Reth Dros"] so i doubt that he would be sent on this mission to The Wheel

Perhaps a private thread between you and I where Diana teaches you a bit or they go and do something else? Not as an official Master mind you(I only take on one apprentice at a time) but still, a thing or two can be taught.

Cedric Dorn

Its called an open thread for a reason ^_^

Just you know, be discreet like i am since you're a Jedi.

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