Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Threads of the Underworld


The Criminal Underworld of the Galaxy is filled with scum of varying sizes and influence; each trying to crawl their way to the very top to live a life of opulence and want for nothing. But be careful in such a pursuit of power as you will need to stave off your rivals and avoid the assassin's bullet from your many enemies.

You may one day became the head of a major crime syndicate; controlling thousands of worlds and millions of loyal men but they can one day supplant you on that comfortable throne. Or you may vie for the position of 'King of the Underworld' with a list of people wanting to kill you longer than anyone could have imagined.

One such scum of the galaxy is none other than my brand new character 'Grangga the Hutt' who desires such power and influence.

I am looking for interactions centered around the criminal underworld be they smuggling, sentient trading, gambling, piracy, drug running...the list is a mile long of activity in that department. Or if we are brave enough to profit off of the Recent War with the Galactic Alliance and the Mandalorian Enclave.

Also looking to make connections with both Sith and Jedi as well; or generally force users.

Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Qelluart Dagge Qelluart Dagge

My Ithorian merchant/smuggler Jerec's been a fixture in the Denon underworld for ages. Long rap sheet, long list of stuff un-caught-for, assorted minions, doesn't answer to anyone. I don't think he's a full blown Crime Lord but if you need to know a guy who knows a guy, he's the guy your guy knows.

Jace colis

Jace colis is my senator for the galactic alliance and a crime boss / info broker. He doesn't deal in sentients and prefers to deal through intermediaries to protect his position.


The Criminal Underworld of the Galaxy is filled with scum of varying sizes and influence; each trying to crawl their way to the very top to live a life of opulence and want for nothing. But be careful in such a pursuit of power as you will need to stave off your rivals and avoid the assassin's bullet from your many enemies.

You may one day became the head of a major crime syndicate; controlling thousands of worlds and millions of loyal men but they can one day supplant you on that comfortable throne. Or you may vie for the position of 'King of the Underworld' with a list of people wanting to kill you longer than anyone could have imagined.

One such scum of the galaxy is none other than my brand new character 'Grangga the Hutt' who desires such power and influence.

I am looking for interactions centered around the criminal underworld be they smuggling, sentient trading, gambling, piracy, drug running...the list is a mile long of activity in that department. Or if we are brave enough to profit off of the Recent War with the Galactic Alliance and the Mandalorian Enclave.

Also looking to make connections with both Sith and Jedi as well; or generally force users.

Oh this seems great! I will have to pm you with ideas, have a number of characters but need to figure out which ones may fit into threads. Probably not Salis. Used to she'd fit fine but not anymore.

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