Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Three Simultaneous Invasions - History

Does anyone remember this blog post:

I remember this blog post.

If you don't, here's an excerpt from a message Tefka sent his own RPJs upon being given notice of three simultenous invasions:

I implore the SWRP Chaos Staff Team to read this wall of text in it's entirety. I personally apologize ahead of time, for what it's worth.

Today, the One Sith has received 3 requests for Simultaneous Invasions.

This report is linked to only one of them, but I have provided snapshots of the first posts of all 3 for your viewing, including a Skype discussion held with the leader of the Removed just last night. The context of this discussion is not relevant, I believe, as I am using it to make a point which will be provided in my conclusion.

2:37 PM EST Today, First PM Received (Removed): Removed.
3:21 PM EST Today, Second PM Received (Removed): Removed.
7:57 PM EST Today, Third PM Received (Removed): Removed.

1. We are willing to negotiate all other aspects of the invasions and provide concessions as is the standard in this "give and get" discussion, but we are now and forever unwilling to be the voluntary target of or allow ourselves to be involved in an Invasion that pushes for the same time frame as another Invasion, as this is getting a bit ridiculous.

2. As stipulated by all parties, RPJ Alli Wren's ruling of alternating parties to decide the Invasions is still in effect, allowing us to dictate the OOC terms of the Republic Invasion.

3. The main reason behind the idea of simultaneous invasions is mostly to give a huge advantage to one side. It's not inherently fair unless both Factions agree that it is. (OP Invasion Of Coruscant)

4. It is our stance that all *extra* rules to the Invasion rule-set must be mutually agreed upon, and if not, we wish to stand only by the rules proposed in the Invasion rules posted here:

5. If simultaneous invasions were a requirement, they would be mentioned in the rules.

6. The One Sith do not oppose the 1 invasion at a time for each Major Faction rule... but we do if simultaneous invasions are continued to be allowed by RPJ's, unless mutually agreed upon as we did with Coruscant.

7. Furthermore, it is our stance that it is the design of this community's IC environment to allow time to be fluid, as there is no ruling regarding the restriction of time IC. To disregard this by enforcing simultaneous invasions without mutual agreement is to undermine the entire structure of the community's IC environment.

8. The only time other than OP's invasion of Coruscant that we are aware there was a simultaneous invasion was also agreed upon by Faction Owners, meaning a simultaenous Invasion has never - to the OS's Faction Admins knowledge - been forced upon any party by a Role-play Judge.

9. Simultaneous warfare can make for some fun and entertaining role-play, as the One Sith has presented to the community with the idea of Coruscant and the trickle effect. We voluntarily allowed Coruscant to happen at the same time as our recent Alderaan invasion of the Republic and it has made for a great setting. However, to consistently use this as a warfare tactic is not only incomprehensible IC in the setting Chaos provides with the rules Chaos provides, it is a tactic being employed simply for victory without resistance. The One Sith believes this is an abuse of the system by all writers involved, regardless if there is OOC collusion between all parties involved or not.

10. The Faction Aid rules, not the Invasion rules, have forever and a day been the method of controlling population counts within Invasions. Anyone who is a committed member of the Major Faction has, up until today, been allowed to join all Invasions targeting their Major Faction unless a prior mutual agreement was made between opposing Faction Administrators.

We should be allowed to defend our faction, all of us, as we have allowed others to do. This is an indisputable fact. This OOC sleight is not an abuse of the rules, it's not even present in the rules. The One Sith implores Staff to intervene before the community loses a Major Faction due to a precedent (OP/Coruscant|OS/Alderaan) the RPJs may begin enforcing that has never been enforced by Staff in any instance, but was mutually agreed upon by two consenting parties in all previous instances.

Two can be fun. No one wants the stress of having to deal with three at once. Granted the context above was forcing them to be simultaneous IC as well as OOC.

There are no rules to prevent this. Those negotiation rules were removed because Faction Admins were using them to argue about terms no one wanted. But nothing in the rules prevents being open and looking after fairness and balance because it's a good thing to do.

If you're one of those who clearly arranged or decided to put these conditions in place, have a think about if you're using your very large influence on the community in a positive way.

I will not be responding to this thread further.
Similar enough to be worrying, no doubt. As near as I can tell, there's nothing that prevents all three factions from invading at once. Such a move has a number of implications, nearly none of them pleasant, but the invasion rules don't actively specify that three factions can't decide to invade a single target within the span of an evening.

Whether or not that continues to be the case going forward, I have no idea. Back in my day (pops out dentures, wipes them on shirt, pops them back in,) this is the sort of move that would have resulted in the creation of a rule specifically to prevent it from happening again. But that was a different time on a different site. The Chaos admin team is far more hands off than we were, and I can't really say that's a bad thing, overall. It's certainly not a good idea to stifle creativity unnecessarily, and if they expanded the rules to cover each individual case of assholery, that's exactly what would happen. That's exactly what did happen to us.

With any luck though, the parties involved will negotiate something that everyone can live with, without necessitating admin interference.

[member="Darth Kentarch"]
The constant and multiple invasions at once happened to SJO, we were told there was nothing we could do and just get over it. Coordinated invasions happen. Just do the best you can as a faction and get over it.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
The Ruusan Accords had nothing to do with stopping invasions, but dealt with the conduct concerning civilians. Nothing was set in stone, half the people left. There was only the promise of a few that they would consider having as little civilian casualties as possible. Nothing was binding to anyone.

So it has no relevance to this.

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