Ebb and Flow

Equipment: Skinsuit, Rusty Green Jumpsuit, Left Bracer, Plastoid Shingaurds, Utility Boots, Mix and Match Harness, Left Ear
Accessories: Bracelet, Echo Stone
Weapons: Lossa's Lightsaber
Ship: The Buzzard

After the training event, Lossa hadn't really given much thought to the master known as Romi Jade in any special regard.
At least not actively.
In the back of her mind however, there was a growing seed of... something. For as much as she could express herself and even understand the emotions of other's. Lossa was at a loss for how to describe the feeling of comfort in the woman's teaching method.
The woman had perhaps threatened to throw her from a starship onto a bullet train as a part of the padawan pack. And that might have set off some alarm bells for Lossa prior to Briana making her undergo medical procedures. Ones that had been tested at the retreat Romi had held for survival training.
And while it had been intensely grueling. And by no means enjoyable. It had stuck with Lossa through her latest adventures through the galaxy.
Burned itself into a memory that she could remember with an irritating smile.
It pissed her off how much she had enjoyed the conditions of that training. Something she wouldn't have been able to do without help from her cousin. But it had in its own way been fun. And while she would deny it to anyone other than Romi herself, she had sent a holo to the master about meeting.
She couldn't properly put to words what her request was. She didn't really know herself. She had done alright for herself really. Had contracts hauling freight.
Was getting comfortable with the daily grind of Trade League space.
The Echo Stone had been wavering in allowing her to connect with it. And worry about that perhaps had been a small push to reach out. Something the Sithling had done perhaps? But she couldn't have been sure. And, as much as she didn't want to admit.
She was scared of what that could mean.
The coordinates were double and triple checked as she scanned the surface and kept an eye out for a landing pad. The directions given vague and even misleading to a point as The Buzzard slowly pushed itself through the atmosphere.
The junker giving a loud whine as she passed overhead of the first set of coordinates once at an angle. Spying something similar in features to a landing field in the remains of a capital ship as she circled around in a slow arc to check the coordinates.
The first leg of the flight was finished it seemed as she looked over the structure and confirmed. Switching over to the second set of coordinates she'd been sent.
The Buzzard kicked as she gave it more power, cursing herself for bringing the stupid thing instead of The Skiptown.
It was more recognizable though. And being as the cryptic leaving of Romi's message, she didn't want recognizable for the trip.
The sputter died away, and she ignored the urge to land and check her systems as she dropped her altitude and kept an eye on the readouts. A problem she would address later with the pile of scrap gathering in her Hangar at home.
Aside from the initial sputter, she drew closer to the second set of coordinates, finding a natural landmark square with the her readings. Circling twice, considering landing atop the butte before settling on a space around it.
Seeing nothing moving, or anything concerning, the starfighter came down to land with a heavy grind as she winced and shut it down.
She hadn't maintained it after the raid on the Sith, and she was highly certain something had found its way into the systems. How it hadn't been caught on the scanners was a wonder for her given how many times she'd taken it in already.
Sitting in the pilots seat, finally opening her eyes and looking about, she might have doubted this was the destination.
It was... remote to say the least.
Locking down the starfighter and covering it with a camo net, her eyes searched the area before spying what had seemed like an entrance on her descent. Staring up at the sun, she tied the arms of her jumpsuit around her before heading for the entrance.
"Should I have brought a gift?" The thought only just now presenting itself as she stared up to the landmark in a long pause.