Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Three Tags Please?

Carona Totsari

It takes true strengh to turn the other cheek
Could I have some tags please?

(Darker Colors and a white font? Something that portrays something like closing the world out or something...)

(A blue design?)

"Force User"
(Something mega-force awesome! With green font please? I would use "Force Warrior" but Carona isn't quite there yet...)

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Decided to play my hand at the Introvert one. Here's what I got.


[member="Carona Totsari"]

Carona Totsari

It takes true strengh to turn the other cheek
[member="Atretes Rhoujen"] Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet... Better than I ever could have imagined! The one thing that gets me is the that the word isn't capitalized, but I'll take it! Thank you :)


Well-Known Member
Ah, I didn't capitalise it because it made me consider like, shrinking out against the business of the world. I tend to do that irl. I can edit it if you like?
[member="Carona Totsari"]


Well-Known Member
[member="Carona Totsari"]
It won't be an exact replica because I can't re-separate the layers, but I'll get right on it! I'm gonna play with the Padawan tag as well while I'm at it. I'm considering the Force User tag but I'm not fond of doing things very... grandiose.

Carona Totsari

It takes true strengh to turn the other cheek
Another one for anyone reading to consider?

(It could be something awesome like brainwaves, or something like that... I have no idea... Just be creative! xD)


Well-Known Member
[member="Carona Totsari"]
Excellent! I suspect this won't be the proper shade of blue, but I'm listening to Bastila's theme and it's giving me visions of zenful Padawan-ness.


Well-Known Member
[member="Carona Totsari"]
Last one, then! I went a bit wild because of how, well you know. All-encompassing Force and all that.

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