@[member="Cale Gunderson"] @[member="Black Dove"]@[member="Thyrian Ashborn"] @[member="Tallia Farn"] @[member="Kära Vi'dreya"]
Regarding the First Bank of Coruscant scene, all names in bold have absolutely no logical reason to be up on the roof of the Bank. Me, Thyrian, and Vi'dreya have built up a stealthy intro into the top floors of the bank and have successfully made it past NPC security without setting off alarms nor alerting the rest of the Republic forces. This, however, adds to the illegitimacy of the intro posts both of you posted, both of which magicly give you information regarding of our actions and taking you straight towards us.
I may wear glasses, but it's not hard to see when someone just wants to win instead of writing out a story.