Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Through Blood, Dirt, and Bone | NIO Dominion of Huk

Willver Bennbri



Allies: Halketh Halketh Dorian Sicarrio Dorian Sicarrio Meko Sorrin Meko Sorrin
Engaging: Noel Strasza Noel Strasza Théodoro Théodoro

Archie only barely heard the sound of the blaster bolt flying towards him before it hit him. He felt like he'd touched a powerline. His whole body tensed up with the shock of the stun blaster. Archie let out a string of curses, now sitting flat on his ass behind the log he was using for cover. He cocked his head to see the shooter, difficult for his current position being stunned, but no one was there that he could see.

In a matter of seconds their enemy had descended on them and their journey was probably going to end here. Once REDFOR had the targets there was nothing a few half-dead stormtroopers could do to save them. As Archie looked around for his shooter, his fear was nearly confirmed. The VIP lord they escorted engaged with the massive Sun-Guard did not bode well for BLUFOR. As the smoke began to dissipate he caught sight of his likely attacker on his flank. A Storm Commando. It didn't surprise him that the hunting team brought one of them. In a last ditch attempt to divert the hunters he threw his second, and last, smoke grenade over his head. His range of motion had been severely impeded by the stun, and the grenade fell flat beside him He waited for the sound it made when it released its cloud that they so desperately needed, but nothing happened. The swamp had gotten that one, and with it the last of Archie's ideas.

He took a few breaths in, then out.. There was no way he was getting up, as his muscles felt stiff and tense. Even if he could he might get shot back down again. Still sitting, he raised his rifle slowly and against the strain of his stunned body, positioning him self awkwardly to fire at the Sun Guard attacking his VIP. If he could even strike the man, there was still probably nothing he could do to stop him. He'd heard that Thyrsian warriors didn't go down easy or, if Archie was unlucky, at all.

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Objective II
Tavius Muuaji Tavius Muuaji

"Surrender? Surrender?!" The Commodore spat at the Death Troopers, "I would rather die tha-" Two heavy blaster bolts tore through the mid section of the officer, who fell to the floor with two dull thuds, split in half from point blank fire. The silence from his subordinates was deafening to say the least. Rexus looked over at Twigg.

"What now?" Twigg barked over the commlink, stifled beneath layers of intrusive static. Rexus cast a glance at the nervous crew, who all anxiously kept looking up at the two troopers. The answer came in a thundering volley of blaster bolts. The maintainence crew, officers and non-commissioned officers all fell beneath the blaster bolts. None would be able to get up fully, all were left slumped beneath the barrage. Once the smoke cleared, and all lay still, Rexus reached to his helm.

"Storm Commando, Kampf Three, this is Rommulus and Remus." Rexus began, "We have reached the command deck. Command and officers were not compliant. Bridge crew have been liquidated." Rexus paused, "Commencing with sabotage operations imminently."


I _ A M _ D A M O C L E S

Damocles raced through the small debris field, his mind trying to form his plan of action as the targeting computer locked onto the last hostile. Without thinking about it, he thumbed the switch and sent forth a burst of laser fire that destroyed the enemy ship. He could easily retreat back to the Governor, but he wasn't a coward; besides, he was near enough to the command battlecruiser to finish the mission sent to his squadron. Grimacing beneath his helmet, he rerouted power back to shields and charged toward the enemy vessel in his lone fighter.

The point defence drivers were going to be a real pain in the ass when he got into his run, Damocles knew this almost immediately when they began focusing on him and trying to bring him down with extreme prejudice. He thanked his extensive augmentations for his ability to dodge their projectiles relatively unscathed, his overcharged shields taking a daring hit every now and again as he pushed closer towards the battlecruiser. His dual missile launchers were already locking on to the two-kilometre titan that was the hypervelocity gun, but he knew that even the high-yield proton torpedoes wouldn't take out the beast in one run from the outside.

He'd have to get up close and personal.

Narrowly avoiding another one of the infamous ion disruptor rounds, Damocles approached the massive weapon and gazed down its barrel, his fists clenching down on the control rods as he dived into the gun itself. His targeting computer was working overtime to lock onto the inner systems of the gun, a loud beep signalling what he needed. He pressed down, hard, on the buttons and watched as a pair of proton torpedoes roared toward his target, exploding in a violent inferno.

The pilot didn't stop there, letting another duo trail closely after it. The destruction wrought was devastating, the gun looking as though it was mere seconds away from erupting. Seeing this as his cue to leave, Damocles utilized his last two proton torpedos to blast through a vent that seemed large enough for him to escape through, his solar arrays scraping against the molten steel as he evacuated the weapon.

As he flew off, trying to avoid enemy fire, an explosion shearing through the reinforced quadanium of the weapon. Energized by his recent venture, Damocles boldly faced off against a handful of guns peppering the surface of the destroyer, leaving a path of ruin in his wake: a harbinger of doom.

The hypervelocity gun was destroyed.

Obj 2

Tavius didn't get an opportunity to give a verbal confirmation when Rexus Wenck Rexus Wenck had commed in. There was an affirming click over the line and that was it, for the tools being used to open the doors were almost reaching their end.

There was an explosion from the front door and Tavius ducked to avoid shrapnel as the rigged thermal detonator slagged the doorway and some of the Sith Troopers that were stacked up on the other side of the now blown open doorway.

From the smoking and blackened hallway, Sith Troopers began stepping through the doorway. The remaining members of the Storm Commando team fired from behind consoles and pipes, using whatever they could for cover. The duo that carried the chainblaster had set it up on a railing higher up on catwalks that lined the ceiling, ascension cables hanging from the roof and awaiting use for a quick getaway.

As soon as the Death Troopers gave a confirmation for completing their objective, they'd all have to make their own way out. Thankfully, they were all sporting vacuum sealed armour.

Jorus Fel


The Quelling of Ebrab
U R O P I A _ O _ M O R T E
We weren't called for another fire mission till the end of the day. Just listened to the radio chatter. Apparently Aurek squad had moved in to support and got into a heavy and dangerously close fire fight with the Kaleesh scumbags. Hellion, our bird in the sky, was all they needed to get the job done. That gunship hit hard, turned Kaleesh bodies inside out. Just like my guts did at the sight of Besh squad returning with the literal head of Warlord Ebrab in their hands.

"He's dead!!" Ganor yelled out in jubilation with his fist up in the air.

"No shit?" I whispered trying to shift looking elsewhere; failing.

There's a macabre magnetic pull of the sight of an enemy's head being carried by the victors. Our boys. Especially to those of us, which were most, that had been previously deployed on Kalee. If I had my way, I'd torch the whole damn planet down to ash. It's pretty sick what an almost deadly interaction with a half-dead Kaleesh back then could do to your way of thinking.

Looking back at it now? I think I still yearned to rhypalm that piece of shit of a world.

The question of who is good and who is bad stamped itself unto my head since then. Someone told me back then might is right and I guess I stuck to that then.

Teaching those degenerate barbarians the superiority of our culture with sword and fire. That's the only way they'd learn. I know that's what my father thought about the Novanians back home on Archais.

We were bringing order, prosperity, security, weren't we?
Objective: II
Location: Hostile Command Ship
Tavius Muuaji Tavius Muuaji

Rexus smashed the navigation console with the butt of his rifle. Denial of assets was the game now. Any attempt by the Sith troopers, engineers, anyone to fix this ship up now was doomed. All by his and Twigg's design. "Twigg, you got a plug on the life support system?" Rexus barked as he moved to break another bridge console.

Twigg picked up his head, and gave a nod, "Alright teams, this is Remus. We have the life support system disabled in approximately ten." The Death Trooper drawled, "That's uh, seconds, not uh, minutes." He added quickly. "From uh... From now." Twigg fiddled further with some knobs, and seals. Soon, every airlock aboard the vessel would open. Its artificial atmosphere would be disabled, and the gravity field would go too. The ship would now go into a state of weightlessness.

"Smash the console," Rexus barked, to which Twigg complied. The screen shattered, and then the access system was irreversibly damaged. "Alright, system destroyed." Rexus reported, "And we've diverted ship course out of position." The large command vessel was now spearheading a slow starboard turn, away from the conflict. "Ready to rendezvous when you are."
Obj 2

He felt as if his stomach rolled in his stomach unexpectedly as soon as the artificial gravity was killed.

But he was a trained stormtrooper, beyond the sudden flipping of his insides, he was otherwise fine and a hand caught onto the railing and pulled himself back to the catwalk, magboots triggering to slam harshly to the deck. The Sith Troopers weren't so lucky to have gotten a warning as early as the New Imperials. Many were vented right out the doorway that they had come from and that was when Tavius signaled his men in the rafters to come down.

"We're moving!"

"Shield Gen. Detonating!"

Nine out of twelve black clad troopers made it through the blown open door before he felt the ship rocking somewhere further back -- in the opposite direction of where they were heading thankfully. There was an airlock not too much further up the hallway. It was already open, and the remains of Sith Troopers littering the hallway were a pleasant sight before he ushered his men out the opening.

"Stossjaeger. I'm detonating Engineering in ten. Clear the vessel."

All they had to do was get off the ship and the corvette that had deployed them would finally circle back around to pick them up.

And then a blaster bolt struck him in the shoulder that held the detonator...

Rexus Wenck Rexus Wenck

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