Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Through Hell and Back.


Some chains are better left unbroken.
Falling. He was falling. Like an angel cast down from the heavens, he tumbled through the tainted sky. He smelt copper. A familiar scent, blood. Snapping, clawing, roaring as he fell, his mind was clawing at an enemy that was no longer there.​
"H-he must know! He has to!"

Mirvak's eyes fluttered, his maw cracked open and a pained growl escaped his lips. His ears pricked as he heard the distant, and not so distant, screams of pain.

"Look, he awakes! Ask the demon, ask him!"

The wolf felt no lightsaber in his right hand, and he instantly awoke, seeing two horrid creatures before him. A Rodian and a human, both wearing tattered rags, and sporting horrible gash wounds, boils, and third degree burns. The Rodian stepped forward, igniting Mirvak's lightsaber and approaching him with his arms extended, shaking as he demanded,"H-how do we get to the--HACKH!"

Mirvak raised a clenched, shaking fist as the man struggled to breathe, being raised off his feet. The Worgian picked himself up off the ground, finding himself in some dark, small cave. The human pressed himself up against the wall, crying out in terror. Mirvak snarled, raising his left hand as his lightsaber came to his palm. He ignited it and immediately slashed through the Rodian's neck, decapitating him.

He released his grip on the body, when he heard the Rodian cry out in pain,"Oh, oh, oh no!" His head uttered, as the body reached down for the head and stumbled, making its escape out the cave. It would have almost been a comical sight, but for Mirvak it was one of disgust and utter confusion. He only stared as the poor creature escaped out the cave, before tripping and falling down the side of an unseen cliff, his cries heard for some time before they dissipated. Mirvak caught a glimpse of the crimson sky as he looked out the cave entrance.

Mirvak turned to the human, his mind starting to collect what had happened. He remembered Metus pushing him through that rift in reality. Was he dead? He leveled the blade under the man's chin and growled,"What is this place?" The human sputtered in fear,"D-don't you know?!" Mirvak narrowed his eyes, growling his throat, he set the blade closer to his throat. The human gasped, glancing between the Worgian and the lightsaber, then to the cave entrance.

He cracked a frantic smile, laughing nervously,"L-look, the rain, it's clearing!" Mirvak looked to the cave entrance cautiously, seeing that the rain was indeed stopping. The man, so jubilant, he walked right away from Mirvak, exclaiming with joy. "So close to the lake, so close!" Mirvak, confused by it all, refrained from striking him down and followed him out the cave. Inspecting the walls and the inside, it appeared to be made entirely out of bone. As he reached the cave entrance, he saw what appeared to be the last drops of blood rain stop. The jubilant human scrambled out the cave, and Mirvak almost followed him until he saw the rain drops burn and sizzle against his flesh. He groaned in pain, yet still managed to laugh in delight. "So close!" He repeated.

Mirvak paused, waiting for any more rain to drop from the crimson sky, before stepping outside of the bone cave. Harsh winds blew so hard they rustled even the roughest of bristly furs on the beast.
He exited the cave, stepping onto a large precipice. He beheld a hellish land, a twisted swamp of boiling blood and bone formations. The human scrambled down a small pathway, jagged rock and bone cutting his feet as he carelessly moved on, jabbering about the land of the lake. The wolf looked down below the cliff, and saw hundreds, thousands of them. The damned appeared from out of the jagged nooks and crannies all around him. They all moved in a singular direction, their voices moaning in pain as they moved on. But Mirvak could see no land of lakes, besides the ponds of boiling blood.

Mirvak clenched his jaw tightly, his head quaking from how hard he bit down. He raised his head for a roar, which turned into a cry of rage and a thirst for vengeance,"MEEEEEEEETUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSS!" Imprisoned again, he would make the Darth pay. As the wolf huffed angrily through his nostrils, beholding the barren land before him, he realized one crucial thing: This was not Metus' prison. He had no dominion over it. But this place was not like any other. There was no sense of any living creature or any power nearby. The Force was subject to this land's rules as well, and he did not understand to what extent.

But he would not sit here and wail about it like the damned below, he would push on. His first action was simple, go the opposite direction of all the damned. He would learn about this prison along the way. And so the wolf pulled up his hood, sheathed his lightsaber, and moved on, confident he would find his escape, and his revenge.

[member="Darth Metus"]


Some chains are better left unbroken.
A pair of spires, taller than the rest.
Between them a rift in reality.
So close.
Mirvak awoke with a start, instantly the wails of the damned filled his ears and the copper of the blood swamp flooded his nostrils.​

The question came to the beast's mind again: How long had it been? Here, the mind struggled with the concept of time. Was it years, months? Even just a few days? The condemned one dug his claws into his skull and groaned, stumbling along as he contemplated it. The hulking beast was reduced to a fraction of his former self. His imposing stature was now a hunched shuffle, his tattered acolyte robes draped over him. His powerful muscled form was a thing of the past, now one could see his ribcage through his fur. His beastly, cunning mind was reduced to the edge of insanity. Though he clearly had not lost his taste for killing, as he unsheathed his saber and cut down any of the damned in his way without a second thought. There was a time when cutting them into bits brought some relief of his afflictions, but now, it was just part and parcel of this place.

Their souls are tormented here eternally, but their bodies lie elsewhere, dead. The wolf's body lives on here, but his soul is dead. There remains very little of the Mirvak that his enemies knew. But something still drives him on. The Force here was not subject to the natural laws of the galaxy, there was nothing for Mirvak to draw from. Despite that, ever since he had first arrived he had felt something push him in this direction. It was so subtle that the beast often teetered between madness and sanity, wondering if it was a trick. The lake of paradise that the damned always screamed about surely was. He feared that he would walk towards this source pulling him for the rest of eternity. The landscape never changed discernibly and the screaming never stopped.

The wolf shuffled along, rambling under his breath. "Unbreakable chains, no victory to be had from them. No power from strength, no strength from a passionless place--unbreakable!--I was the chained, the passionate, the powerful, the strong, in the chains. Now there is nothing but chains. Unbreakable chains. Always a master, always a master! Why must there always be a master?!" The beast suddenly snapped and roared, gripping the neck of a damned Twi'lek and yelling,"WHY MUST THERE ALWAYS BE A MASTER!? HAVE I NOT BEEN A MASTER OF MYSELF?!" And without waiting for an answer, shoving him into a nearby pool of boiling blood. He watched the helpless soul flail about and scream, attempting to pull itself out. The cold, rage filled eyes of the beast stared into the pool with disgust for the weakling.

It was moments like these when his true self shined through again, and the madness was peeled back to reveal the unquenchable rage beneath. The nearby tormented ones backed away and ran in terror lest they too be cast into the boiling blood, as Mirvak stood there, staring at the tortured soul while he battled within himself to regain what he had lost. Again the accursed name passed through his lips as he growled,"Metus." It was the one word that, ironically, gave him the power to push on.

As the broken dog turned and walked on to a destination unknown even to him, the regained sanity seemed to shed with every step. Within a few moments he was again reduced to rambling, and he wouldn't stop until he collapsed from exhaustion.


Some chains are better left unbroken.
The spires, closer than before.
The rift beckons.
A dark spirit awaits.

The boiling rain came down as it always had, with no warning and just as painful as the last. The beast took shelter under an outcropping of bone and rock. He clung under the rock as far as he could, but no one could truly escape the damned rain here. It dripped over his body, running down his shoulders and cooling slowly. But Mirvak was dead to this sensation, it was as much a part of his life as the constant mad ramblings. His mind contemplated his revenge as best it could in its damaged state. How could he best get back at the master? There was no punishment fit to match this imprisonment, nothing short of condemning him to the same fate. The wolf snarled, thinking it cowardly to have sent him here. It was foolish. His stalwart defiance reignited his ability to think clearly, somewhat, and to devise a devious plan of vengeance.

He cracked a toothy grin, cackling quietly, and then quickly breaking out into a loud, malicious chuckle. "Yes, yes, the silver one is the key! He will suffer greatly, his weakness is there, it has always been there. The dagger is already in place, now I must twist it. The blackness has taught me much, more than he! I have been committed to the prison, but the prison has instructed me better than he." His expression suddenly changed, as sudden as an insane one's can, into a deep, snarling frown. "I will show him his weakness, yes, and he will find none in me. Nothing remains here, I am no longer flesh and blood, I am rock, and ash, bone, and boiling fury." The blood-rain began to let up, and the mad wolf shuffled onward from his pitiful shelter, rambling about his master plan of revenge as he went on.


Some chains are better left unbroken.
It envelopes him, threatening to take his vengeance from him.
His attacks are weak, slow, harmless.
It drags him into eternal blackness, the rift and the spires fading away...
The blood rain awoke Mirvak at once, the hot liquid setting his skin on fire. His eyes shot open and he emitted a pained, angered bark, springing up to his feet and drawing his lightsaber. Even his debilitated state, he was still just as ready to defend himself as before he was cast down here. He sheathed his saber, and held his hand over his brow, shielding his eyes from the burning rain. He looked to the direction he had always gone, and could not believe his eyes. It was the spires, sitting atop a plateau of rock and bone. In disbelief, he looked behind him and all around, the landscape had changed from where he had laid his head to rest. There were no screams of the damned, in fact they were no where to be seen.

The wolf pushed on, with a newfound confidence and hope that he had never had since he had been banished to this place. He relished in the thought of actualizing his plans of vengeance, eagerly making his way to the plateau with a malicious cackle. The wolf approached the foreboding wall of bone and rock and began to scale it. But his eagerness was soon tempered by his exhaustion, as his malnourished, weakened body struggled to climb. Every time the beast raised his head, the top only seemed farther away. But the scorned Sith only pushed on, his pride would not allow his body to give in.

His muscles ached and began to go numb, but now he could see the edge. His hand weakly gripped a large leg bone sticking out of the wall, pulling up with all his might, his body trembling. The bone suddenly snapped under his weight, and as his body's weight fell onto the bone his left hand was holding it snapped as well. He began to fall, and the wolf desperately gripped his paws onto the side of the plateau, his left hand catching a sharp, upright rock. It immediately impaled his palm, hooking it like a fish, and he roared in pain, his fingers wrapping around it. Crimson blood poured down on him, but this time it was not the rain, it was his own. The wolf clenched his jaw, his body shaking with pain and exhaustion as he brought up his right hand to grip onto another, sturdy bone, and planting his feet firmly against the wall. He pulled up sharply on the rock, and it released his hand, forcing another pained bark from him. He looked up again, he had only fallen a few meters from where he had lost his grip.

The defiant beast continued on at an even slower pace, forcing his left hand to take on the same weight as before as he climbed. One last meter and he was clear. He threw his right arm over the top, digging his claws into the rock as he pulled himself up, his body quivering like a leaf as it pulled itself onto the rock. He laid on his back for a moment, panting hard, his whole body numb from the severe exhaustion. He gripped his destroyed left hand, and turned his head to look down, over the entire landscape. He marveled at the truly endless hell before him, and the masses of the damned huddled together, moving about aimlessly for a salvation that didn't exist. The thought crossed the wolf's mind again, that perhaps this wasn't a true escape either, he had just climbed the sheer rock face for nothing.

The beast reluctantly turned his head the other way to see. And it was truly just as the cryptic dreams had foretold. The two spires of bone and rock, before a massive rift in reality. It was blindingly white, a color the beast had not seen in a long time. The beast forgot about his pains and forced himself to stand, limping towards the light. He moved at an agonizingly slow pace, his left hand cradled under his chest as he reached out with his right. The wolf sputtered out,"So this chain too, I will break." He was so close now. The ragged dog could feel a cold, strong wing blasting him through the rift. A sharp smell entered his nostrils, the distinct smell of pine trees, wildlife, water, grass.

He closed his eyes as he anticipated passing through, when a strong gale knocked him back. The wolf snarled, picking himself up off the ground and looking to the rift again. There stood a formless, obsidian apparition, a dark force guarding the exit, appearing like a large flame clothed in blackness. Mirvak gripped his lightsaber and ignited it, panting as he stared down the spirit. "I will not be denied!" The spirit at once sunk into the rock and bone beneath, and before Mirvak could react it blindsided him, appearing over his left shoulder and scratching him across the chest, leaving three deep gashes. He slashed at it weakly with his saber, missing completely, stumbling as he did. It came again, from behind, slicing across his back, he roared, swinging his lightsaber in an arcing 180 degree turn, but it was gone before he could do anything.

Mirvak bared his teeth, speaking inbetween pained winces as he scanned his surroundings alertly,"Only the cowardly have beaten me, sorcerers, craven witches, with all their manners of trickery. You are not any different." The apparition came from behind again, shrieking an inhuman bloodcurdling war cry as it did. The wolf, hearing its approach, turned and executed a quick sideways slash with his saber. It connected with the demon, and it recoiled, screeching in pain as it receded back into the rock quickly. A voice came from within his head, sounding something like his own but not quite right, taunting him,"You are no different. A proud Sith warrior that engages in treacherous backstabbing is still a treacherous backstabber. You could not face your master in one on one combat, you let one of the very craven witches you despise distract him for you. And still, you lost."

Mirvak growled,"Nothing of this past remains here, only the ashes and bones and boiling fury. I am a Sith beyond the measure that Metus can comprehend, I will enact my revenge. No purposeless spirit will keep me from my goal." Suddenly there came a deep slash along his calves and he roared, falling to his knees. Before he could pick himself up it appeared before him and enveloped him, wrenching his lightsaber hand away from itself and above Mirvak's head as it shrieked loudly. An unbearable pain like being burnt alive shot through the entire body of the weakened Sith. He threw his head back and cried out in agony, he could feel it draining the life from him, a sensation he was not unused to. He looked towards his right hand being held in place above his head and slowly began to turn his wrist down towards the apparition, furrowing his brows and grunting in his throat as he forced himself against the spirit's might. The apparition slowly began to shrink away from the lightsaber edging ever so closely towards it, until it could no longer risk remaining in there and released him, slinking away into the rock immediately.

He heard the twisted voice cackle and morph from his voice into [member="Srina Talon"] 's, a true annoyance to the Sith,"Poor little mutt. Your mind has left you, you look more skeleton than dog. Where are your little tantrums you usually give yourself into? No use to you here I suppose. I gave you an ultimatum, and you refused--" The voice trailed off into something much more sinister, nothing like the woman's voice,"--And now you will suffer for your insolence." Mirvak stood again, his jaw open wide as he panted heavily, his eyes squinted and fluttering. Before he could even get himself in a readied stance, the spirit struck him again, and again, and again, a whirlwind of slashes and slices. Mirvak stumbling about like a drunk, swinging weakly, as if he were fighting underwater. Then there was silence, the slashing stopped. The wolf had lost his focus, he was just barely holding on, and the spirit knew. It appeared a few meters in front of him, menacingly watching him. Mirvak returned the glare, readjusting his stance as his quaking legs began to fail him, his pathetic form dripping with blood. Srina's voice rang out again,"A second chance, Mirvak, Submit. Or die." The wolf still said nothing, only holding his stance.

The guardian spirit shrieked in anger, charging forward with lightning speed. Mirvak swung his lightsaber, but he was knocked off his feet, tackled by the dark force. His lightsaber went flying from his hand, clattering against the rock and bone. The spirit knocked him straight into a puddle of boiling blood, submerging his entire right arm and the upper right side of his skull. He let out a cracking, agonizing bark. The spirit cackled in many voices familiar to Mirvak all at once, and tossed him like a doll out of the boiling blood puddle onto the steely rock. Mirvak's entire right arm and shoulder now shone bright red, pinkish skin, the thick fur completely boiled away. Burned away also was the skin of his right eye, ear, and scalp, already developing hideous mottled boils. The wolf laid flat, his mind empty. His will was broken, his mind was completely blank. He heard the twisted voice morph into [member="Darth Metus"] ' in his head,"Death is a release. A validation to his claims. This is a more fitting end."

The beast's only good eye shot open immediately, his pupils dilating, and his blood running hot. The lightsaber laying a few meters away shifted barely a centimeter. The beast could feel it, what was lost to him being brought back slowly with each word uttered in the Darth's voice. He could feel the Force here, just barely. The apparition raised Mirvak from the ground slowly, setting him on his knees before it. It spoke in the Darth's voice again,"The end of his ambitions. The end of his power." Mirvak's nostrils flared, snorting like a wild reek. His lightsaber shifted again, rolling slowly towards the wolf. The spirit began to envelope him again, preparing to drain his life force completely. "Such is the fate of traitors." It wrapped itself around him, the burning sensation igniting both his nerve endings and his pure battle rage.

Mirvak's right hand flung itself outward, the lightsaber rolling, lifting itself up and bursting through a pile of bone and flying toward his hand. He immediately ignited it and sent it straight into the middle of the spirit, his cries of pain turning into his trademark proud, defiant, furious roar. The spirit's shriek of pain deafened him, as he took his destroyed left hand and supporting his right, shoving it deeper and deeper into the demon. He pulled upward, slicing it in half completely, the momentum knocking him off his feet. His hand lost grip of the lightsaber and it careened over his head, landing somewhere to be forgotten forever. He sat upright, looking at the thing convulse and shriek, before pulling itself apart and dissapearing into nothingness.

. . .​

It was cold. The overpowering scent of pine filled his nostrils. He weakly raised his head, and looked around. He was blinded by such brightness, having lived in darkness for who knows how long. The wolf squinted as his eyes adjusted, finally looking around to find himself in a forest. A thin layer of untouched snow covered the ground. It was completely silent. He did not remember getting here, or how long he had been here, but his muscles seem to have recovered from the duel enough to allow him to stand. With the help of a nearby tree, he did just that. The mauled, skeletal wolf took it all in. He could feel the Force here, something he had not done for some time. It was under his command, and he could feel the world around him.


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