Location: About to tactically drop near on the Great Library of Cinnegar.
Objective: Stop the Republic from stealing the artifacts and knowledge within the library, and crush skulls like it was my job.
Allies: [member="Darth Veles"] [member="Lady Exedō"] [member="Maya Whitelight"] [member="Darth Naomi"]
Enemies: [member="Hasjo Hallu"] [member="Rasu Gan"] [member="Saki"] [member="Zaren Bouqi"] [member="Cree Oyaya"]
The war against the Republic had been raging for some time now, the Sith growing stronger after every battle, and learning more of the Republic's battle tactics along the way. There were defectors, of course, who gave the Sith more insight into the Republic, but those were so very seldom that they weren't much of an aid in the long run. Perhaps that was in turn a cause of the ill-fated Battle of Carida, which ended in a loss for the Sith, but the pride of the Sith would not be dulled by a single loss. Sith Lord, Darth Vornskr, had arrived far too late to turn the tide in that battle, but he had been preparing for the next major engagement against the Republic, so when word reached him of a Republic fleet materializing in the Empress Teta system, he had quickly mobilized his forces for battle. He was currently aboard the Torment-class Battle Cruiser,
"Singularity", locked away within his private quarters as he meditated deep on the Dark Side of the Force.
His iconic phrik armor was spread out before him, each individual piece presented to the kneeling Sith Lord as his mouth moved constantly in a hushed incantation. He was clothed in nothing, and next to him were pitchers of blessed oils, which were currently being smeared across each section of his armor and his body by hooded servants. Usually, Vornskr would not trouble himself with rituals such as this, but recently he had become infatuated with the archaic rituals of his people, the Epicanthix, who would coat their armor in blessed oils before great battles. As the supreme leader of his people, he had begun to adopt their ancient ways, traditions that his family had spurned for far too long. How could they deny their own heritage? Perhaps that is why his family had devolved into the sorry state it was in now, with his eldest daughter ensnared by a wicked temptress of the Talith clan, and his most beloved cousin blinded by the light.
The time had come, however; the klaxons blared as they exited hyperspace in close proximity to Empress Teta, and had engaged the Republic vessels closest to them as they carved a path closer to the planet. Already the troops on board the vessel were mobilizing for a lightning deployment to the planet's surface via drop pods and shuttles, and Vornskr and his Blackblade Guard would be taking the former, as it was the quickly way down to the ground. The sacred oils were finally applied to the final piece of his armor, and his servants began the process of attached each piece of the armor to their Lord. Once Vornskr was armed, he was presented with his long-handle lightsaber, a weapon he had not used in quite some time, but one that he was completely familiar with. With that finally done, Vornskr moved to meet his guards in the loading docks.
They were arrayed before him, black armor gleaming in the light of the bay, and their weapons held at attention as they stood underneath their Lord's unwavering gaze. They were his finest soldiers, honed on the battlefield against the Mandalorians, Protectorate, and Republic on multiple battlefields, and their ruthless nature nurtured through torturous training. They would slay any enemy that stood before them, without hesitation or remorse, and would follow their Lord's command to the letter. Vornskr gave them a quick inspection, before they all began to load up into the pods that would deliver them to the battlefield down below. He was already getting a constant stream of updates from the ground, and it was apparent that Republic troops have already landed and begun fighting the Sith soldiers already stationed down below.
This would be a crucial battle, for if Empress Teta fell then the supply line from Coruscant to the other Sith worlds would be effectively cut, and that could spell doom for the Sith. He would not let the Sith be humbled again, and he fed upon that deep-seated rage as he strapped himself into his seat as the pod was being moved for deployment. A few moments of silence passed as the pod was primed, and then with a thunderous roar they were deployed out from the Torment,
heading rapidly through the atmosphere of the planet and down towards the ground. Vornskr had been in drops like this a thousand times over, and it did not bother him at all. However; he did feel the jarring impact as the pod crashed down into the battle-torn street near the Great Library of Cinnagar, and could hear the screams of the dying as the pod's doors opened to reveal the carnage before them.
Vornskr unstrapped himself, and lunged out of the pod to cut down a group of Republic soldiers from behind with one fell swoop of his crimson blade, their bodies collapsing to join the mixture of bodies already clogging the streets. "
Slaughter any Republic forces you come across, and regroup at the Great Library." The Blackblades would of course comply, but then again they might get a little too carried away killing Republic soldiers whenever they came across them.
It was a bad habit.