Ord Mirit - Local Time: 0100 Hours
Quantum Encryption engaged, communication line open...
Package is in the open.
As agreed, upon delivery.
SIA and COMPNOR are present, other lesser actors. Double.
Upon delivery.
Line disconnected...
A blink and the HUD changed, marking targets, arrivals, paths, vulnerabilities. The warehouse was inconspicuous, perfect for an underground auction for something high value. The HUD beeped, an image from the client's representative of the stage. Heavy set Twi'lek, protocol droid, twelve security on stage... more in the back no doubt on cams. Package for bid... crate of kyber, black market value of one medium sized crystal... several hundred thousand. A crate would fetch more as seen by the bidders.
They had several options, each with its own obstacles. Could wait and ambush on transit, could incite conflict and make off with their objective in the chaos, could suborn a guard, could join the bidding themselves... a breath, a decision, and the figure slipped through the permacrete they laid upon and disappeared into the room below...
Security room first.
Objective Obstacles:
SIA - IVI Allyson Locke Gramani Fey’la Ripley Kühn
COMPNOR - Tulan Kor Djorn Bline Gedeon Rath
Quantum Encryption engaged, communication line open...
Package is in the open.
As agreed, upon delivery.
SIA and COMPNOR are present, other lesser actors. Double.
Upon delivery.
Line disconnected...
A blink and the HUD changed, marking targets, arrivals, paths, vulnerabilities. The warehouse was inconspicuous, perfect for an underground auction for something high value. The HUD beeped, an image from the client's representative of the stage. Heavy set Twi'lek, protocol droid, twelve security on stage... more in the back no doubt on cams. Package for bid... crate of kyber, black market value of one medium sized crystal... several hundred thousand. A crate would fetch more as seen by the bidders.
They had several options, each with its own obstacles. Could wait and ambush on transit, could incite conflict and make off with their objective in the chaos, could suborn a guard, could join the bidding themselves... a breath, a decision, and the figure slipped through the permacrete they laid upon and disappeared into the room below...
Security room first.
Objective Obstacles:
SIA - IVI Allyson Locke Gramani Fey’la Ripley Kühn
COMPNOR - Tulan Kor Djorn Bline Gedeon Rath