Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Through Victory, My Chains Are Broken

[member="Seras Goto"]

Concentration Camp #0004
0300 Local Time

Galen sat in his bed, if it could be called that, it was a piece of cloth laid on the ground, with another to cover himself. For years he had been transferred from one prison to another, until finally, deemed to unruly for regular containment measures, was moved to Byss, where he was placed within one of the whispered concentration camps. A place you disappeared to, and a place where you didn't live long, if you were lucky. Galen didn't plan to be lucky, well not in that sense. The place would not hold him, and for the few weeks he had been in this hell, he had been watching, waiting, learning. He grew tired of the life of a prisoner, and it was time for him to continue his life. His time in prison had taught him of the One Sith, and their motives at first were so foreign to the hybrid, so unlike what his father had stood for, but he had killed his father for those ideals, so they were not his own. Power was not an end, but it was a means. Power was a means that Galen possessed, but he had not found his end, until recently. Order in the galaxy was an admirable goal, one that he could support, one that was obtained through any means necessary.

Closed eyes flicked open, and then the high sirens began to sound. It was the same each morning, at the same time and each prisoner awoke from their beds, weakened, starving bodies shambled to their feet and stumbled towards the center square. Some prayed that today would be the day they died, prayers to Ashla for mercy were unheard here on Byss, a planet so corrupted by Bogan's influence, but Galen's prayer to Bogan would be heard. Bogan would raise the hybrid out of this hell, or Galen would force his way out.

Springing to his feet, Galen stepped from his cloth piece bed and embraced the darkness that still surrounded them. Darkness was his ally, and he would need all of his allies on this day if he were to live. His body was strong, his mind was sharp, and today would be the day that the officials found their mistake in keeping such a man in chains when he was so prepared to serve their Emperor's will.

Releasing the hold he had held on his power, Galen allowed the aura of himself to spread out from himself, it would be unmistakable to those who could touch the Force, and to those who couldn't, well the other prisoners began to get more agitated, as Galen's fury whipped through their feeble minds, unconsciously whipping the crowd to a fervor, all waiting for a single wrong step to warrant a riot in their minds. Through victory, my chains are broken, Galen projected with the Force around the camp, and he smiled as stepped into the center courtyard, standing in only the rags on his body as clothes.
[member="Galen Otros"]

Seras tapped her fingers on the arm of the chair, the sharp intake of air through her teeth as her exposed face stung in the air. Her fings shown from where the lips were gone or deforms, her mouth a mass of melts and burned flesh going down her throat while she raised the mask back up to her mouth and set it in place. She rose from the seat and went to a window while hearing reports. The hiss as her mask sealed over her face and neck was worthwhile as she started outside to see her prisoners. For now they were serving a purpose, forced labor as needed and for medical testing there were dangerous organism's in the galaxy and the One Sith were all about combating them. (tagline) She slowly came to the courtyard and raised an eyebrow under her mask while she watched one of the slaves kill. "INtersting, bring him into the bathhouse. We'll see how angry he can get."
Galen smirked as the guards and administrators of the camp approached. He simply watched them and his smirk grew as one of his fellow prisoners swung at another. Soon, the riot broke out, and Galen enjoyed the carnage, crushing a man's throat with ease as he grinned, sharpened teeth deterring any other attackers. The riot was soon quelled, and the slave prisoners were brought to submission, all but Galen. Galen continued to stand tall as all the others fell to the ground, prone and supplicating for mercy. Galen, however, stood tall and defiant. It was all a ploy to gather the administrators' attention. Whatever breed of Sith, there was one thing they always looked for, power, and Galen was not hiding his any longer.

When two guards came up to bring him before [member="Seras Goto"], Galen followed easily. Allowing himself to be dragged through the courtyard towards a female in a mask. His smile did not leave his face, the unnerving smile that someone gives when they seem to be weaker, but hints at a secret that no other knows about. As he was dragged in front of the masked woman, Galen said nothing, but projected through the Force again, this time to her specifically, "The Force shall free me."
[member="Galen Otros"]

Seras gave a mechanical laugh with a hiss of air. "No, not free." She moved letting a hand lead the way while she walked. The ones wanting mercy she looked at and spoke to the guards. "If they fought back and were involved... Kill their children." She continued to move forward into the room motioning for everything to be handled and sat at a chair overlooking large vats of water with ice makers above them. "Welcome to my parlor." Another mechanical laugh and her hand came up the scanner in the palm of the suit. Her datapad chirping while she leaned back. "Dunk him and we'll see how long it takes to break while I set up the rest of the experiment."
Galen's expression did not change at the woman's mechanical laugh, or her denial of his impending freedom. Instead, his cocky grin remained on his face, and he was drug towards the woman's experiment room. Before him were vats of icy water, and above were ice makers, waiting to be activated and slough more ice into the vats. He was lead towards one of the vats as the woman took a seat in front of it. The games were beginning it seemed, and where the other prisoners would fail, Galen was strong, both mentally and physically, he would succeed.

Standing next to the vat, Galen drew on the Force, allowing himself to be flooded by it, and allowed it to encase him. Regulating his temperature, in complete conscious control, Galen was dunked into the vat of cold water without so much as a peep of unpleasantness. His cocky grin faded, as he focused on keeping his body warm, and then ice began to fall on top of him. The weight of the ice created bruises at first, but Galen forced himself above it, his smirk returning. Reaching through the Force, Galen spoke to [member="Seras Goto"]. "I hope the rest of your experiment is more challenging." He was goading the woman who was in control of his life, pushing her to make it her best experiment, eliminating any mercy the woman may give the hybrid.
[member="Galen Otros"]

Watching the man as she sat there gave Seras no real emotion, this was clinical, this was pure and served purposes few saw. Perhaps she was just to sadistic is had become sociopathic in the grand scheme. What she knew was what was going along her skin. Force energies which brought a flick of her eyes to the vat. "Interesting, use the Ixetal cilona." Seras remained there for a moment while gas was flooded it. the chemical for sdeathsticks made for a nice thing to mess with force users while more ice was added and a her fingers went over the datapad. Behind her lights were being brought in and set up with a second chair and towels under it for the water when the time came.
As the smoke filled the room, Galen could do nothing to escape it, breathing in the toxic chemical, he thought for a moment that his life was over, that his plan had failed, and instead of his cocky attitude and showmanship of the Force, this administrator had decided to kill him. But, he was not dead, nor did he feel he was dying. Instead, he was feeling cold. Then he knew. This was deathstick smoke, and it was dampening his connection to the Force, as he felt the warmth of the Flame that he embraced leaving him. Instead, his body began to shiver. A man's body is only so strong, but his brain, the strength of his brain is limitless. His body was slowly entering hypothermia, and he knew his death would be shortly after as his organs began to fail and he lost consciousness, but his mind was still alert. Embracing the pain in a way that allowed him to own it. Claiming it as not something to be worried about, but something to revel in and celebrate, Galen was able to maintain the faintest connection to the Force. Enough that he could manage himself mentally until he completely lost consciousness.

His eyes stayed focused on where the administrator sat, and he did not move besides his shivering. He would endure, he knew that death wasn't his destiny today. Instead he knew he would survive, and not only that, but he would flourish. Reaching out with the Force, Galen brushed against [member="Seras Goto"] with his mind, "Congratulations, you know how to make a body fail, but my mind is unbreakable."
[member="Galen Otros"]

Seras looked at him and snapped her fingers. The men moved with the snap showing they were trained like loyal dogs for her and she backed away to sit in front of the lights. Letting them bring the hybrid to sit and shiver in a chair as cords were strapped to him with IV's that were hooked to a machine. "This is a little game I like to play, there are five poisons in the machine. Devorian blood poison, a high dose of crystal snake venom, a standard truth serum, a wonderful sith poison and finally a strain of highly irradiated saline to let you die slowly." Her eyes flocked while the needles were inserted. "Do not remove the IV's and look at me. When you answer wrong... you'll receive one of the serums. If you answer to many wrong well they never survive all five. Now how many lights are behind me?" She sat in the chair as seven lights turned on.
Galen shivered but otherwise did not move as he stood in the vat of icy water, watching where his captor stood, until he was yanked out of the water and dragged in front of [member="Seras Goto"]. Sitting before her as needles were placed into his tough skin, and bags were hung next to him, she began to explain what each was. Not saying a word, and suppressing his shivers, Galen stared straight at his captor as lights were turned on. Momentarily, they blinded him, and he blinked as they shined into his eyes. Saying nothing as she asked her question, Galen tried to count the lights, but was unable, until he blinked again, and the world shifted. Force Sight. But, it only lasted for a moment as his body was still flooded with the toxins of the deathsticks from earlier.

It was a mere glimpse into the real world, and Galen had used it perfectly. Each gift of the Force was just that, a gift. It was a blessing from Bogan to empower the receiver and allow feats that could be seen as miracles. This was one such miracle as his eyes were able to see through the blinding light to see the fixtures in place. Finally speaking with his mouth, "Seven," was all he said, his voice deep and cold. It was the voice of a man who would chill the water he had just been removed from, the voice of a monster among people, and a predator among prey. It was the voice of a sociopath, one who wasn't hiding his nature behind guile and trickery. It was the voice of true evil, the voice of Bogan.
[member="Galen Otros"]

Seras sat there and with the man illuminated from the harsh lights she set one leg over the other and clasped her hands in her lap. Enjoying the moments while he answered and her smile under the mask came. A small press of the button brought enjoyments when the truth serum injected. "No no I am afraid there are five." She let a small laugh come out from behind her mask now as the mechanical tone showed she was just as much a sociopath. She wasn't interested in the right answer she was interested in her answer while holding a finger over the pad. "Now how many lights?"
Galen sat strapped to his chair and eyed the woman as she pressed a button to begin injecting the truth serum. She was changing the rules to her own game. It seemed there would be no way of winning this, not without changing the rules himself. There was little he could do however, strapped into the chair, defenseless unless he played her game of giving her the answer she wanted despite the true one. Which would now be impossible as the truth serum seared through his veins, limiting his ability to lie and manipulate. Staring at [member="Seras Goto"], Galen gritted his teeth as she asked again how many lights there were, "You're wrong. There is one. One light powered from multiple structures." If she wanted to change the rules, Galen would change them himself. He would walk out of here, and he would find his destiny within the One Sith. Cold eyes devoid of any feeling stared into Seras' as he sat there. He would remember this woman, and she would pay in the future.
[member="Galen Otros"]

Oh how interesting, her tongue clicked against her teeth and a sharp mechanical intake of air for a moment. "No I am afraid that is wrong." Pressing the button the sith poisons plunger started to inject it. Slowly she watched the darkside liquid go down the iv and itno the man. Oh it would burn no one liked it and unless healed if it stayed in your system it made using anything but the darkside almost sickening. A byproduct of all their alchemists scraps while she spoke. "How many lights?" Her eyes tracking him. "Another bad answer and the blood poison will go in and then the irraditated saline.... finally the crystal snake venom once it entered the blood stream your muscles and will stiffen you body go to sleep and with all the others your heart will explode as it tries to fight between rapid beating or slowing down."
The hybrid hissed as the sith poison entered his blood, if only he still had use of the force, he'd break free of his restraints, and he'd choke this woman until she was close to death, only to put her into her own game. Alas, he did not have the Force, but he did have his skills. As warmth began to return to his body, and feeling in his extremities, he was able to move easier, slowly, he'd begin sliding his arms back and forth, attempting to slide out of the restraints. Slowly pushing and pulling to stretch them and free himself. Perhaps the One Sith weren't where he was supposed to be, this woman seemed no different than his father, who drew pleasure simply from power, nothing else. She had no goal after the accumulation of power, and with no goal, she was worthless in Galen's eyes. He knew the deathstick gas would wear off soon, and soon he would have his full strength back. Until then, he was helpless. Leaning forward, disguising his attempts at freedom, Galen growled darkly, "Your answer is five, huttspawn," and he spat. Not at [member="Seras Goto"], but the floor next to her. She would feel his fangs. She would suffer his wrath. Until he could deliver he would wait, and he would grow angry. Angry at her shortsightedness, angry at the pain coursing through his veins, angry at the restraints around his wrists and ankles. Anger was good, it was cold, harsh, unforgiving,
[member="Galen Otros"]

Seras gave a small laugh now and stood up while she moved, tapping her fingers on the wall and speaking towards the guards. "Move him onto stage two, reheat him with the vats and throw him in with the massassi warriors. We shall see how he preforms before sending the report to the masters." Seras moved off while the guards went to other vats these ones to dunk the hybrid into that would rapidly warm his body with scolding hot water. Seras went through a blast door and sealed it as the pressurized room hissed, her mask coming away and one of the slaves there for her to eat.
Galen didn't have to free himself from the restraints, as after he gave the woman her answer, he was pulled free by the guards. She left the room, after giving her commands, and Galen smiled to himself. He knew the Massassi, they were his blood, partially. While his specific genetics had been drawn from the Kissai caste. Galen would use this to his advantage if possible. He knew of the castes of the Sith, and he knew where his place would be, if his blood was accepted as pure by the Massassi he would soon be confronted with. First however, was the bath, and Galen hissed as his body was tossed into the scalding hot water. "Fucking huttspawns," Galen cursed as he felt the burning water. However, it wasn't long before he was pulled out again. Soaking wet once more, he was dragged towards an arena. A small one, but still an arena nonetheless. Thrown in unceremoniously, Galen looked around, his connection with the Force was returning, he could feel the Dark Side once more, and he grew confident with that. Reaching out with his mind to [member="Seras Goto"], Galen spoke, "Where are your Massassi pets?"
[member="Galen Otros"]

Seras continued to watch and sit there while she let the subject speak. He was a facinating one and watching it all she had to admit when he was standing there she was laughing now. The Massassi being let into the arena and their hand grafted with weapons, heads opened up as she swizzled around and poked their brains. "These ones are like you, halfbreeds with inferior stock, they serve a purpose but bloodlines should remain pure don't you agree?" Her mechanical laugh came as they started attacking everything in the arena and more were added. "Best way to cure the inferior and half breeds is to let them kill each other."
Galen didn't react as the abominations of Massassi walked out into the arena. This woman, this monster, had made them like this, He simply stood there and watched as more and more entered the arena. Then he heard her voice, and Galen smirked and shook his head. He could argue with her, tell her how she missed the finer points of evolution, how change was necessary for growth, but he wouldn't. His words would fall on deaf ears, he had [member="Seras Goto"] pegged by now. She was not one who could rivaled himself. She never would be, she was a monster, lacked emotions, and Galen admired that in her, but she lacked the spark to make herself great. She was nothing more than a pawn, and that is all she would ever be.

These were his thoughts as the Massassi began attacking not only themselves but also Galen. Sliding out of the way, ducking underneath vicious slashes and devastating blows, Galen danced around his foes, those that decided in their mentally handicapped state to attack him as their foe. Some were easily taken care of, quick snaps of the neck, elbows being snapped and rendering weaponed arms useless. Glane di not feel remorse for killing these creatures. They were no longer true Sith, this hack doctor made sure of that. But, he did begin expanding his presence in the Sith, trying to bend these creatures to his will. If he could, he would have an army behind him. An army that was more than prepared to kill this woman if necessary, more than prepared to lay their own lives down for Galen's freedom. If his attempts at control failed, well, he would just have to kill them all, and he returned to dancing through blows and strikes. UNtil he knew whether his influence would take or not, Galen didn't plan on injuring his potential army too much.

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