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Thulgar the Black


NAME: Thulgar the Black
RANK: War Lord
SPECIES: Valkyri/Epicanthix Hybrid
AGE: 34
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'6"
EYES: Green
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Tanned Skin Tone
FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, though not formally trained


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Strengths: Physical Strength, Endurance, Experience in Combat, Uncanny speed
Weakness: Rash, Impatient, Inexperienced in use of the Force, Naturally belligerent, Not educated in conventional institutions, Irritable

Thulgar the Black is a prime specimen of a mighty warrior. With the intimidating factors of his hulking appearance, coupled with scars and his ever present scowl, Thulgar is not considered to be handsome by many. His face consists of a strong jaw and a square jutting chin covered in light facial hair, along with a strong brow and small almond shaped eyes. His hair is often loose and falls to his shoulders.

Tattoos of a tribal, sinister nature cover his right arm, reaching across his right pectoral muscle- the tattoo of a warrior; upon his back is a tattoo of a diathem crucified upon a large blade, forming a perverse cross. His left arm bears the black hand print of his clan.

Thulgar usually sports a battle armor that is crude in appearance, though it is known to have been salvaged by foes who have fallen to his blade. His armor consists of durasteel plates and mail in a mosaic of mismatched pieces. His belt is decorated by skulls of men. In colder climates, Thulgar wears a jet black cloak, made from the pelts of felled beasts.

Thulgar the Black is a warrior shrouded by rumor and legend. It is well known that he hails from some desolate, uncivilized world on the Outter Rim, yet how he came to the civilized galaxy is a mystery. What is known for a fact is that he is a warrior of incredible prowess; known to favor a blade rather than a blaster, he claims to hold honorary combat in a high regard.

If the rumors were to be true, however, they would tell of Thulgars parents; a giant, mysterious man, rumored to be of an even more mysterious world in the outer rim, who was exiled for attempting to start a civil war. They would tell of how this man, who became a famed soldier for hire, fell for the daughter of a rich merchant, and how she bore him a child. Some say that the giant raised his son in the way of his people, hoping that he would some day return to exact vengeance. Yet these are but rumors, and little and less can be known without asking the titan himself.

WR-542 Shooting Star, dubbed Drexyl Bane




The Valkyri look like a perfect origin for Thulgar. Perhaps he could be an outcast? I would like to stick to having black hair- perhaps he could be of bastard birth, and considered a subpar citizen for some time, then eventually raise to respect, only to fall from it once more? Would the Valkyri be able to breed with other humanoids, or is their DNA incompatible with an average humanoid?
[member="Explicitfolly"] - About the Phrik and Beskar; these are deemed restricted materials and require dev-threads detailing how you came into possession of them. You would also need to create a submission in the Tech section of the Factory and let a Factory Judge take a look at it. :)

Regarding the Valkyri; they are fully able to breed with other humanoids genetically. Just remember that one would have to leave Midvinter to find another species to mate with, first - all of which you may come up with yourself and describe in your biography, should you wish it. ;)
[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] Thank you for the information about restricted materials. I can do away with the phrik and beskar for now until I get my feet wet. I will also edit the back story and species of Thulgar. Thank you for pointing out the Valkyri species. I dig them. I will let you guys know when I am all set up!
[member="Explicitfolly"] - At the top right of your screen there is a bar containing the name of the account you're signed into. You can switch between your accounts by clicking it and selecting another. :)

If you wish this topic to be posted as your character account, make sure to ask an admin for further assistance. :)
[member="sabrina"] - Midvinter? It's possible, but the isolated nature of the Valkyri would mean that hadly nobody from the outside would even know the name of such a planet, let alone where to find it. I defy any non-Valkyri to have knowledge of the planet ICly.


Well-Known Member
Thurion Heavenshield said:
[member="sabrina"] - Midvinter? It's possible, but the isolated nature of the Valkyri would mean that hadly nobody from the outside would even know the name of such a planet, let alone where to find it. I defy any non-Valkyri to have knowledge of the planet ICly.
It`s on the map, its been charted

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