Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The jedi kngiht was looking at many of the things and information while she went getting a seat. her robes would be getting a chance here to really be tested out she was certain and that would come in handy. With some of the other things that they had going on. Orihime wanted to see more of what they would be able to do before she had a grin on her face. "Alright, I think I am getting a better idea of the technology as well as how to work on combining it together into something that we will be able to do." Orihime was thinking about it while the ship was going through and giving them a lot more information that the captain could provide to her, some fo the other jedi with them.
"The technology is fairly advanced knight Ike, I dare say something not many other groups in the galaxy have or have really worked on. I know there is a number of things that the jedi were trying to work with the vong to do in ancient times but cannot be certain about some of the things." He had a small look on his face though while pulling out a pipe and offered it to her but she shook her head to the tobacco he used. it might be scented and almost flavored but she still didn't like it or the taste before he was moving with some intent to show off more things. "Though compared to other groups this will at least not be so advanced it is questionable how they are able to use it."
She was looking at it and thinking about what they might be able to do with the information. Not wanting to see many of the things so that they might be able to use it or give some parts of the information. "We might be able to make i more accessible but we also have a lot of work ahead of us still." She was looking at him as they continued and dropping out of hyperspace the world came into view. Surrounde by ships to protect it and give them a better look that was giving more of the ifnormation about the world. The crystal caves that they were using as well as the world where they had been for several months working on it to give them more areas of the world where the plants and world were thriving.
Orihime was looking over more of it when the screen flickered to life showing her one of the main researchers down ont he planet with a small look on her face of excitement. "So good to see you again. I hope everything on the planet itself is going well." She was being joined by her sisters as they were all standing on the bridge itself before the jedi was speaking with a nod of her head dapping at the sweat. "Everythign is going better then we expected, the terraforming has been better actually thanks to the agricorps and the products to really push it forward. We should have soe more data.. scratch that I know we have a lot more data that should be able to prove how viable this will be compared to many things."
"How so?" She was curious while seeing everythig there. She could look over parts of it with her sisters there on the bridge until they were wanting to work on other sections and parts of it. She was uncertain about a few of the other parts until the jedi was speaking again to give her a few more ideas. "Well with what we have brought here and the agricorps we have been getting soem new areas carved into rivers and lakes that will be abel to easily go to the world throughout. Everything is being made and the weather is starting to change on a small scale for ourselves. The creatures are starting to cultivate and make the world become more at home. If progress continues like this we are looking at a lot more."
That was something that she liked to hear, the chance that they would be able to have well a way to renew worlds like Ossus that while better still had some areas where they would be needing to protect it. Given all the things happening there was a chance to use it and restore what was there while helping the locals and these tests along with some on other planets would serve for what they were wanting to do. Also as a way to change and alter some of the other world that could prove a problem. She had a few ideas of what they would be able to do and it would involve them needing a number of people to really beef up their chances as well as their defenses.
Orihime was looking at many of the things they had here also set up to minimize the amount of problems when she wanted to work on things. Turning parts of it over in her mind, turning a number of areas over in her mind when they were traveling. She had a chance to look at more as she went to the transport to take her down to the planet itself and the small command and operations center that was being built for them to try and work on more of the things. It was giving them what they could use. Orihime herself was looking at parts of what the jedi sent her where they were sending over many of the things from the underground city to start and work on the weather control station here on the ground.
She was looking to see what they would be able to do with it when she was moving around, until they were down on the surface of the planet and she would be looking to work on more of the things. She was looking at it from the sections here until they were moving into the large hanger of the ship. Setting up more of the things until she stretched out with some fo the other jedi here. The sentinel robes she was wearing were there until they started heading down into the transports themselves. She had a small team that was working on more of the things here. She had some droid to bring that would be giving them a lot of the new information as well as the new things.
Orihime was looking at more of the things there, to see what they had when the transport landed on the planet. The jedi kngiht stepped out surrounded by the plants and jungle that had sprung up thanks to the different combinations of force tech and supplies, natural world and everything they could use. "This is looking amazing." She wanted to see more of it as they were walking and in the distance was one of the small fences they could have with the command and operational outpost so that she would be able to see what they were doing around the planet. She saw some fo the biots working on many of the things before she was moving with a grin on her face.
"This is all looking very beautiful." She looked at the jedi who were here int he modified robes for being in the jungle where it was and she could feel it humid, wet with a lot of heat. He seemed to be checking over more things as above they were working on exciting the atmosphere to regulate and control the weather from here. "It is, we have been working on a great deal more of it for ourselves to show it all off and with the right amount of work we'll be able to push a few things from this station diagrams you have sent us." She looked at him when he was bringing up all of the information for her to be able to see it. A few areas that they would be able to set things up.
Orihime could see a lot more of it, she was looking at the things here so that she would be able to see it. The command and operations outpost here had been set up as a way to access the crystal caves that they had discovered on their own works. "We have been working to monitor and oversee the development of the planet while continuing the mining operations of materials and crystals. We have found madilon and aurodium itself that we will be abel to work with. If it goes right we should be able to start making some better sections of the planet to have the better rivers and start filling up most of the lakes. Where we can so that it will provide water to the creatures that have been brought to the world."
Hmm she was looking at more of it as they looked over the controls themselves of the operations area. it was showing areas across the planet that csome of the animals and things were gathering or going around. To better improve upon it until she was looking to set all of it up for herself. She could see the crystal mines with the two rooms, the main area where the crystals were being loaded and processed into weaves or shards that would function for training sabers, lightsabers that others would be able to use. She knew there were some ideas for different saber designs that her mother was wanting to make but they would be looking to work on it and give themselves something nice.
Orihime wa slooking at more of the things they had for themselves here to work on, she didn't want to risk it but all of those crystals could be used for a number of projects that the jedi themselves were doing. She wanted to see what more there would be until she crossed her arms over her chest with a look on her face. She was excited to see some of the things so that they might be able to work on some of the parts here. She was looking to set up all of the things, more crystals, more weaves that they would be able to develop or some of the projects that they were looking to set up and she spoke. "That is very impressive to see, we should be able to work on more things with it."
The man was looking at her and bringing up a number of things that they would be able to see here. She was wanting to see all fo the things so that they would be able to do with it and here on the planet they were going over the different parts of terraforming technology to develop and set up things. The biots and the droids were working on things until she offered a small smile to herself hearing him. "Thank you knight Ike but it is you mother we have been working with. She has been providing most of the equipment and the Library itself thanks to the archives it has connected with and downloaded has been giving us a number of things we will be able to use here and on other worlds."
Alright then so her mother was getting involved heavily in some cases which was an important thing. She wasn't going to lie as a chance to have the help was important. The others who were helping was also important so that they would be able to better use and improve upon all of these things. Her thoughts went to areas until she was moving around. "Alright, thank you and I'll thank her when i return home." She wanted to see many of the things here looking on the screens itself to give them parts of it on the world where she could see what the jedi were doing with the biots in some of the areas. One place that was clered a little to build a temple with a mountain area.
"So it this a place where we might be able to start constructing a jedi temple?" She was curious and there was a lot that would and could be able to go into it. She wanted to work on more of the things themselves but was uncertain about the design as the padawan spoke seeing what was and would be there around them as the man spoke bringing up designs. "Yes we chose it because of the mountain having a direct line to the crystal caves for training purpsoes along with caverans that are naturally formed and field of vision over the growing jungle. It will be abl to have some other parts of it worked on so that it is tightly in the mountain and looks natural with stone and marble."
She was looking at all of it and there was interest on her face as the jedi knight nodded her agreement that they were doing. "that sounds like it would be very nice." She wanted to look at more of it before she was moving around and shifting the image so that they would be wanting to work on many more of the things themselves. She was liking the idea of going into the crystal caves so that they would be able to work on more of it until she tapped against the screen to show up more of it. "This area here looks like it could be a good place to set the reactor. In the mountain in a cavern and we can test out and use the far better and superior sleg reactor we have been developing that will enhance the geothermal power."
She was thinking about what it was they could do. Tapping into a geothermal vent that would allow them to make and get power from the world itself. Keeping the temple in power and with the sleg she and Sorel had discovered she was looking at many of the things. It gave her hope they would be able to use the sleg here to better improve upon and tap into stronger resources. Masking the reactors so others wouldn't be able to find them and here in the jungle they could mask it somewhat making it blend into the world and the mountain to better handle it. The modules and areas that they would be able to use. She saw more of the jungle around it and at the base where they had some of the modules.
She was looking at other parts of it for what they were bringing in to clear out areas with more interest. The different parts that they had been working on here that would serve as defensive measures. It would give defensive shields for them, cannons and internal droids or biot defenses as well as walkers on the world itself. "Alright, how are the defenses looking for it, since it is a mountain it should maybe be easier to defend it from heavy attacks correct?" She was wondering about it but they were looking to have more things. THe man was looking at her and gave a nod of his head. "Yes, we are looking to set it up witha combination of sectional shielding to protect it and a main shield.
"There is also a few other things like pill boxes for defensive droids and towers to have cannons. Trenches we want to have and generators for shields or to prevent things like on ossus, stronger filters to protect the base. We'll set up containment shielding in the inside that can prevent dangers from getting in or out. The tunqstoid doors will be working to really stop others that want to try and get in to cause problems. We want this to be a bastion for the jedi and have been working with jedi from Nidhog itself to give us a lot more informaiton." Orihime looked at him and had a grin opn her face while she was moving around. She wanted to see more of it rolling her shoulders.

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