Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Thyra Sol

Thyra Sol, The Warrior
"There's nothing Royal about a dead Monarch - he's food for the worms too"

  • Name: Thyra Sol
  • Alias: Thy
  • Force Rank: Apprentice
  • Force Alignment: Neutral
  • Species: Near-Human
  • Race: Epicanthix
  • Age: 20
  • Height: 6'2"
  • Weight: 150 lbs
  • Eye Colour: Light Blue
  • Hair Colour: Black
  • Skin Pigmentation: Pale Caucasian
  • Force Sensitive: Yes
  • Voice Sample: Rhona Mitra
  • N/A
  • Masters: N/A
  • Apprentices: N/A
  • Successful Students: N/A
  • Planet of Birth: Panatha
  • Father: Unknown
  • Mother: Unknown
  • Siblings: Unknown
  • Spouse: N.A
  • Children: N.A
  • Other Family: [member='Levia Sol'] | [member='Kyra Sol'] | [member='Jyn Sol'] | [member='Jiaa Sol']
  • + Warrior's Spirit: Thyra is a Warrior at heart, preferring bladed-melee or hand-to-hand combat over anything energised or long-range. She has a small level of pride with her work, is capable of forging and maintaining her weaponry as well as a hidden honourable streak which will show only in one versus one battles.
  • + Epicanthix Mind: Thyra is a fully blooded Epicanthix which, aside from giving her height and strength in unison, provides her with a mind safeguarded from attack through the Force. This also stops the likes of Battle Meditation effecting her, however, while mental communication would be possible if she were able to instigate it.
  • ~ Force Affinity: Thyra has a fairly average affinity to the Force for a Force-User, however she is only capable of using Control and Sense ability types: it is impossible for her to use any aspect of the Alter ability spectrum, meaning she cannot use the Force offensively: only to boon her own skills and capabilities in combat.
  • - Language Barrier: While it is not an impossible trait to overcome, given the accessibility of protocol droids and the like, Thyra knows only her native language of Epicant. While it would not be impossible for her to learn Galactic Standard Basic, she has never had a need for it... Until now.
  • - Primitive Fighter: There's nothing up to date about Thyra's method of combat - her arsenal features no blasters or slugthrowers, vibroblades or lightsabers. This can put her in quite the conundrum when faced with a battlefield, owing to the nature of the Galaxy and those who inhabit it with their trigger-happy attitude.
  • - Claustrophobic: The Galaxy is made up of all kinds of environments, but put Thyra near anything remotely confined and she'll freak out. It's taken her over a decade to overcome her fear of flying - due to the enclosed sensation it brings her - but even now Thyra is extremely claustrophobic, especially when underground.
  • N.A
  • N.A
  • [Proficient] Melee Fighter
  • [Proficient] Close Quarters Combat
  • [Proficient] Medicine
  • [Adept] Pilot
  • [Adept] Blacksmithing
  • [Fluent] Epicant

Thyra was born upon Panatha, the second child of an Epicanthix household. Her older brother was not blessed with the Gift of Force Sensitivity as she was, leaving a chasm between them; he was jealous of not only what she was capable of doing but also the way his parents doted upon her. As soon as he was able to he left, abandoning Panatha in favour of the Sith Empire. It is said that he founded a family upon Dromund Kaas, but Thyra and her family never kept in contact with him.

Anyway, back to Thyra; her family were Panathan Nobility who raised her with the utmost care. They ensured that her Force Sensitivity was permitted to flourish and gave her a high level of education - although they only ever taught her to speak Epicant, viewing it as the Master language. Her Father took her aside after her brother imposed a self-exile upon himself and began teaching her the ways of the sword. Not just how to swing one but also how to forge and maintain it.

All in all Thyra was a happy child, ignorant to the violent tenancies of the Galaxy with its star wars and fake star peace. Yet it did not last, and soon enough war came to Panatha in the form of an invasion. The Lords of the Fringe established a front upon her homeworld, and she saw the resulting conflicts it brought: Fathers and sons at each others throats over loyalty to the Fringe or to their Old Ways. It ripped the veil from over her eyes, witnessing it first hand within her own Family.

At the age of eighteen she left her family estate in search of something... More. Yet her claustrophobic nature forbade her from leaving Panatha: she was unable to spend any length of time within a cockpit. However, she met a young pilot who convinced her to try and, over the years, she was able to slowly overcome the fear... But only in relation to space transport. In the meantime she underwent further training in the art of combat and warfare, and leant how to tend to wounds medically.

It wasn't until just after her 26th birthday that Thyra left Panatha for the first time, alongside the pilot. Her knowledge of the Galaxy is still largely flawed, and her understanding of Galactic Basic ends with "Yes" and "No" -- but Thyra is determined to progress further.

  • N.A
  • N/A
[member="Thyra Sol"]
Lovely, lovely bio, as always <3
I'd love to do a thread with you sometime- though one of my other alts, [member="Erith Shadowcaller"] would likely be more appropriate. She does speak Epicant, after all, unlike Ven.


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Thyra Sol"]
Hello! Welcome to the site!
I hope you'll have fun here, everyone's pretty nice,

Except for one staffer named [member="Kyra Sol"], she's pretty evil and trouble, :3 You should stay away from her :p
HK-36 said:
Hello! Welcome to the site! I hope you'll have fun here, everyone's pretty nice, Except for one staffer named Kyra Sol, she's pretty evil and trouble, :3 You should stay away from her
HK-36 said:
Oh hey Kyra :3 I was just telling your alt how w-wonderful you are And not at all tyrannical o-or terrifying to be around.
The sarcasm is strong with this one.
Tali said:
Love the profile... but...

6feet 2 inches and only weighing 130lbs?

That is rail thin! Is she supposed to be that twig like?
That would be a BMI of 16.7. The healthy range is a BMI of 18.5-24.9.
Oi. Skinny lass, aren't ya?

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