Not Ordo
Just under the upper hand.

Image Source:
Affiliation: True Empire
Manufacturer: True Empire
Model: TIB-1 (True Imperial Bomber-1)
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-production
Material: Durasteel, Duraplast, Transparisteel, Plasteel
Classification: Bomber
Length: 6 meters
Height: 8 meters
Width: 12 meters
Twin Forward Laser cannons
Rear facing single Laser cannon (semi-turret 120 degree arc)
Bomb bay (Ion bombs 6 each, Proton bombs 6 each, or Advanced proton bombs 6 each)
Squadron Count: 6
Special Features:
Ray sheilds
Particle shields
Backup shield generator
Ion engines
Targeting Computer (Bombs only)
Holonet transceiver
Encrypted communication package
Cargo area (3kg)
Emergency beacon
Emergency survival package (in case of crash)
Maneuverability Rating: 4
Speed Rating: 2
Hyperdrive Class: 2
Good fire arc
Tough ship
Poor maneuverability for a fighter/bomber
Requires independent gunner for rear turret
Targeting Computer is for bombs only
The TIB-1 is the bomber of the Empire's navy. Capable of carrying nearly an kind of bomb in its bay or as a fixed wing attachment in select circumstances the TIB-1 is ideal for most bombimg runs on large ships, stations, or land targets.
In ship to ship combat it relies on either an escort or its heavy shields to protect it but several direct hits would render it debris as quickly as any other ship. The design was created for the purpose of future engagements that are planned and places that are in need of drastic rapid landscaping via explosive means.
Cargo Capacity: 3 kg
Passengers: None
Consumables: One week unless you're an emotional eater
Crew: 1 pilot +1 Astromech minimum. 1 pilot, 1 gunner, and 1 astromech optimum.
Development Thread: None
Intent: To create a heavy bomber for the True Empire
Who Can Use This: Anyone
Primary Source: Top of my head