Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mission Ticket to Anywhere | Darkwire + Friends

Location: Low Denon orbit
Objectives: Unassigned
Tags: OPEN


"What's the latest from three? Anything there yet?" The Inspector General looked at the common officer of the dropship as they made their way around the planet from the C-BoP flagship.

"Nothing yet ma'am, increased chatter from security services, our operatives on the ground haven't reported anything.... a couple of ships registered to the NJO arrived recently too, so there is that." The young man reported, reading from the screen in front of him.

Anja furrowed her brow, the Jedi were on the side of law, but they did seem to draw out trouble like moths to a flame. There was little she could do now though anyway, word had arrived that something might happen, but those sorts of reports came in nearly daily on a world like denon. "The blue girl is still on Orb-con 3 I assume?" she asked rhetorically, remembering back to the last time a train was listed as potential target. She was not giving corpsec much but if they could apprehend a few of her associates, they might be able to move that investigation along further.

The Zeltron was frustrated, she couldnt act or even deploy unless something happened, but that something could be anything or it could be nothing. At least it was a break from paperwork, ninety percent of her job was paperwork these days, so it was a relief to find time to assign herself a little street work. The gap in coverage from the district seven lockdown had her customs and border operatives running extra patrols, it wasn't her usual jurisdiction but it was useful experience for her operatives which they wouldn't otherwise get in mostly peaceful customs missions.

She felt the ship altitude abruptly as they encountered turbulence "Eurgh, give me hard vacuum any day" hopefully they could soon either go into action, or go back to base.​

Reggie Reggie Valery Noble Valery Noble Nej Tane Nej Tane Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Eden Io Hacks Hacks Maris Fero Maris Fero Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx

Eden Io

Location: Black Lake Aquifer, Seven Corners District - Denon
Objective: Crossfire
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Tags: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Valery Noble Valery Noble Nej Tane Nej Tane Anja Rydder Anja Rydder

Leveraging the sensitivity of her synthetic senses, Eden ducked just out the path of a blaster bolt which had been fired at her from behind, which narrowly missed her head before striking the wall in front of her. Without looking directly at her target, the gynoid squeezed off a trio of shots from her blaster that struck the cyberjunkie who had attacked her in his torso and upper chest, sending him sprawling to the ground with a croaked gasp on his lips.

All the while, the thumping pace of Eden’s dovin basal heart began to quicken. A moment later, the gynoid leapt 30 feet into the air before landing on the elevated platform overlooking the aquifer, having used her heart to shift her own gravity to achieve the feat.

Suddenly, she had the high ground.

Sprinting towards the two cyberjunkies who were positioned on the gangway, Eden swiftly closed the distance before striking out with her vibroblade. The first one she reached was promptly impaled through the chest, the blade ripping and tearing through his heart in the process. The other cyberjunkie was decapitated in a blisteringly surgical slash that ripped through the mechanical workings of his cybernetic neck, sending his severed head flying like a thrown ball, until it landed directly in the same dumpster Valery Noble Valery Noble and Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar were hiding behind.

“Score one!”

"We need to try and get this to deescalate."

“We should totally escalate this! Where’s the fuzz? Surely they won’t miss the chance to have this much fun!” Eden exclaimed up over the Darkwire comms, albeit not in direct response to the expressed sentiments of the Jedi. Even with her synthetic senses, the discordant rhythm of blaster fire, explosions, and slugthrower reports had prevented the gynoid from hearing anyone who was too far away from her speaking clearly to begin with, with the exception of shouts and cries from various combatants.

On cue, the howls of roaring repulsorlift engines sounded out over the chaotic din of violence. CorpSec agents leapt out before landing on the surrounding rooftops, with a few gunning directly for her. Eden quickly returned fire, landing a snap headshot on one of the rooftop deputies in the process. Nevertheless, she didn’t hesitate to take cover by diving behind a nearby bulkhead.

All the while, one of the patrol vehicles hovered above the aquifer and opened up with its grenade launchers on a group of nearby junkies. On cue, a battery of explosions sounded out as the detonating concussion grenades sent shockwaves through the air, the kinetic explosions making mincemeat of the hapless cyberjunkies who had been caught within the explosive fire. However, before the weapons operator could shift to his next targets, his head was thrown into the console by a violent explosion, knocking him out and sending the patrol vehicle into a violent, uncontrollable tailspin, on a trajectory to crash directly into the lower platform around the aquifer!

“How did a gang of cyberjunkies get their hands on a missile launcher?!”

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Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Lightsaber
Tag: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Eden Io Nej Tane Nej Tane | Open

"Yeah, nothing new," Valery said flatly, while she remained in cover and only briefly glanced at the injury he took to the arm. She was certain it hurt, but it wasn't exactly a serious one either. So rather than focus on it any longer, she turned her gaze back to the other threats around them and felt a sudden spike of danger in the Force. The dumpster began to tremble and accelerate, threatening to crush them against the wall, but Valery had no intentions of giving up their cover.

She raised a hand and with tremendous force stopped the entire dumpster, by balancing out the Force she used against the rocket boots of the man who had tried to send it after them. In that moment, she exposed herself as a Force user, if they hadn't already recognized her.

The sound of CorpSec vehicles then reached her ears, right as Valery ignited her lightsaber — an act she was certain would draw plenty of attention. "Focus on the biggest threats here!" Valery called out to Gatz, her eyes shifting to Nej but also to the lady who had emerged in a bodysuit.

"You focus on your blaster and I'll be your cover," she told him while she began to deflect incoming blaster fire. There was a lot more she could do with her weapon or the Force, but she wasn't here to cause unnecessary harm. A more defensive stance would allow Gatz to stun more of these people.

They'd slowly but surely thin the herd.



Pain left Gatz bleary, but he forced his mind to clear. He tried to flex the fingers of his left arm, but nothing happened. Everything below the bicep was just nonresponsive. That was terrifying: Gatz had been shot and stabbed before, but he'd never experienced total paralysis in a limb before. But he didn't have time to panic, he'd just have to work with only one arm.

I'm not built for this, Valery, Gatz thought, despite the carnage all around them, that's what I keep trying to tell you.

A head—yes a literal severed head—landed on their side of the dumpster, but Gatz couldn't react to it, because suddenly the dumpster was moving at a breakneck speed, in order to crush them against the wall. Thankfully, he was shoulder to shoulder with the Jedi Battlemaster, and she easily course corrected the metal bin before it turned them into human/keshian paste.

But that was only the beginning.

CorpSec showed up a minute later, laying down a barrage of blaster fire on their location. Gatz didn't have time to take a shot at the man who'd tried to crush them, not when all he could see above him was orange plasma bolts. Then Valery decided it was time to let everyone in on the secret, and whipped out a lightsaber, giving him plenty of cover by deflecting enemy fire.

"I'll try, but I don't know how well I can aim like this!"

Gatz emerged from the dumpster behind her, left arm limp and useless, and started to fire back on CorpSec with his blaster still set to stun. Compared to a few moments ago when he'd shot those cyberjunkies, his shots were wild and inaccurate—he was in immense pain and couldn't stabilize his blaster with his dead arm—but with Valery's sheer endurance buying him all the time he needed, he slowly started picking off CorpSec troopers.

But the pain of his gunshot wound was getting to him, and Gatz was starting to see double.

Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Eden Io Nej Tane Nej Tane

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Rail Runner - District 3 - Denon
Reggie Reggie || Iris Arani Iris Arani || Maris Fero Maris Fero || Niamh Berkeley || Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx || Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll || Hacks Hacks

Another job. This one on the bit more serious end than delivering (or smuggling) supplies around. The only problem? This was an escort mission. Best case scenario: it would be boring and tedious. Which was good from a mercenary or practical point of view. But from Felix's point of view? These bring escort missions may pay a lot and not much work, but it was rarely his mission of choice.

Why can't I be escorting a princess or really pretty girl? At least it'd break up the monotony a little.

A sigh and a slump of the shoulders followed as he walked up and down the train, now making a return trip from the front back towards the cargo. He should hurry and double check everything was still there, especially a double-check over the new cargo. He kept out of the way during the loading process. His talents laid in keeping an eye on his surroundings and keeping everyone safe.

And wasting his time performing a routine checkup and walk through the train and back. He should have just taken a nap instead of trying to stretch his legs like this. He passed through a passenger car as he made his way towards the front of the train, where the cargo was stored. Strange. Only one passenger in this particular car. She seemed to have woken up from her slumber and was . . . distressed. Did she oversleep for her ride and miss her station?

Maybe. But before he could ask her about her possible predicament, the rapid thuds and bangs atop the roof began to catch his ear. Several individuals. People who were up where they did not belong. Only one logical conclusion. They were going to be boarded soon.

He needed to get back to the cargo. If his instincts were anything to go by, these people had less

Grabbing ahold of a headrest for support and peering over to the lone woman ( Iris Arani Iris Arani ), Felix ushered a quick and decisive warning. "Stay here. Whatever happens, stay put. It'll be safest here."

Hopefully she would take his words to heart and not go anywhere. Looking after civilians was not part of the job description, but she should be far enough away from the crossfire if anything went down. Besides, old habits died hard.

Marching closer and closer to the cargo hold, Felix's hand rested upon the grip of his handgun. Defending the cargo would be necessary, but hopefully this was a couple of punk thieves and not an entirely coordinated effort. It would make disarming the potential threats easier. No use speculating and no use overthinking. Watch the cargo and set up a position of advantage.

Entering through the cargo hold doors, Felix began mapping out the room. New cargo changed the surroundings, different cover points, different vantage points. Check every corner. Inspect every part of the room. Other guards and security personnel were here to defend both cargo and passenger. Other means of security to protect the cargo itself.

People like Hack ( Hacks Hacks ). He had no clue who she was exactly other than she was part of the security detail. One with experience with technology and the net. She didn't seem part of the regular detail with the air about her, but what did he know?

"We might have a few uninvited guests soon. Keep everyone posted and ready."

She would have means of warning everyone faster and better than himself. Still, if someone was bold enough to attack, they would have means of bypassing or handling these types of security measures. Or simply very bold.

However, there was one last transport he had not checked. It had been a windowless transport. High security, perhaps higher than even the cargo if the guards wouldn't let him go there. But there felt something off in that room ever. A distortion, one that sent sharp needles up and down his arm and back.

Gut instinct told him to investigate. Something was wrong. His other instincts told him to focus on the problem. On the here and now. He knocked on the door several times (Niamh Berkeley).

"Hey! We might be getting some uninvited visitors! Anyone in there hear me?"

First, possible intruders. Second, this weird gut feeling. Third, passenger crossfire. Felix sighed. One problem at a time. Keep everyone safe. Work from there.​
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Location: District 3, Denon
Objective: Steal precious cargo and move on
Attire: The KnuckleDusker
Tag: Hacks Hacks
Now that the train had pulled in, there was only one thing to do.

Adjusting the cloth over his mouth, he slowly began to make his way down the abandoned building he was perched on. There wasn't really anyone other than the odd group of hobos outside the depot who were crowding around the fire for warmth. It wouldn't surprise him if they didn't worry about that soon, considering there were still some extreme individuals running about the whole depot was bound to go up in flames. Cartri just didn't want to be there when it happened.

The teen made his way to a hole in the gate that was previously identified and began to carefully sneak his way over to the parked train. There were patrols and guards scattered all over this joint, so he needed to make sure he wasn't seen at any point. Most of the security on the route he was taking had already been replaced with a fake feed, preventing them from knowing he was even coming in the first place. If anything, it was going to be his fellow darkwire members who were going to give him away.

Being largely unchallenged and avoiding most opposition he was within touching distance of one of the middle containers when the sliding door began to open. Cartri quickly fell to the floor and rolled under the train as a single guard came with a cigara in hand. From the looks of things, he seemed to be taking a break away from his pals, one that would cost him deeply.

As he dropped his feet to the floor and took another puff, the figure of Cartri slowly got up beside him "Hey man, you got a spare?" the teen asked cockily, making the guard turn his way "Sure, I ha- hey wh-" but before he could finish Cartri slammed a stun gloved fist straight into his chin, sending him straight to the floor in a heap "It still works I guess" Cartri muttered, his form kneeling down to snatch the last cigara from the guards pocket.

Knuckles finally had an open door to the riches he craved. Who knew what lay inside though...
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Objective I: Rail Runner

Locale: Denon
Alias: Erisa Adler, Shadowrunner

The Shrike moved her way along the roof of the carriage, slow at a crawl at first but she soon built up an impressive speed as she shifted to a low run that at times looked more like some feral thing bounding on four legs. She looked back toward Brie Jaxx who had followed her - her muscle for this mission apparently - and gave the Shadowrunner a nervous grin, as if she only barely contained her thrills and fears over the mission at hand. Erisa was a smiler.

There was something about the way Erisa moved that seemed ever so slightly unsettling; The flexibility, the economy of motion, and the way she seemed to anticipate each missed footfall or slippery patch a moment before she might slip and break her neck. Of course, for Maris Fero, this freerunning, daredevil momentum was as much a way of life, and it was hard to break old habits.

The train had begun to slow approaching the appointed station when Erisa came to a sudden halt at the Junction between two carriages and stopped dead. Eyes darting between parallel lines of conduit running over the edge of the carriage and down toward the undercarriage below. She sat herself atop the first carriage, legs dangling over the edge between both, and pulled a long, cruel-looking blade from a pouch by her thigh. The thing was crafted from a single piece of transparent polymer, flat and slim in profile. The covert weapon was exceptionally sharp and the reverse edge was decorated in wavelike serrations.

Carefully taking the blade in both hands the operative guided the razor edge of the weapon along the rubberized seals on the junction casing and used the length of the weapon to pop the casing free, exposing the first of the cable interfaces. “Time to pin this thing…” she mused looking up toward Jaxx, “How are we doing?”

She didn’t wait for an answer before returning her attention to the job at hand pulling a long thin needle-like dataspike from her other hip pouch and deftly spearing it deep into the electronic workings of the carriage systems. Sparks sprayed for a moment, an acrid scent of singed electronics, but then the lights along the filigree-like circuitry of the data spike began to flicker, and Erisa started to consult a miniature data feed on her wrist.

“Once the Corpos stop this thing, it ain't moving again..”

Reggie Reggie | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx | Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll | Niamh Berkeley | Felix Faraday Felix Faraday



".. Huh?"

Iris blinked, glancing up to Felix as he passed by. A mercenary? He certainly didn't look Corpo. Was he here on their dollar? Her eyes passed him over, just glancing through his colors. Then up. There was a shift she hadn't noticed before that had her expression tense. There were people coming aboard. Not legally either, by their entry. .. And there was something else. Where the colors weren't flowing. What-

"Weird guy, get away from that door!" She raised a hand, pulling on him with the Force just as an automated turret sprang free to open fire. Intruders were on board.

Things were about to get loud.

Felix Faraday Felix Faraday | Reggie Reggie | Maris Fero Maris Fero | Niamh Berkeley | Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx | Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll | Hacks Hacks


Gear: Rocket Boots, Two Disruptor Pistols, Magnum Six-Shooter, Flashbang, Vibroknife, Knuckledusters. Cool jacket.




Who else?

He had to deal with the Jedi now. The Jedi. His mask turned, eyes whirling as the targeting and information center part of his helmet started to go to work. He came up with an option, the best one, of course, being-

Toss a flashbang at 'em while they were distracted by the Corpsec soldiers.

The Corpsec soldiers saw him chuck it- the spherical grenade slamming into the ground. Grenades were made in the old style, at least, the ones Nej used. They stuck to the ground- and bam! Made for bad frag grenades, but for everything else, well, old-school was the best learning.

Nej jetted up to meet the Corpsec troops, leaving the Jedi to deal with the grenade. His Disruptor pistols were ringing out shots at a high rate of fire, Corpsec soldiers falling down to the street, slamming into the pavement with violent displays of Nej's capability for violence.

He opened up the Darkwire comms.

"Jedi are here. Don't know who with. Everyone watch out. Might have some unpleasant friends."


Eden Io

Location: Black Lake Aquifer, Seven Corners District - Denon
Objective: Crossfire
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Tags: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Valery Noble Valery Noble Nej Tane Nej Tane Anja Rydder Anja Rydder


Eden stayed behind cover as the patrol vehicle slammed into the lower platform, crashing through a fence, then a building. All the while, a number of small fires ignited as the smell of burning fuel began to permeate within the polluted air. It went without saying that she would have to keep her distance from the crash site, as the patrol vehicle could explode at any minute. Fortunately, the gynoid didn’t have a reason to go there now, but with the unrestrained chaos of the ongoing assault, things could change quickly.

Seeing that the CorpSec officers had been engaged by the winsome gunslinger, Eden took the opportunity to get out of cover while they were occupied. Then, she laid down a hail of fire on the CorpSec officers, managing to cut down another one with a successive quintet of blaster bolts that burned and melted through his chest armor, sending him tumbling off the roof and into the aquifer. However, before she could commit to taking out another one, a fresh transmission came through her comms.

"Jedi are here. Don't know who with. Everyone watch out. Might have some unpleasant friends."

“Jedi?! Wh-”

Eden shifted her synthetic gaze until her photoreceptors found it—a blazing purple beam of searing light that stuck out like a blooming lilac amidst a tree of darkening leaves. Indeed, it was a Jedi. And not only that, it was the Jedi.

The Sword of the Jedi. At this point, almost anyone would recognize her.


Niamh Berkeley



District 3, Denon

Location: Denon
Objectives: Survive
Tags: Reggie Reggie Felix Faraday Felix Faraday Iris Arani Iris Arani Maris Fero Maris Fero Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll Hacks Hacks

She thought she heard banging and a muffled voice on the other side of her doorway, but with the thick metal it was hard to know if it was a person or just the twisting of the metal of the train itself calling out. And what use would it be the tight gag around her mouth prevented her doing anything but letting out a near inaudible moan in response. Easily lost amongst the other sounds on the train. She did feel it pulling to a stop, so perhaps these were her new employers coming to take her away.

On the other side of the door, in front of Felix Faraday Felix Faraday and the jedi Iris Arani Iris Arani small circular iris like doorway opened and a polished spherical eyeball like greeter on pneumatic stalk extended out. "This cargo container is private property. Any unauthorised access would be in breach of Denon Corporate Authority statue 11.6.a part 4." a small hologram of the relevant laws appeared in front of the eye.

Additionally pod contains hazardous biological materials which if released will have you in coliation of Article 8.9 of the public health ordnance, breaching of which may result in unlimited fines or life imprisonment....

Please imput clearance codes to proceed"

The eye winked once and scanned the two occupants of the coach waiting for them to either move away from the locked door or present high level clearance from company that was holding the teen captive.


Location: District 3
Objective: 1 - Rail Runner
Wearing: Phase I Haywire Armor, Stealth Field Generator.
Wielding: KC-77N Hybrid Pistol, taser baton, PRP-502 Dart Shooter.
Tag: Reggie Reggie , Niamh Berkeley, Iris Arani Iris Arani


The train had slowed down enough for it not to scare the chit out of them both as they leaped and hoped for the best. It was a daring task, but one that was crucial to the mission and couldn't be done in any other way. The Corpos probably considered the risk of getting stowaways this way very low, it any risk. It goes without saying that they all risked a lot with this mission, and everyone more or less had to struggle with keeping their nerves in the inside. Brie noticed the nervous grin on the slightly older hacker girl, but braced herself and pushed on towards the location where the hacker girl were supposed to plug into the trains computer systems.
“Time to pin this thing…” she mused looking up toward Jaxx, “How are we doing?”

Brie noticed a buzz in her pocket and brought up the small datapad to read the message.
Their CryptNet chat would light up with a brief coded message from Reggie’s handle, D4N53: “All aboard.

She sent a thumbs up to Reggie Reggie , and put the datapad away. ''Everyone is in position! Now, just hope things continues to go this smooth! How long did you say this was going to take?'' she called, trying to drown the wind noise that was slowly getting lower with the decreasing speed of the train. There was a service hatch nearby that, according to the blueprints stolen from the manufacturer of the train, and if the train was locked down, should be big enough for the two girls to squeeze and get them into the train to help the rest of the shadowrunners.


Objective I: Rail Runner

Locale: Denon
Alias: Erisa Adler, Shadowrunner

Erisa looked over at her new train buddy and that wide grin spread over her lips as she shrugged melodramatically, glancing back down at her handiwork and running a finger up one faceted surface of the spike, turning the lights on its flank an intense neon blue and resulting in yet another errant spark of energy discharge as the sonic whine of increasing charge built up around the device.

“Woah.. yeah okay that worked, as soon as this train stops I trigger the routine… Then unless they get some repair wizard in here pronto, the train never moves again. It’ll look like an overload fault. No one will be any the wiser!”

She laughed as she spoke, apparently a nervous giggler when it came to grand theft loco, and none the wiser to the living cargo that might have heard their landings within the train. She started patting down various pockets and pouches on her clothes as if searching for something at least moderately important, but not appearing to find what she expected.

“And now comes part two…" she added as the train slowed to a crawl as it entered the planned stop.

"Five… four… three… two...-” She started to count down on her fingers, apparently for Brie’s benefit. The hacker's eyes closed and her expression became a wince as if anticipating trouble to come as she silently mouthed the last number and her final finger dropped.

The train came to a halt. Nothing happened. Then every access panel seal on the train shorted at once - as well as the lighting.

“Power surge…” she mimed the words breathlessly as if they might now be overheard, shifting her weight to better help Brie tug free the access point to allow them both entry into the now unsealed service hatch.

[Backup Generator will fire in three] she signaled as the trouble really started.

Reggie Reggie | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx | Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll | Niamh Berkeley | Felix Faraday Felix Faraday



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Appearance: Link
Blasters | Lightsaber
Tag: Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar Nej Tane Nej Tane Eden Io | Open

"Just do your best!" Valery called out while Gatz pulled away from the cover the dumpster provided, to stand closer to her instead. She was able to keep away immense volleys of blaster fire if she needed to, so she had no doubt that she could keep them both safe. The real trouble was that Gatz seemed to be deteriorating quickly. It was hard for him to hit his targets, and with every passing second, she felt him weakening behind her.

"We need to move you away from here," she told him, knowing it meant potentially giving up on their efforts. Or, at the very least, their attempts to stop what was happening here would slow down a bit.

A sudden sense of danger pulled Valery's eyes away and towards what appeared to be a flashbang — a weapon she had encountered before. This time, however, she didn't have the time to stop it and the subsequent bang deafened her senses. At least, the more physical ones — her mind shifted into the Force and she allowed it to guide her instead.

She knew, however, that Gatz might need more help.

<Gatz, if you can move, head over to the alley up ahead. Take cover in there and we'll find our way through,> she told him telepathically, just in case he'd not be able to hear her speak anymore.



Most of the time, if Valery tried to usher him away from danger while she was still in the thick of it, Gatz would have argued. He'd have stayed put, inevitably irritating her, and making them butt heads. But the pain and blood loss from his blaster wound to the arm was starting to make him feel dizzy. His shots were far less accurate than normal, and that meant that Valery had to stand in the open longer just to deflect all the blasters pointed in their direction.

Sword of the Jedi she might be, but even she couldn't deflect bolts forever. Just for a really long time, probably.

Either way, he needed to get out of the crossfire, for his own wellbeing and Valery's. He'd told himself—and her—many times that he wouldn't be the reason her children lost their mother, or the reason her husband lost his wife. And Gatz Derrevar was many things, most of them bad, but he always stood by his word.

"Agh, fine!" He couldn't keep the frustration out of his voice.

So, much to his own chagrin, he started to move. Naturally, that was when the flashbang went off.

His sight was blinded in a moment, and his ears popped so loud that all he could hear was ringing. Nausea filled him, as his two most important senses were taken from him in an instant. Unlike Valery, he simply didn't have the strength or training in the Force to delve into it to compensate, and Gatz was left stumbling like a drunkard in what he thought was the direction of the alley.

A tremor in the Force: danger. But his head was so screwed up, between pain, blood loss, and being flashbanged, that Gatz couldn't make sense of the warning.

Until something white-hot struck him in the gut, and he sprawled to the ground on his back, a hole burned into him and smoke trailing from his unresponsive form.

Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble Nej Tane Nej Tane Eden Io | Open


Rail Runner - District 3 - Denon
Reggie Reggie || Iris Arani Iris Arani || Maris Fero Maris Fero || Niamh Berkeley || Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx || Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll || Hacks Hacks

Felix's ear heard the small click and whir of multiple barrels spinning behind him. A small backstep followed. He needed to move out of the way, roll backwards. Fall out of the line of fire. Quickly. Now. Before a single shot sounded off.

That singular backstep lost complete footing as his stomach rose to his chest. His entire center of gravity completely lurched backwards before his feet slipped away and off any measure of stable footing. The ground raced forward beneath him as the breathe left his body and his shoulders and limbs tensed, ready for the eventual collision. His back slammed into the floor as he slid across the floor. His breathe left him a second time from the impact before a deep gasp overtook him.

"Ugh," a small groan echoed throughout the carriage. What had pulled him? The smell of laserfire reached his nose as he slowly pushed himself off the ground, propping himself first with one arm on the ground. His eyes glanced at the burnt plasma marks on the door before peering further down along the carriage.

( Iris Arani Iris Arani ) That woman. The one he warned earlier. She was up from her seat and holding her arm out. A force sensitive, possibly a Jedi. No mistaking it now with such a display of power and concern for his well-being. His eyes briefly glanced at her outstretched palm and her posture. Focused, collected, direct. She had some measure of training. Safer to assume she was a Jedi of some sort than not.

Huh. And she's cute. Guess my prayers were answered. Sort of.

Pushing himself up onto his two feet with both arms, Felix chuckled, "Weird guy? You always this rude to the people you help?"

"Anyway! Thanks for the save, cute lady! Name's Felix. Felix Faraday," a lighthearted grin followed along with a thumbs up. Spinning around on his heels, Felix began walking straight back towards the door.

Before stopping a few yards away from the door. His brows furrowed as he glared at the turret before tensing at the sound of shifting electronic lenses and a stalk elongating. Gaze settling onto the electronic security system warning the pair, Felix Faraday frowned before glancing at the stalk and then the turret.

"Some security system! Don't shoot the guy whom you hired to help you!" Felix tossed his hands up into the air as his head tilted in disbelief. Once more he spun around on his feet and casting the same gaze of disbelief towards her before jutting a thumb over his shoulder at the security system. "Can you believe these guys? Because now-."

Spinning once more to face the security system, Felix grinned. The most mischievous of smirks danced upon his lips as his eyes glinted with a hunger for adventure.

"Now I have to see what is inside."

Leaning forward and planting one foot in front of him, Felix prepared to sprint forward. He had a plan to take out the security system and the turret in one-go. A little cramped inside this carriage, but it would do. Ready . . . set . . .

The room plunged itself into darkness. Only the outside lights peering through the windows provided any sight within the shadows. Felix stumbled forward on his first step before catching himself. What had happened? All the power was gone.

Wait. The security system.

A perfect opportunity.

(Niamh Berkeley) Dashing forward towards the door, Felix's cybernetic limb reached forward before digging the metal digits and palm into the security panel, splintering metal under his grip. Then, he pulled while keeping his hold. A risky gamble but if he could rip the panel and its wiring out before the power came back on, then maybe the locks and turret would either disengage or fail to reactivate. A better strategy than wasting bullets.

But if the turret did come back on or the door would not open, there was a trusty lightsaber-wielding Jedi to slice through the doors and automated machine gun.

Perhaps his faith was a bit misplaced in a stranger, but what was life without its gambits?​
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The smell of ozone. Singed metal. Burnt rubber.

Burnt flesh.

No one had been hit, but as she stood there with her hand outstretched, that's all she could smell. Burned, ruined flesh. Her own. The flash of pain in her chest from where she'd been shot burned in her mind. It was such an old wound, one she'd gotten used to, but now it was all she had in her mind. The shuttle she was on, the pain as she was laid out and felt feeling like she was going to die.

At the time, she would've.

"Some security system! Don't shoot the guy whom you hired to help you!"

Iris blinked, glancing back towards him. Right. The train. The panicked breathing she'd been having came to a still as she outright just calmed herself in an instant. Detached herself. There was something going on that still needed her attention. The turret. She reached a hand right up to pull on the Force and twist it away from the both of them, at least for the moment, before it continued to just fire at the both of them.

"What are you doing!?"

Felix Faraday Felix Faraday | Niamh Berkeley | Reggie Reggie | Maris Fero Maris Fero | Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx
Erisa looked over at her new train buddy and that wide grin spread over her lips as she shrugged melodramatically, glancing back down at her handiwork and running a finger up one faceted surface of the spike, turning the lights on its flank an intense neon blue and resulting in yet another errant spark of energy discharge as the sonic whine of increasing charge built up around the device.

Stars, the shadowrunner hacker wasn't that kind of person, right?! It always gave you a bad feeling when people instead of giving you a straight answer gave you a kriffing shrug and a grin! Brie thought, rolled her eyes and sat down in defeat beside the other girl. She listened to the womans explanation of what would happen next, but her nervous giggle instantly made her anxious again. The woman was supposed to be a bloody good hacker, but definitely needed to train on showing that. Brie was used to follow Daiya Daiya who always seemed to have both a plan A and B, and even though they were a little ambigious and risky at times, the Darkwire poster girl hadn't killed them. Yet.

“And now comes part two…" she added as the train slowed to a crawl as it entered the planned stop.

''What?!'' Brie blurted out, just slightly annoyed that the woman didn't seem to have her gear in order, seeming to search for something important that she couldn't find. Her worries were soon answered, as her fellow shadowrunner started a countdown and the train came to a complete stop.

''Well, uh... okay! Would you look at that!'' she hissed in surprise and relief, happy that they had achieved their first goal despite her fluctiating belief. Before they ventured past the service hatch, Brie stopped and eyed the other girl. ''You got everything you need now?'' she asked and hoped for the love of her family that it was the case.

Niamh Berkeley



District 3, Denon

Location: Denon
Objectives: Survive
Tags: Reggie Reggie Felix Faraday Felix Faraday Iris Arani Iris Arani Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx Hacks Hacks

Naimh flinched as the man on the other side wrenched at the metal of the door separating them and the oise reverberated around the container she was in. That wasn't corpos, that was someone else, whether they were hostile of friendly was anybody's guess at this point and pushed herself back closer into the darkest corner of her box, trying not to be the first thing that whatever creature tore knocked at the door would find. She attempted to spit the gag out of her mouth so she could at very least either call for help or plea for mercy against the intruder.

The unpowered panel in the hand of Felix Faraday Felix Faraday and ripped lose in his hand. The door of course remained locked, having no power to disengage its bolts and having no desire to move now its access panel had been destroyed. The small security droid that had greeted them had his own power and detached himself from the compartment, sending out small arcs of electricity at anyone who came to close. It was now his job to escape with images from inside the security disabled carriage to allow the proper authorities to act against there intruders. Its eye on the long metal stalk looked around quickly and it calculated the most likely route of escape, past three metres down the carriage and out the shattered window looked good. The two foot tall droid scuttled down the length of the cart in 6 spindly metal legs on its way to freedom and rescue by the owners of the cargo. It scuttled past the man who had his arms deep in the electronics of the carriage and towards a window half way between he and the dark haired woman waving her hands about.



Objective I: Rail Runner

Locale: Denon
Alias: Erisa Adler, Shadowrunner

Erisa looked exceptionally pleased and a little relieved at the result of her work and almost seemed a little giddy. She tried to play it cool though, and could not pull it off. Maris couldn't help but wonder if the young veteran she was working with figured her hacker comrade alias was a dangerous liability already.

“Yeah everything going like clockwork!” she whispered and turned to hoist herself into the service hatch, but stopped to let the other shadowrunner lead and added, “You’re doing awesome, by the way. Just don’t let anyone shoot me and we are going to get on great.”

Maris was about to say more when she paused suddenly, feeling something shift in the force, a trained practitioner was nearby, perhaps within the carriage beneath them and she could feel the edges of a mind.

The train had come to a full and semi-permanent halt now, at least until some serious engineering work was done to free the seized braking mechanisms that the Shrike had rendered inoperable, having practically welded themselves in place, she could just abandon the mission here and she had probably done enough for the cred, but that morbid curiosity would draw her in, and Maris just knew she couldn't turn back yet.

“Uhh.. Someone else is down there..” Erisa whispered to Brie, putting a warning hand on the other woman's arm to suggest they embrace caution, allowing the nerves back into her voice again, “Someone strong. Be careful, please..”

Reggie Reggie | Iris Arani Iris Arani | Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx | Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll | Niamh Berkeley | Felix Faraday Felix Faraday


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