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Approved Starship TIE/fd space superiority fighter

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  • Standard Communications Array
  • Standard Deflector Shield Generator
  • Twin Ion Engines
  • Standard Life Support Systems
  • Standard Repulsorlift Engines
  • Standard Sensor Array
  • Can Enter Atmosphere

  • Swift and Nimble: The TIE/fd lives up to the reputation of it's predecessors with it's incredible speed, lightweight frame, and unparalleled maneuverability. The TIE/fd is capable of performing swift hit and run operations alone or in swarms to overwhelm the enemy with it's swift ability to outrun and outmaneuver their enemies.
  • Low Durability: The TIE/fd suffers from lightweight design and mass produced material, the drawback to having such a swift and efficient fighter is at the cost of it's overall ability to withstand punishment which it sorely lacks.


The TIE/fd was designed and drafted up by engineers at the Epoch Engineering Corporation using the resurrected TIE line once solely belonging to Sienar-Jaemus Fleet Systems before becoming a galactic stable for Imperial craft during the common era of intergalactic space warfare. Designed to serve as the first incarnation of a new line of TIE fighter designs to serve the coming reign of the FINAL DAWN, Epoch Engineering ensured the fighters were able to serve effectively and were ready for mass production for the fledgling military junta.

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis

As usual, a very nice ship! However this time I found two problem and the concern.
  • The ship is overpowered (+3), please fix it.
  • The CP90 Durasteel's production rate is only minor, so you have to change the production rate to minor, or delete this material.
  • The concern is the defence rating, I feel this is more than a low rating, this is more an average. So please clarify how this and the entire defence is only a low and their limits.
That's all, please let me know if you edited these.
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