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Approved Starship TIE/FO Fighter

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Affiliation: The First Order
Manufacturer: The First Order
Model: TIE/FO
Modularity: No
Production: Mass Produced
Material: Alusteel, Durasteel, Transperisteel
Classification: Starfighter & Atmospheric Fighter
Crew: 2 (Gunner & Pilot)
Length: 9.25 Metres
Height: 7.5 Metres
Width: 6.4 Metres
Pair of laser cannons at the base of the cockpit dome. (Controlled by Pilot)
Mounted linked laser cannon (2) attached beneath cockpit dome. Weapon has 360 movability and is controlled remotely by gunner.

Squadron Count: 12

Special Features:
Inertial Compensator -
Deflector Shield Generators -
Communications Array -
Targeting Sensors -
Navigational Systems -
Wide Ranged Sensors -
Sub Space Transciever -
Long Range Sensors -

Maneuverability Rating: 3
Speed Rating: 2
Hyperdrive Class:None

Cheap: The TIE/FO has been designed to be easily replaced and maintained.
Dogfighter: Tight turns and the ability to go damn fast helps the TIE/FO beat it’s opposition.
Angles: The small yet deadly pivot cannons at the command of a dedicated Gunner allows the TIE/FO to be a threat from any angle.
Crewed by two: The TIE/FO is crewed by two pilots of the First Order. While a seemingly brilliant idea it does now remove the chance for two separate fighters.
No Hyperdrive: The TIE/FO is completely dependant on transport to get from system to system.

Description: The TIE/FO is an advanced fighter developed by the renegade faction of the First Order. Deprived from the original TIE/LN fighter the engineers of the First Order were fast to see the potential in maintaining the basic design.

The Solar foils remained as did many of the basic ideals within the Fighter, each of the systems however were built ground up to fit in with the vision the First Order had for it’s premier Starfighter.

The cockpit bubble was increased in size to allow for a second seat to be positioned within. This gunners chair was also designed to allow vision of the rear facing through a reinforced slit that gave a restricted yet ideal view of the air following the TIE/FO which was perfect for their hit and run tactics.

A second pivot mounted laser cannon was placed beneath the TIE/FO’s chassis. The idea was that a gunner, with his sensor array and remote unit could anticipate enemy fighters and allow the pilot concentration on the forward arc’s main mission.

Development Thread: If necessary
Who Can Use This: The First Order
Intent: To create a mass produced fighter for the naval forces of the First Order.
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