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Work In Progress TIE/VS Vector | NIO

  • Intent: Update the mainline NIO TIE fighter
  • Image Source: Elliot Davis | ArtStation
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A



( Cockpit view of the TIE/VS Vector )​

  • Hyperdrive
  • High Speed | Twin Ion Engines
  • High Maneuverability | Inertial Compensator
  • Low Defenses | Strained Onboard Powerplant
  • Slow Output of Power Transfer Between Engines, Shields, Weapons Systems
  • Fit for Experienced Pilots | Inertial Compensator
Along with the NIO's proposed 865aby rearmament and military upgrade project, the space superiority fighter was immediately viewed as a slot that needed replacement within the New Imperial arsenal. With the TIE/VS Vector being applied in a hybrid Fighter/Interceptor role the Kuat Entralla engineers intended it to replace both the aging models of the TIE/OT Outlander and TIE/INx Interceptors, both being mainline starfighters of the New Imperial Order's Starfighter Corps. The issue came in logistics in which fleet officers desired the capability of both but had skewed capabilities in both, with TIE/OT Outlanders being capable of long range hyperspace travel and TIE/INx Interceptors having to be attached to carrier groups and deployed from onboard starship hangars, giving them a significantly shorter range of operation. Where the TIE/VS Vector solves both problems, allowing for interceptor capable starships to be deployed at long range and enmasse in capable squadron sizes.

While the capabilities of the Vector were found desirable by NIO Starfighter Corps pilots, the only short coming came with the less than rigorous powerplant, rated to fit the maximum weight of starfighter and able to supplement the standard New Imperial starfighter arsenal of four heavy lasers and two missile launchers with proper tracking and re-armament systems in place however this came with a far less effective and far slower to regenerate shielding system. Ultimately Kuat Entralla believed that the ability of the pilot would be able to off-set this disadvantage and it was brought forth for the COMPNOR Committee of Improvements for review from which it was ultimately approved
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Gat Tambor Gat Tambor

Very nicely made and detailed submission! I found one problem and I have a concern:
Please let me know if you edited and explained these.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Gat Tambor Gat Tambor

Update on this? I have to move the thread to the Archive soon according to the Factory policy. I can give you a few more days if you need them, until Sunday (2021.05.02), to make the necessary edits or indicate that you are asking for a few extra days for this.
Gat Tambor Gat Tambor

I'll be taking over this review.

Firstly, you seem to have overlooked the Xythan/Molecular shielding under Defences when removing it from Advanced Features, please remove that accordingly. Secondly, the Judge specifically used them as examples of the excessive nature of your Defences rating, not the only issue that needs to be addressed. I wholly stand by that assessment. Please explain how you consider this the equivalent of a "Low" rating.

This vessel seems to be constructed from an array of famously durable materials, a full suite of shields, and a laundry list of countermeasures. This will need to be adjusted to more reasonable levels. Additionally, the "Low Defenses | Strained Onboard Powerplant" Weakness seems to indicate that the Shields may be a weak point (no power, no shields) - if so, please clarify this, since the Defences section certainly doesn't read that way.

Finally, I would suggest being a bit more restrictive with the "Rapid-Fire/Heavy/etc." adjectives. At the end of the day, the ratings are what matters and so excessive additions accomplish nothing but diluting the terms, limiting your ability to. e.g., clearly distinguish your more potent vessels.

P.S. There's a stray link after the Missile Deactivation Transmitter. I imagine you'd want to remove it.​
Gat Tambor Gat Tambor

Status on this (and the ETA-11x)? If the issues are not addressed by next Thursday (May 13th) I will be archiving these submissions for inactivity. Since this is the second such warning no further ones will be given. Please be advised that if at any point in the review process you take more than a week to respond I will be archiving the submission in question for inactivity.

If you need more time to work on the submission(s), one or both can be moved to Pre-Factory.​
Gat Tambor Gat Tambor

What is the status of this submission? As per the rules of the pre-factory, which can be found here, submissions may only remain in the pre-factory for one month before being archived. Unfortunately, your submission has been in the pre-factory for longer than a month, if you could please update us on if you still intend to complete it, or if you would rather the submission be moved to the archives till you're ready to work on it.

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