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Public Tillian's the Name, Tramp Trade's the Game (Centares)



Tramp trading was a gamble, even the best of them acknowledged that, and why those who reached Aeshi's middle-aged years were few and far between, most ready to settle down into regular routes, or work as a marginer for one of the bigger shipping companies. But not Aeshi. She craved the thrill, the gamble, the risk. It was all a frontier to explore and chart, every bit as much the edge of the galaxy.

And regions of space in the chaos of a collapsed empire, especially a world that once housed part of the Sith-Imperial Trade Association, was an opportunity just waiting to be grasped. A resistance base had been set up in the area, from what she had gathered, and struck out against Sith convoys, until the Sith empire retaliated. A few of the names she even recognized. The Skiratas were well known in her part of the Rim, especially that one. So, she had gathered up as much cargo as she could and hoofed it through the various governments to Centares.

Her co-pilot had gone out ahead and posted bills of sale and advertisements around the area, so they could hope to bring in some crowds. Likely some troublemakers, possibly even some old SITA muscle not eager for an Outer Rim rebel family to be making creds on their turf. But then, that was why the two .48s hung at her hip.

"New wares!" She called out amongst the small courtyard she had appropriated as a landing field. "Newest Corellia Digitial shows! Imyni artisan wares! Finest Tillian whiskey! Mon Cala tableware!" Aeshi paused as movement flickered in a corner. "Lowest prices this side of Coruscant, guaranteed! Barter and old currencies for metal weight accepted!" She paused and took a long sip of her own bottle of whiskey. "Force-infused teas, top-grade pharmaceuticals, other medicines! Also, ore and duracrete by the ten-k bags!"

She had very little market intelligence about this region of space, nobody did in Tillian Family Enterprises either, not since the fall of the Sith Empire, so she had targeted a wide variety of potential markets with goods she could get cheap enough that even a marginal price would pay down the costs of purchase and transfer. It wouldn't make a huge profit, but it would be a start.

Serve as a place to network, especially being the last world on the Perlemian Trade Route between the Midrim and Outer Rim. Granted, there were genocidal space crustaceans to the galactic south, and numerous conquest-obsessed empires to the north, and maybe the Silvers or the Alliance could stabilize the area before the others moved in. It gave her a window, at least, to get in and start establishing trade relationships, and perhaps nurture what sparks of independence remained, give them the teeth to fight back and make their own destiny. Start small though, that was the key. Bring goods to trade, establish trust, and then she could branch out into more significant trade deals and runs. She'd mark up the deals and send back to Susefvi for the company to follow up on. Except for the more discreet ones, anyway. She would handle those personally. Given the nature of the region, it was unlikely to be one of the bulk freighters, so probably a marginer or associate, depending on the risk levels.

But that wasn't her concern. She had to build the foundation first, and then the rest would follow. "New wares!" She called again, cupping her hands around her mouth. "Cheap and reliable! Come and see!"

Aeshi paused from her calling to take a drink of whiskey, letting the fumes burn off the bottle's side vent as she leaned against the hydraulics on the Requiem's boarding ramp. The ship's hull gave her some shade from the sun as it rose towards afternoon. And despite her tan from the stellar radiation, she was more used to shipboard environments. Sweat glistened along her hairline and she wiped her forehead with one arm.

Someone furtively crept through the square towards her, trying to look like they were on business of their own. Aeshi kept quiet and pretended not to look. They looked to be an adolescent human, probably tempted by the chance to score some cheap liquor. Aeshi would, naturally, oblige, if so desired.

The youth, a boy, she guessed, although the cheekbones were still squishy and the face not fully grown came up to the table. "I heard you were selling Outer Rim stuff."

Aeshi just nodded, and set the jug of Liberty's Flame whiskey down beside her. "You heard right. What can I interest you in?" The boy paused and looked behind him, running a nervous hand through his hair.

"Do you have any history holos? Or news archives?"

Aeshi considered with a slight frown as she pulled open a crate and rummaged through them. "I have a couple that I picked up second-hand, mostly holocubes from the Outer Rim. Regional histories, I think--"

"How much?" The youth interrupted her before she finished, fishing through his pockets. "Our history was taught from the perspective of the Sith empire and it never sat right with me." He pulled out a handful of Sith-Imperial credits. "Are these still good? Or enough metal?"

They weren't. Not in quantities that small, but Aeshi made herself give a grin instead. "Oh, yeah, that should cover it, with some left over." She took the offered credit chips and handed back extra change in IGBC credits. She didn't trust them, personally. Too many superpowers in perpetual war relied on them, but the IGBC had more influence here than the Outer Rim currencies, so she figured that would help the kid out a bunch more.

It put her deeper in the red for this trip, but how could she say no? The kid had the fire in his eyes of a born rebel and by the Force she wasn't going to quash that over a handful of credits. She handed over the datacubes with a grin. "Enjoy, kid. And make sure the truth spreads, yeah?"

He grinned back at her, clutching the precious information, and offered Aeshi a fist bump. She returned it, awkwardly, and then gave a half-wave as he ran off down a different street. The echoes of his footsteps slowly faded away as a smaller crowd lingered at the edge of the square slowly drifted inwards.

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