Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Time for the Sloth to rest

Kruel Zing

Well-Known Member
Welp, its been a long time coming but it is time for The Sloth to type his final words on Chaos. This site has been one of the most enjoyable that I've ever been on and I've made many friends on this site who I have come to talk to regularly and don't regret a single second I've spent on this site. But everything must come to an end, and Chaos is like a drug or a hot ex, you leave for a bit but you always come back for that one last taste. I intend for this to be the last time I take the bite of that fruit. I wish all the people on Chaos the best.

Sloth Out!

[member="Kruel Zing"]

'Tis sad to hear but as discussed on Discord, should you ever return, we will be here brother.

As the tag-team partner in the first PvP bout I had on Chaos, I applaud you for the addiction you led me into around this place.

I couldn't have asked for a better gateway drug and in your farewell I wish you all the best man.



Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Kruel Zing"]

I didn't get to write with you much, outside of sharing threads, but we did chat a lot ooc. Going to miss you and your memes. Your writing is superb. I hope you find another outlet for it.

Take care and as [member="Veiere Arenais"] has said, we'll be here if you ever pop by. :)
[member="Kruel Zing"]

D: please have an amazing time away as much as I want to be like "omg come bacccckkk" I shall say both "omg come back pls we love and miss you!" And "thank you for everything and enjoy life and your drug I mean chaos free life xD"

You're good peoples mate <3

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