Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Tides of Change


Tags: Efret Farr Efret Farr
Location: Jedi Enclave, BOGANO


Fenn squeaked when Efret told him which discovery was hers. "Ooh, I like that one a lot," the boy said. He took a healthy bite of paella and chewed thoughtfully while Elias spoke next.

"It was certainly fun to find," he said. "Master Farr here is psychometric, like Padawan Corso. She can see glimpses of the past just by touching things - sometimes just by being close to things!" Elias had always admired the ability of psychometry. Even as a proclaimed Force master himself, it was a skill that had eluded him. He could bend plants to his will, move the waves and conjure pure lightning, but tapping into the past was better left to the Efret Farr's and Cailen Corso's of the galaxy. Variation in skills and masteries were what made being a Jedi so fun; Elias loved meeting new people who were in control of powers he had not -or could not- learn himself. "Why don't you tell Master Farr about the thing you discovered in the caverns?"

"I found a mollusk!" Fenn exclaimed with a mouth full of food but too excited to care. Elias dropped his fork onto his plate, laughing straight from his belly. The limestone caves under their feet were rich with fossilized shells. Fenn was among the few Jedi here to have found not only a discernible fossil, but a fully intact specimen. "It's so cool! Maybe I can show it to you when you're better?" Fenn suggested with pleading puppy eyes. "And you can tell me more about your fossil, too?"

in the footsteps of a stranger

Efret watched on as Elias informed Fenn of her unique powers with both of her lips pressed into one another, fighting slight embarrassment. She had always struggled with gracefully accepting praise rather than gracefully redirecting it, but also, in this precise moment, she hoped that mention of such a thing wouldn't capture young Fenn's interest overly much.

Psychometry could be a dangerous thing. If he wanted to learn it at some point, she would give the same safety disclaimer to him she had to Astri.

So she was relieved when the topic changed. Excitement shown bright on her face when he told her about his own discovery. <Wow! #Mollusk? Very cool. You name fossil?> Then she nodded. <Love see future. Teach you also, yes. #Lab analysis finished not-yet.

<Like caves, you?> She glanced at Elias with more shyness, worried that her next question would somehow change his opinion of her. <What live down-there? Fish, bat, lizard?>

Tides of Change


Tags: Efret Farr Efret Farr
Location: Jedi Enclave, BOGANO


"All three!" Fenn exclaimed. "And oggdos, too." That made Elias's face quirk awkwardly, as if he'd rather Fenn not mention the carnivorous toads that dwelled in Bogano's darker recesses. He didn't want Efret to get worked up if she realized that Fenn was given enough freedom to have encountered -and killed- one on his own before. "Ahh, let's leave the oggdos for next time, yes?" Elias said, redirecting the boy. "How about the boglings, instead? Did you see any today?" He knew Fenn adored the little creatures, and thankfully, the young Jedi latched right onto the opportunity to chat about them. "They're so cute! I want to keep one as a pet, but Master Erewhon said I can't." Elias chuckled.

"Master Erewhon is right," he said. "They're wild things, meant to live wild lives outside your dorm room." Fenn ate a bite of rice while he thought it over, then looked to Efret with another question. "How did you find your convor, Master Farr?" The poor creature was on the mend, healing as expected, but Elias knew just how much Efret's companion meant to her. Part of him wanted to divert the topic again, but he thought it may do some good to recount brighter days with Nirrah.

in the footsteps of a stranger

"And oggdos, too."

<Oh,> she replied inquisitively, not sure what kind of animal that was.

"I want to keep one as a pet, but Master Erewhon said I can't."

<Oh,> she repeated, slightly curious about what Erewhon had said. Elias abated her with his next comment.

"How did you find your convor, Master Farr?"

<Oh.> This time, her face lit up, which would hopefully let Elias know that he had nothing to worry about. Reminiscing about their meeting in a time they were both younger and healthy was nothing but happy. <She found me instead,> Efret explained with a smile. <She my service owl. I can use Force, see through her eyes. Have limited sight alone, but I pay-attention dig, past. Approximately ten years past, go-to #Takodana, help excavate Jedi Temple there. Look up, she there!> Her eyes widened, recreating her surprise.

She glanced over to Elias, then looked back to Fenn. She was sure that both other older Jedi had this lesson well in hand but Efret couldn't let the teachable moment pass her by. <Wild animal too. Some people keep #condor pets, but I-think not ethical. Dangerous for people and bird. I lucky #Nirrah very friendly. She chose me. I not choose her. She not-like stay indoors long-time. Also need hunt for most her food. I help-her groom #pin feathers, can bleed a-lot. Not #glamorous. A-lot work, both-of-us. You understand?> She gave a small frown. <Sorry, dear.> She held out her arms in an offered hug. It had to be disappointing.

Tides of Change


Tags: Efret Farr Efret Farr
Location: Jedi Enclave, BOGANO


Fenn was a bit hesitant at first to accept Efret's embrace out of fear for accidentally hurting her, but he came around and gave her a hug. Elias smiled so big at the sight that he had to look down at his plate to avoid being overwhelmed. He knew firsthand just how much pain and hardship that little boy had suffered both before and after becoming a Padawan. To see him happy, wanted, loved... it was a powerful thing. From the angle where he sat, Elias could sign to Efret without Fenn seeing. He said a heartfelt <"Thank you"> just before Fenn pulled away.

"Maybe when I'm bigger," Fenn said after a moment, "I can get a pet." Elias nodded, then shrugged playfully. "Who knows? Maybe a grateful bogling might come right up to you and never leave your side! Only time will tell." That idea seemed to sate Fenn's desire for a furry companion.

"I once had a pet mokarra. When I was a boy on Genetia, my brother, Edrick, and I used to chase them on the shore. They were much faster than us, but we always swore that one day, we'd catch one. I remember practicing every day, trying to get better at catching the smaller lizards so that I'd be prepared for chasing mokarra." Elias started chuckling then. He could remember clearly all the methods he tried, but none of them worked. It was his brother who ended up catching himself one of the elusive reptiles, while Elias was training no less. He laughed again at the memory.

"It was Edrick who caught the mokarra, but he knew how hard I worked to reach that goal. He gave the lizard to me, and let me name it - Etera, I called it. It means 'with help' in Genetian." He couldn't have done it without Edrick's help, after all.

in the footsteps of a stranger

It was the least she could do. Efret only smiled back to Elias before letting go of Fenn. She didn't know how she was going to pay her fellow master back for his enclave's services and his own hospitality. Something told her that wasn't necessary, but she wanted to somehow impart her gratitude with more than just the sign. She took a mental note to brainstorm later.

What she would come up with at a later date would accomplish the opposite of what she wanted.

For now, she giggled quietly at Elias' story. <Cute name,> she commented. <Meaningful. And...> She put one of her hands over Fenn's eyes every gently. He could move it easily. <#E superior letter.>

Tides of Change


Tags: Efret Farr Efret Farr
Location: Jedi Enclave, BOGANO


Ha-ha-ha!” Elias chuckled. He knew Fenn couldn’t see what Efret had said, but the opportunity to tease the boy was too great to pass up. “E-names are certainly superior, Master Farr,” Elias said in an intentionally goading tone. Fenn’s fingers pulled at Efret’s hand as he giggled behind it. “No fair! F is right next to E!

Elias nodded, smiling. “It is, it is. Perhaps we’re neck and neck, then,” he said, not pointing out that E technically came before F. There was no need; Fenn was already starting another story about boglings with Efret, so Elias leaned back a bit and observed happily. This moment brought him great warmth and joy, but also drummed up a pang of sadness. It reminded him of how solitary and dangerous the path of a Jedi was. He’d already come to terms with the fact that he likely would take no wife, have no children, leave no legacy. It was bitter, but necessary, to come to such terms.

Perhaps it was jaded, too, but Elias knew that the more you have… the more there is to lose.

in the footsteps of a stranger

There was something about that smile—the one she gave when she made him laugh. She was tempted to listen through the Force, but the opportunity passed her by too quickly when the conversation resumed. Her eyes lingered on him even a few moments after Fenn got her attention before she looked to the boy. Though she did her very best to listen to Fenn's story, the thought of how she'd like very much to feel the vibrations of Elias' laugh someday was too distracting to ignore. Her smile was made at the idea of that rather than at Fenn's excitement.

By the end of the story, Efret had managed to focus her attention on Fenn. <I hope you dream #boglings, sweet boy,> she said sincerely before brushing some hair away from his face. <Thank-you share with me today.> She glanced to Elias. <Tired. Think need go soon. But...> She scooted out her chair and stood up. <...first, I dish wash. No. Stay.> She was expecting him to argue with her about it. <Can. Want.> She glanced down at Fenn. <Finished, you? Or want more?>

As she waited for an answer, she took up her own plate.


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