Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Time to do that thing... (Massively Reduced Posting)​

A few of you have noticed I've dropped down activity. Some might be celebrating that :p As for reasons?

I've passed the first stage of the EMS Academy for my hometown, marking an achievement as a 'Legacy' given I am the second generation of my family to work for the City. I start my precepting/third rides tonight, and will be working 12-16 hours a day on average, 4+ days a week for the next six months. I've moved over 300 miles back to my hometown in Kentucky from Detroit. I'm browsing for a new car(and can afford it!), a house or condo in a nice neighborhood! I'm re-testing for Paramedic, since the first time didn't go so well(pay attention in school kids). I've reconnected with 'the one that got away' from College and Highschool, and been doing alright at re-establishing my connections "back home".

I've adopted a puppy who will shortly be trained as a therapy and Fire & Recuse dog for First Responder outreach. I've enrolled to finish up my Bachelors in Paramedic Sciences and start my Masters in Emergency Systems Management and a state university. I'm a licensed EMT in three states, and actively operate in all three on the basis from paid, to volunteer, to a consultant. I am being interviewed as a possible presenter at a few EMS conferences on First Responder mental health, bedside manner, and the importance of health in providers. As well, I'm undergoing bariatric surgery in a few weeks to month or two (scheduling soon) AND I am obtaining my Fire certs to operate as a Fire-Rescue volunteer at a Southern Indiana rural Fire department.

In other words, I am back to sleeping 4-6 hours a night, if that. I am exhausted. But I am ecstatic. I just had to make a choice. I could not, and can not, keep up my personal and social life offline and continue to be as active here in any form. I'll still be around, and doing a few threads, but i'm actively reducing counts and characters, so I can take it easy. And i'm forcing activity to posts a day to maaaaybe *A* post a day.

So Chaos, you stay classy...

And someone hit [member="Darth Carnifex"] with a whiffle ball bat for me once and a while, ok?

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