Did Someone Order a War?
Bootana Hutta Region – Gos Hutta System - Kor Oktanivii Planet
OOC Note:
While I’d appreciate help, as this is a powerful dev thread, please only decent sized posts in this one, it’ll take a quality thread and a long one.
The Sound of the War Drum
Kor Oktanivii was a relatively unknown world to anyone outside of the hutt cartel, located in the triplanet system of Gos Hutta, inside the Bootana Hutta, it saw a lot of industrial and trade traffic, but otherwise outsiders avoided the heavy gang violence that littered its cities streets. Gang violence encouraged and funded by one company, fire for effect to test its weapons.
The motives for this companies recent flurry back into the galactic weapons market were only known to a handful of people, their real owners known to no one at all, the jumps and hoops people hand to go through to get to them were monumental. Money seemed to move everywhere, filtered through individuals, banks, middlemen and it was all skimmed, everyone took their cut.
Sere Reene was the face of the company, not that she was a pretty face, a deformed sluissi couldn’t be called that by anyone’s standards, but she was good at her job and efficient, the people she dealt with didn’t give a damned what she looked like as long as the guns kept coming.

Location: North Continent
FFE’s Main Production Facility, Punta Outman Geesa, or Dead Outlanders
In the rubbled filled interlinked cities of Seutta and Nuttaon
The main production facility, nicknamed affectionately Deadballs by the staff, given the domed shape bunkers, the shields surrounding them, and the distinct stench of industrial death being manufactured at all hours of the day. There was always something else was being worked on, and there were more weapons or empty discarded metal guns here than staff, far more. You could for sure smell the scent of dried whiskey or spice going down at the same time. It made for a vile mix unless you were used to it, in which case this rich scent of the underworld was home. Being a weapons manufacturer the facility was extremely heavily armed for its size, some of the guns were experimental but there were some household names on display, both large and small weapons around the outside.
Around them lay the burned out cities of Seutta and Nuttaon, plenty of people lived here, but the constant state of gang violence was only encouraged by FFE who made a killing off the occupants and better yet got to test their weapons for free.
What was on the table today to work on?
The sound of progress, aliens of all denominations working on ion tipped charged rounds. Sere was her usual calm self, even if the rodians, trandoshans, weequay and others here were rubbing their hands, tentacles or paws depending on the species, she was here supervising, waiting for the work to really get underway.