Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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So this is my draft of what will be on the holonet event banner.

Please read and review especially for accuracy. It may be too wordy, but we'll see.

845ABY – Aftermath – In the aftermath of the Netherworld incident the factions of the galaxy were shattered. Many billions who had vanished never returned, and despite the valiant efforts of the factions, many worlds were lost. Soon afterwards several groups were unable to continue and collapsed, including the Protectorate and the Lords of the Fringe.
846ABY – Rise of the New States – The Netherworld crisis had left a vacuum and new groups rose to fill the void. The Primeval, Hutt Cartel and Silver Sanctum Coalition rose to prominence, incorporating old territories or absorbing smaller groups. Meanwhile the relentless progress of the One Sith continued, driving the Republic further and further back until all the core was under the control of the Sith.
847ABY – Victory and Defeat – Just when it seemed that the One Sith would complete their goal of finally exterminating the Galactic Republic, a new challenger appeared on the scene. Forging together a powerful coalition of Jedi, Protectorate and Fringe groups, the Galactic Alliance drove into the core of the galaxy. After several heavy battles the One Sith were at last defeated in battle. Other factions rose and fell as survival of the fittest ensured many groups could not survive against their rivals.
848ABY – The Clans Unite – The Galactic Alliance’s astonishing conquest of Coruscant sent the One Sith into disarray. However, that was not the only change in the galaxy. After being quiet for several years a new Mandalore formed the clans into a powerhouse. It was the Mandalorians rather than the One Sith who finally dealt the death blow to the ailing Republic and ushered in a new era where two of the greatest powers had been humbled.
849ABY – The Omega War – With the Republic and One Sith collapsing, the lay of the galaxy appeared entirely remade. However, certain Sith and their retainers were not quite ready to capitulate. These Rogue Sith retreated to the rim planet of Castameer and there devised a final, terrible strategy.

With the Omega in their hands – a weapon more powerful than anything seen in centuries – the Rogue Sith were determined upon their goal.

If they couldn’t have the galaxy…no one could.

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