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A-4X2 Atlas Gate
"Safety, security, and trust."
Titan Industries is proud to announce the introduction of the new A-4X2 Atlas Gate, a non-invasive security scanning machine that will determine the amount of midi-chlorians an entity has who passes through it.
Intent: The intent of this submission is to provide the customer the ability to set up several terminals which will detect the amount of midi-chlorians a person has without actually stopping the person. Though the terminal will likely require surveillance and maintenance, this scanner will provide the capability of biologically inquiring whether or a person who has passed underneath the scanner has the potential for using the Force.
Development Thread: Provided upon request.
Manufacturer: Titan Industries
Model: A-4X2
Affiliation: None
Modularity: AR-2 Arreat Chipset.
Production: Mass Produced.
Material: Durasteel.
Upon passing through the Atlas gate, the structure undergoes the automated, non-invasive method of “nanobiopsy” provided by miniature tractor beams located within the frame. While the user experiences no discomfort, the machine uses the AR-2 Arreat chipset’s processing power to quickly perform the nanobiopsy and analyze the blood sample for midi-chlorians using the hundreds of years old technology of Force detection.
Within microseconds, the gate quantifies and computes the potential for Force use. The Atlas Gate then compares the patient’s average midi-chlorian count to the average of any given humanoid – usually 2,500 midi-chlorians per saturated blood cell. If the user’s count is higher than the average, three resounding tones beep and the single photoreceptor placed upon the crest of the gate flashes red. Due to the amount of research that has permeated over the past centuries, the A-4X2 Atlas Gate claims a 99% success rate.
The A-4X2 Atlas Gate maintains it’s passive, non-invasive approach to indentifying people with high midi-chlorian counts and has no defensive mechanisms, such as stunning or tasing, put in place by default though they may be modulated upon the customer’s request using the AR-2 Arreat Chipset.
AR-2 Arreat Chipset: Just the standard modular chipset Titan Industries uses across it’s products, this is player-made and is mainly aesthetic.
Midi-chlorian: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Midi-chlorian
Force Detection: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Force_detector
Nanobiopsy: http://www.kurzweilai.net/new-technique-allows-minimally-invasive-nanobiopsies-of-living-cells
"Safety, security, and trust."

Titan Industries is proud to announce the introduction of the new A-4X2 Atlas Gate, a non-invasive security scanning machine that will determine the amount of midi-chlorians an entity has who passes through it.
Intent: The intent of this submission is to provide the customer the ability to set up several terminals which will detect the amount of midi-chlorians a person has without actually stopping the person. Though the terminal will likely require surveillance and maintenance, this scanner will provide the capability of biologically inquiring whether or a person who has passed underneath the scanner has the potential for using the Force.
Development Thread: Provided upon request.
Manufacturer: Titan Industries
Model: A-4X2
Affiliation: None
Modularity: AR-2 Arreat Chipset.
Production: Mass Produced.
Material: Durasteel.
Upon passing through the Atlas gate, the structure undergoes the automated, non-invasive method of “nanobiopsy” provided by miniature tractor beams located within the frame. While the user experiences no discomfort, the machine uses the AR-2 Arreat chipset’s processing power to quickly perform the nanobiopsy and analyze the blood sample for midi-chlorians using the hundreds of years old technology of Force detection.
Within microseconds, the gate quantifies and computes the potential for Force use. The Atlas Gate then compares the patient’s average midi-chlorian count to the average of any given humanoid – usually 2,500 midi-chlorians per saturated blood cell. If the user’s count is higher than the average, three resounding tones beep and the single photoreceptor placed upon the crest of the gate flashes red. Due to the amount of research that has permeated over the past centuries, the A-4X2 Atlas Gate claims a 99% success rate.
The A-4X2 Atlas Gate maintains it’s passive, non-invasive approach to indentifying people with high midi-chlorian counts and has no defensive mechanisms, such as stunning or tasing, put in place by default though they may be modulated upon the customer’s request using the AR-2 Arreat Chipset.
AR-2 Arreat Chipset: Just the standard modular chipset Titan Industries uses across it’s products, this is player-made and is mainly aesthetic.
Midi-chlorian: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Midi-chlorian
Force Detection: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Force_detector
Nanobiopsy: http://www.kurzweilai.net/new-technique-allows-minimally-invasive-nanobiopsies-of-living-cells