The dragon would look down at Alex with a huff before continuing on his way. "Good. I don't feel like hauling your pancaked arse off my property" He would joke with a small smile as he would look up at the dragon as he took in the memories of their last encounter. "He's grown, has he not? Last you saw him, he was just a good seven feet. The last time you saw him with me when I was a member of the Jedi Order, he was just a tiny little thing. They grow up so fast. I'm quite proud of him, and fond of him" He said as he would watch the dragon frolic in the gardens. "I once tried to adhere to the demands of Aleidis Ijet and set him free to be with his own kind when he was old enough. He didn't get along with his own kind in the rare spots we found them, and he refused to let me leave the system without him. So... He's become less my pet, and more my companion" He said as the dragon would return for a moment to lean down and nuzzle his face against the young man's, who would laugh as he would pet the dragon's head. "Hey, that tickles. Yes, you're a good boy, go frolic in the garden while I talk to the chick who married the wolf man" He would crack as the dragon would shoot Alex a look before flying off.
The Jedi Master couldn't help but laugh when Alexandra would suggest he'd be lonely without her. "Wrong, actually. I wouldn't be lonely at all" He would correct, shooting her a smirk. "There is a woman that many times has visited and kept me company. She's been a fine companion in the times she's visited during these long months in exile. She's a light in my life that I don't know if I could do without" He would add, referring to [member="Coryth Elaris"] who had been a dear friend in these trying times.
The Jedi Master would watch then, as she would stop to meditate, and vines would appear... But not normal vines, vines in the form of her aura. He could sense them, and even John seemed to be able to sense them as he would growl at Alexandra irritably before Josh shot him a look.
[member="Emilia Marean"]