Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Titus Dorn

Titus Dorn


  • Name: Titus Dorn
  • Rank: First Sergeant, DAUNTLESS
  • Faction: The Confederacy
  • Species: Human
  • Age: Late Twenties
  • Height: 6'1"
  • Build: Middleweight
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Black
  • Skin: Tan
  • Force Sensitive: Tan
  • Charismatic Leadership
  • DAUNTLESS Cybernetics
  • Commando Training
  • Direct Electricity/EMP
  • Extensive Maintenance
  • Team Over Mission

Where were you?

The Question was one that inspired Titus Dorn to turn his life around. Three simple words was enough to shift the path of an academic into that of a warrior. In the beginning, Titus Dorn was a native of Manda. Born to a middle-class family, he did his absolute best to excel in his studies. Hoping that, someday, he would be able to provide a better tomorrow for his loved ones. During his pivotal teenage years, however, his family was broken in two. Like so many marriages, that of his parents was held together by a thread - and one day it snapped. The result was the spontaneous uprooting of everything he knew and a relocation to Ryloth. In short order, Titus ended up a member of a blended family: featuring his Human mother and Twi'lek stepfather.

And though they were happy, his motivations shifted from providing for them all to escape. Resentment took root within his chest, prompting him to run with the most sordid youth in his locale. Their antics saw him committing petty crimes - all of which resulted in his being arrested. Were it not for the intervention of his stepfather, he might have been sentenced to a detention center and ruined his future. However, a new option was mandated. Service. Titus was made the understudy of a local security detail in their town. The position was the furthest thing from glorious, but it was the right push to set him back on the correct path. Whilst serving, he resumed his exceptional academics and began taking classes in university early. And, even when his mandated service had concluded, he remained a member of the security detail.

Upon graduation, he was poised to return to Manda to pursue Starship Engineering. The future was bright - yet the circumstances of the Question soon made themselves apparent. During what was supposed to be a routine shift, explosions rained. The airwaves were filled with extremist cries. Death had come to Ryloth, masquerading as a savior. The madness was such that even the long deceased rose from the depths. And in the Chaos, Titus ran home - only to find it deserted. In the weeks that followed, Titus and the few friends he was able to locate fled. Into the tunnels, into the streets, wherever they could run whilst the extremists burnt and "celebrated" striking a blow against his home.

Their victory did not last long. In time, order was restored - yet the Question remained. Where were you when Ryloth was attacked? The assault had cost his family astronomically. His stepfather had been among those lost to the fighting. His family was once again broken. His closest friends were in the hospital, clinging to life. And what had he done? Ran. In that moment, Titus' sorrow turned to anger. And that anger into direction. Why waste away behind a desk, raking in credits, when such Hell could come knocking on the door again? Why do nothing and run into the tunnels? No. He would fight. And like so many others, he enlisted in the Confederate Armed Forces. Not just as any soldier - but as DAUNTLESS.

The Best of the Best.

  • Pending


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