Stormtrooper Sergeant.

Official Imperial Intelligence Dossier Registry
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Recovering dossier #5303826
Picus, Joran

Joran Picus
Sergeant. 4th Stormtrooper Battalion. Nexu Company. Sigma Squad.

"For the Empire."
General & Military Information
TK Designation: TK-1515
Full Name: Joran Kazl Picus
Aliases: 'Jora' 'Bucket Head' 'Kaz'
Age: 34
Location of Birth: Kuat
Clone Template: N/A
Gender: Male
Vocal Sample: Sample
Branch: Stormtrooper Corps
MOS: Field Stormtrooper
Rank: Sergeant
Superior Officer: Captain TK-119 Kanzo Embolus
TK Designation: TK-1515
Full Name: Joran Kazl Picus
Aliases: 'Jora' 'Bucket Head' 'Kaz'
Age: 34
Location of Birth: Kuat
Clone Template: N/A
Gender: Male
Vocal Sample: Sample
Branch: Stormtrooper Corps
MOS: Field Stormtrooper
Rank: Sergeant
Superior Officer: Captain TK-119 Kanzo Embolus

"It's control through fear, trooper. If they don't fear you, they better at least be dead."
Height: 6'0''
Weight: 158 Lbs
Build: Mesomorphic
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Skin Tone: Caucasian
Notable Features: Multiple light body scars.
Height: 6'0''
Weight: 158 Lbs
Build: Mesomorphic
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Skin Tone: Caucasian
Notable Features: Multiple light body scars.

"Nobody here dies unless they resist."
Psychological Analysis
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Sexuality: Heterosexual
A veteran Stormtrooper, Joran's demeanor rarely shifts between in combat and outside of it, aside from a grim sense of humor which is not present during duty. This is not due to some cold emotionless nature, but simply due to the fact that he has been doing this for so long it doesn't effect him as much anymore. His attitude in combat, in duty, and in off duty is relatively calm and casual, only growing intense when things aren't going well or are on the fence. Like many Stormtroopers, Joran is a humanist and generally views aliens as lesser than humans, although in a more casual non aggressive manner. The often bloody nature of a Stormtrooper's job has made killing a second nature of Joran, who does it with little self conflict or introspection.
A veteran Stormtrooper, Joran's demeanor rarely shifts between in combat and outside of it, aside from a grim sense of humor which is not present during duty. This is not due to some cold emotionless nature, but simply due to the fact that he has been doing this for so long it doesn't effect him as much anymore. His attitude in combat, in duty, and in off duty is relatively calm and casual, only growing intense when things aren't going well or are on the fence. Like many Stormtroopers, Joran is a humanist and generally views aliens as lesser than humans, although in a more casual non aggressive manner. The often bloody nature of a Stormtrooper's job has made killing a second nature of Joran, who does it with little self conflict or introspection.

"Secure that traitor!"
Skills & Talents
General Skills:
Advanced blaster use
Advanced hand to hand combat
Advanced small scale tactics
Advanced Stormtrooper Corps military training
Basic explosives use
Basic vehicle operation
General Skills:
Advanced blaster use
Advanced hand to hand combat
Advanced small scale tactics
Advanced Stormtrooper Corps military training
Basic explosives use
Basic vehicle operation

"Mind that door corporal."
Issued Equipment
Issued Weaponry:
E-11 Blaster Rifle
The standard issue primary weapon of the Imperial Army, the E-11 is a powerful, compact, and light weight blaster infamous for it's heavy recoil and high penetration. It is a weapon more suited to short ranges due to it's heavy recoil diminishing accuracy over long ranges, and it's effective range of 100 meters and a maximum range of 300. It is equipped with a computer assisted scope to help cut through smoke and dust, as well as a folding stock, and the functionality to be fitted with numerous attachments including ascension cables, a grenade launcher, and a dart launcher.
SE-14r Blaster Pistol
The SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster Pistol is the standard sidearm for Stormtroopers and officers in the Imperial Army. It is an upgraded design of the SE Combat Pistol, used by the CIS Droid Army during the clone wars, and has a high automatic rate of fire. Because of it's high rate of fire, prolonged use can warp the barrel and cause a catastrophic malfunction.
Baradium-core code key thermal detonator
The same thermal detonator used by the Grand Army of the Republic's Clone Troopers is still used today as the standard thermal detonator for the Stormtrooper Corps. It has a small range of five meters and a configurable timer, and like all thermal detonators it atomizes everything in it's effective range. It is activated by a code typed into the buttons on the device, which are unlabeled. This is so that any stolen grenades cannot be used by Rebels, as even if one did know the code to arm it, they would not know what buttons to press to input it.
Issued Uniform:
Stormtrooper Plastoid Body Armor
Stormtrooper armor is the battle uniform for the Empire's elite Stormtroopers. It is comprised of 18 separate rigid Plastoid composite plates which cover the body from nearly every angle and provide ample defense against fragmentation and blaster weaponry. The armor reduces the damage done by blaster bolts via absorbing some of their heat and force while they connect, and is even capable of completely glancing off grazing or sharply angled shots. It is overlayed on top of a black body glove which is temperature controlled, environment resistant, and pressurized, as well as a pair of comfortable synth-leather boots which allow for greater mobility. The right thigh is reinforced with a ridged plate alloy arrangement, and the left knee pad is shaped to aid in stability when in a kneeling firing position. By far the most advanced part of the armor is the helmet, which features a built in com-link, built in air filtration system which makes polluted or otherwise dangerous air breathable, an oxygen supply for vacuum environments, a computer assisted vision processor which aids in cutting through smoke, glare, and darkness. It is also equipped with an advanced HuD which shows the users weapon status, environmental readings, and aids in targeting. The HuD can also be used to access military data on individuals and organizations, and is equipped with a short range motion tracker.
Imperial Army Dress Uniform
The light grey dress uniform for members of the Imperial Army, complete with cap and Sergeant rank-board worn on the left breast.
"Sigma, rally on me."
Issued Weaponry:
E-11 Blaster Rifle
The standard issue primary weapon of the Imperial Army, the E-11 is a powerful, compact, and light weight blaster infamous for it's heavy recoil and high penetration. It is a weapon more suited to short ranges due to it's heavy recoil diminishing accuracy over long ranges, and it's effective range of 100 meters and a maximum range of 300. It is equipped with a computer assisted scope to help cut through smoke and dust, as well as a folding stock, and the functionality to be fitted with numerous attachments including ascension cables, a grenade launcher, and a dart launcher.
SE-14r Blaster Pistol
The SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster Pistol is the standard sidearm for Stormtroopers and officers in the Imperial Army. It is an upgraded design of the SE Combat Pistol, used by the CIS Droid Army during the clone wars, and has a high automatic rate of fire. Because of it's high rate of fire, prolonged use can warp the barrel and cause a catastrophic malfunction.
Baradium-core code key thermal detonator
The same thermal detonator used by the Grand Army of the Republic's Clone Troopers is still used today as the standard thermal detonator for the Stormtrooper Corps. It has a small range of five meters and a configurable timer, and like all thermal detonators it atomizes everything in it's effective range. It is activated by a code typed into the buttons on the device, which are unlabeled. This is so that any stolen grenades cannot be used by Rebels, as even if one did know the code to arm it, they would not know what buttons to press to input it.
Issued Uniform:
Stormtrooper Plastoid Body Armor
Stormtrooper armor is the battle uniform for the Empire's elite Stormtroopers. It is comprised of 18 separate rigid Plastoid composite plates which cover the body from nearly every angle and provide ample defense against fragmentation and blaster weaponry. The armor reduces the damage done by blaster bolts via absorbing some of their heat and force while they connect, and is even capable of completely glancing off grazing or sharply angled shots. It is overlayed on top of a black body glove which is temperature controlled, environment resistant, and pressurized, as well as a pair of comfortable synth-leather boots which allow for greater mobility. The right thigh is reinforced with a ridged plate alloy arrangement, and the left knee pad is shaped to aid in stability when in a kneeling firing position. By far the most advanced part of the armor is the helmet, which features a built in com-link, built in air filtration system which makes polluted or otherwise dangerous air breathable, an oxygen supply for vacuum environments, a computer assisted vision processor which aids in cutting through smoke, glare, and darkness. It is also equipped with an advanced HuD which shows the users weapon status, environmental readings, and aids in targeting. The HuD can also be used to access military data on individuals and organizations, and is equipped with a short range motion tracker.
Imperial Army Dress Uniform
The light grey dress uniform for members of the Imperial Army, complete with cap and Sergeant rank-board worn on the left breast.

"Sigma, rally on me."
Sigma Squad
Consisting of eight stormtroopers led by a sergeant, the line squad is the basic deployment unit of the Imperial Army. Sigma is the call sign associated with Joran's personal line squad, specializing in urban and frontline operations. Most of Sigma is a veteran, having survived at least three battles, but there are couple rookies in the ranks. Sigma is most effective when deployed as a squad, as they are simply stormtroopers.
Sigma Lead - TK 1515 - Sergeant and Squad Leader
Sigma Two - TK-3231 - Corporal and SIC
Sigma Lead - TK 1515 - Sergeant and Squad Leader
Sigma Two - TK-3231 - Corporal and SIC
Sigma Three - TK-1127 - Squad Medic.
Sigma Four - TK-7466 - Veteran Rifleman
Sigma Five - TK-0983 - Veteran Rifleman
Sigma Six - TK-4430 - Veteran Rifleman
Sigma Six - TK-4430 - Veteran Rifleman
Sigma Seven - TK-0029 - Support gunner
Sigma Eight - TK-5000 - Communications
Squad Equipment.
Rifleman loadout.
E-11 Blaster Rifle
The standard issue primary weapon of the Imperial Army, the E-11 is a powerful, compact, and light weight blaster infamous for it's heavy recoil and high penetration. It is a weapon more suited to short ranges due to it's heavy recoil diminishing accuracy over long ranges, and it's effective range of 100 meters and a maximum range of 300. It is equipped with a computer assisted scope to help cut through smoke and dust, as well as a folding stock, and the functionality to be fitted with numerous attachments including ascension cables, a grenade launcher, and a dart launcher.
SE-14r Blaster Pistol
The SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster Pistol is the standard sidearm for Stormtroopers and officers in the Imperial Army. It is an upgraded design of the SE Combat Pistol, used by the CIS Droid Army during the clone wars, and has a high automatic rate of fire. Because of it's high rate of fire, prolonged use can warp the barrel and cause a catastrophic malfunction.
Baradium-core code key thermal detonator
The same thermal detonator used by the Grand Army of the Republic's Clone Troopers is still used today as the standard thermal detonator for the Stormtrooper Corps. It has a small range of five meters and a configurable timer, and like all thermal detonators it atomizes everything in it's effective range. It is activated by a code typed into the buttons on the device, which are unlabeled. This is so that any stolen grenades cannot be used by Rebels, as even if one did know the code to arm it, they would not know what buttons to press to input it.
The standard issue primary weapon of the Imperial Army, the E-11 is a powerful, compact, and light weight blaster infamous for it's heavy recoil and high penetration. It is a weapon more suited to short ranges due to it's heavy recoil diminishing accuracy over long ranges, and it's effective range of 100 meters and a maximum range of 300. It is equipped with a computer assisted scope to help cut through smoke and dust, as well as a folding stock, and the functionality to be fitted with numerous attachments including ascension cables, a grenade launcher, and a dart launcher.
SE-14r Blaster Pistol
The SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster Pistol is the standard sidearm for Stormtroopers and officers in the Imperial Army. It is an upgraded design of the SE Combat Pistol, used by the CIS Droid Army during the clone wars, and has a high automatic rate of fire. Because of it's high rate of fire, prolonged use can warp the barrel and cause a catastrophic malfunction.
Baradium-core code key thermal detonator
The same thermal detonator used by the Grand Army of the Republic's Clone Troopers is still used today as the standard thermal detonator for the Stormtrooper Corps. It has a small range of five meters and a configurable timer, and like all thermal detonators it atomizes everything in it's effective range. It is activated by a code typed into the buttons on the device, which are unlabeled. This is so that any stolen grenades cannot be used by Rebels, as even if one did know the code to arm it, they would not know what buttons to press to input it.
Medic loadout.
E-11 Blaster Rifle
The standard issue primary weapon of the Imperial Army, the E-11 is a powerful, compact, and light weight blaster infamous for it's heavy recoil and high penetration. It is a weapon more suited to short ranges due to it's heavy recoil diminishing accuracy over long ranges, and it's effective range of 100 meters and a maximum range of 300. It is equipped with a computer assisted scope to help cut through smoke and dust, as well as a folding stock, and the functionality to be fitted with numerous attachments including ascension cables, a grenade launcher, and a dart launcher.
SE-14r Blaster Pistol
The SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster Pistol is the standard sidearm for Stormtroopers and officers in the Imperial Army. It is an upgraded design of the SE Combat Pistol, used by the CIS Droid Army during the clone wars, and has a high automatic rate of fire. Because of it's high rate of fire, prolonged use can warp the barrel and cause a catastrophic malfunction.
The standard issue primary weapon of the Imperial Army, the E-11 is a powerful, compact, and light weight blaster infamous for it's heavy recoil and high penetration. It is a weapon more suited to short ranges due to it's heavy recoil diminishing accuracy over long ranges, and it's effective range of 100 meters and a maximum range of 300. It is equipped with a computer assisted scope to help cut through smoke and dust, as well as a folding stock, and the functionality to be fitted with numerous attachments including ascension cables, a grenade launcher, and a dart launcher.
SE-14r Blaster Pistol
The SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster Pistol is the standard sidearm for Stormtroopers and officers in the Imperial Army. It is an upgraded design of the SE Combat Pistol, used by the CIS Droid Army during the clone wars, and has a high automatic rate of fire. Because of it's high rate of fire, prolonged use can warp the barrel and cause a catastrophic malfunction.
The imperial issued first aid kit is a bacta based device containing all that a medic would need for battlefield trauma.
Support gunner loadout.
T-21 Light Repeating Blaster
The T-21 was the heaviest and one of the most powerful standard-issue weapons that could be carried by a single soldier. The sheer power of its bolts could cut through personal armor and break down personal energy shields, even penetrate the armored plating on many light combat vehicles. It could be wielded two-handed and fired on the move, however, for superior accuracy a light extendable tripod, usually carried in the soldier's belt, was included for stationary firing. While it came with a standard power pack this only provided enough energy for twenty-five shots, which meant the T-21 was almost always paired with a continuous-feed power generator. This twenty-kilogram generator was carried as a backpack,
SE-14r Blaster Pistol
The SE-14r Light Repeating Blaster Pistol is the standard sidearm for Stormtroopers and officers in the Imperial Army. It is an upgraded design of the SE Combat Pistol, used by the CIS Droid Army during the clone wars, and has a high automatic rate of fire. Because of it's high rate of fire, prolonged use can warp the barrel and cause a catastrophic malfunction.
Baradium-core code key thermal detonator
The same thermal detonator used by the Grand Army of the Republic's Clone Troopers is still used today as the standard thermal detonator for the Stormtrooper Corps. It has a small range of five meters and a configurable timer, and like all thermal detonators it atomizes everything in it's effective range. It is activated by a code typed into the buttons on the device, which are unlabeled. This is so that any stolen grenades cannot be used by Rebels, as even if one did know the code to arm it, they would not know what buttons to press to input it

For the Empire