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To any midwestern types and OKlahomites

How is it? Do you enjoy it?

Only time I was in OK was for Basic at Sill. I spent my entire time there so I don't know much about the surrounding state/area besides it's really flat.

About to move to Tulsa for work.
Tulsa? That's where I'm at right now. Well, technically Broken Arrow. Still leaves me only a short drive away. Less than 20 mins.

Tulsa for the most part I like, compared to the majority of the rest of the state, that I'd rather pretend doesn't exist. It tends to be more liberal than the rest of the state. Or at least, less crazy. Most folks are nice, friendly around this part.

[member="Ross Jusik"]


Insert Hilarious Title Here
I live in Texas, but I've been to OKC and Norman quite a bit.
Oklahoma is nice enough. I've never been to Tulsa, but I enjoyed the parts of the state I went to.
Long as you don't mind conservatives, that is; cause there's a lot of those.
[member="Ross Jusik"]

I've lived in a town completely dominated by a fundamentalist church/college/racket for most of my life xD Regular conservatives are easier to interact with than the hyper religious ones.

[member="Coryth Elaris"]
That's good to hear, kinda reminds me of how my friend described Tucson. With my job I'll probably find some of the more right wing folk about xD

[member="Seanna Vel"]
Bunker-level Normal
Oklahoma? Midwest? Suuure. Next you're going to tell me Montana is Midwest!

Kansas is fine, though. But if you guys want to feel the real Midwest, come up to the Lake states.

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