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To be Mando or not to be Mando, that is the question?

[member="Arisa Yune"]

That I noticed no support was requested before hand only obedience afterwards.

However I must reiterate I have not read every thread. If there was an IC vote or discussion before that particular announcement was made I have not seen it but would love to if someone would be willing to link it.
Normally I just stay out of these topics about Mandlaorians. Typically they are always the same topics but in a different setting.

  1. Should we have the Manda’lore a PC or NPC?
  2. Should the main group of Mandos allow Force Users/ Sensitive peeps in their ranks?
  3. Should a Mando faction have absolute control over the Mandos?
  4. Should we get rid of the Mando Clans?
  5. Should there be a limited rite of challenge?

Should the Mandalore be a PC or NPC? I really do not care either way. Just as long it is not used as a tool to control people on how they should write.

Force using Mandos or the Sensitive peeps out there, in the past this has been attempted and it has always resulted the same every time. The result is civil war every time. You ask a Mando to choose between their family/vod and you. They will choose their parents, siblings, childs, aunts, and uncles…whomever they are kin with….and they will fight to protect them. In the Star Wars universe you do not chose to be Force Sensitive. You’re born that way.

Should one faction have complete control? No they should not because it will limit are creativity.

Should we get rid of the Clans? No we should not for many reasons. Let’s look closely to what a Mando Clan is. It is a family, a group of people that are either born into that family or are adopted. The civility of the greater Mandalorian culture depends on these families to keep the peace. Your actions are judged by your family. Mandos do not steal from each other. If they need something their family will help provide. There is no murder because of the rite of challenge (I will discuss this more later). The families keep their kin from comminuting crime in the greater Mandalorian community. Take that away and you have the greater Mandalorian community lose its way of keeping social order.

The Rite of Challenge, public opinion differs with this in cannon as well as role playing boards. We have seen in cannon that some rites of challenge took place without armor and with a single melee weapon. We have seen some cannon rite of challenges take place with armor and no limits on weapons. Raven was not even a Mandalorian when he made challenge. The challenge was accepted and he won and then adopted as a Mandalorian. The best way for us to handle it is not force our opinion on each other. In the past we just took a poll from the Mandalorian community. If the majority want one way over then the other just accept it and move on.

The Rite of Challenge was not just for the clamming of title. It was there to also help with solving disputes. If you disagree with someone then challenge them. Fight and when it id over accept you have lost and go have a drink with the person you had a duel with.

It has happen in the past when an individual has a dispute with the current Manda’lor. It does not have to be a challenge for the title. Disagree, have a duel, and when it is over go have a drink and laugh it off.
[member="Garith Darkhold"] As a Force user writing a Mando, and having done so for many years I don't know of any who are demanding anything more than to be recognized as legitimate Mandos by those around them. And this is after being accepted by a clan. They have said they will follow the Resol'nare like any other. And yet they are decried by many for their past connections to Jedi or Sith ideologies, or even just for use of the Force as a tool. As a member of Clan Verd, whether you like it or not (general you, not directed at you in particular) Kurayami is a Mando so long as he keep to the Six Tenets and does what he can to help progress the goals of the Mandos as a whole.
There will always be that dogma out there where some Mandos will look down on Force Using Mandos. It has happened more than once. Just reminiscing here, I remember one time in the distant past where that had happened. The current Manda’lor at the time supported this and invited a group of people called The Crimson Order to Mandalore. This group had started to publicly execute Mandalorians for just being Force Sensitive. It sparked the very thing I was just trying to warn everyone here about, Civil war. I doubt Clan Verd to be too happy if someone was killing their vod for just being Force Sensitive.

I’m not saying that there is not any strong support of this currently here on Chaos. There was one Mando here recently that was spewing such dialog. He supported that all Mandos who are Force Sensitive should be removed. I was just merely mentioning what will happen if that believe had gained support again.
Mand'alor is more than a title, it is a status and a duty. It is something to strive for, to earn.

You earn it both IC and OOC. OOC, it is given to you out of respect by your fellow Mando writers.

IC, you earn it by abiding by the culture and ceremonies of the Mando'ade.

PC is the most effective Mand'alor. NPC is just a measure of OOC control.

More important than everything, to be given this status is your fellow writers telling you that you 1) understand what they want (which changes over time) and 2) they trust you above all to get it for them.

The Mando'ade isn't a "me me me" culture, which is why power craving isn't a standard here.

It's a community honored by a vast culture.


Well-Known Member
[member="Tefka"] only thing I know about mando's apart from they smell bad

jk having fun don't ban me. :)

one serious question though, what happened to united clans of mandalore.
On the topic of Mandalorian Force Users.

I get it.

I hate it, but I get it.

But it would be so much cooler if it wasn't the standard.

Fun writing often occurs from the challenges we face as writers. A well known term used by many here, "handwavium", occurs because of the Force. There's not much challenge aside from what you yourself impose on your character when he/she wields the Force.

I'm often known for writing characters, mostly Non-Force Users, that have to overcome external challenges because it is what I enjoy. I felt often, when leading the Clans as Mand'alor, that many could also benefit from this if they could step outside their comfort zones.

But its not so black and white.

Many have been writing the same character for years and to let go of that is no easy feat, for a variety of reasons, differing from writer to writer. To turn the Clans NFU is a monumental task that for a majority would be considered either forced excommunication or unentertaining entirely.

Its hearts and minds, mob mentality. While some, like myself, prefer an expansion of focus on Mandalorian lore and culture - many others are apathetic to that specific cause, as it takes backseat to their own expectations for their individual characters.

It would take a massive cultural shift among Mandalorian writers to return to the roots of the lore, and a exceptionally charismatic leader to spearhead it. I don't see it ever happening here.

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