Orion Darkstar
The Rising Star

The Wave slipped into the unknown system, a string of asteroids quickly presenting themselves. Delicately the frigate maneuvered into the flurry of rocks that made up the Trahentium Saxosam belt. It was the only string of clustered lifeless rocks within the system. The screens lit up on the bridge as a bright yellow alert warned them for impact. The captain of the small ship swiveled in his chair to check the trajectory, but not before carefully observing the small metal pieces of small figurines in his hands. They were insignificant in the face of a potential danger, but the intricate cracks and crevices that ran across his thumb made him focus. It was as if a sudden strike of genius sprung to life in him. The captain leaned forward, the white hairs slipping out from the glare showing his age. The creasing wrinkles making it even more apparent. His lips separated and his arm stretched forward, a shiny name tag engraved with his name; Captain Tanner. His nose slightly shifted to the right in irritation before he threw the order out to his minuscule crew.
"All power to the ion drives, quick." Captain Tanner ordered, saliva finally dripping to the back of his throat.
The ship bucked upward violently as it began to navigate through the wide belt of destructive rocks. Inches from impact, the small vessel snuck through the tight stop of two colliding asteroids seconds later. The tension of the crew released as a deep sigh came from the captain. It wasn't usually safe to pull off such moves with others on board, but preventing the death of his crew made Tanner feel better about it. The whole reason they were even in such a system was because the higher ups told them to find a different way into sith space. It was common for drills to be carried out this time of year. This of course, meant the two acolytes would have to wait to return home. At least for now. Captain Tanner wasn't normally used to being used as a escort ship, but whatever the Ascendancy ordered he followed. Without the funds from the Ascendancy, Tanner would be forced to pay for the medical bills for his very ill daughter. Like most others the sith used such emotional attachments against others, such was the case with Tanner. Regardless, no one would be getting home if they didn't get out of the belt safely.

Orion felt the tug of gravity and lifted to the air, the soft padding of the mattress slamming into his back. It was a shame that such accommodations were made for a servant of Krest. Still, it would suffice; however the piloting would not. His eyes shot open on impact. A groggy grunt escaped his lips as he sat upward. Another sudden shake from the frigate forced a brow upward. He reached for the glass he had left on the nightstand before falling asleep, but nothing greeted his outstretched hand. Finally, sitting up all the way his feet meet the ground, a cold liquid curving around his lengthy, pale toes. Orion's green eyes shifted to the water and grinned. The glass must have broken from the upward maneuver seconds ago. He remembered the whole reason he was on the frigate was because of another failed expedition. Eventually, he would find it, the very answer he sought. Unfortunately, what came with the failure was another ascendant on board. They had plucked him from some nearby world on the way back to sith space. Although Orion wasn't one to care, he was curious about the newcomer and sprung out of bed to change.
As he stretched, his back painted a tale of pain and scars. His skin told a story of soft delicate silk. The tone was normal for a Zelosian, but even now he was unsure if the dark side had begun to taint his soul. Another part of his bare body showed a tone physique, another sign of his training. It wasn't odd to see such fit and scarred individuals among the ranks of sith. In truth, Orion had suffered through some of the most abrasive methods provided by his very own master. Even now, Orion could feel the hate for him. Such hate would allow him to one day surpass him, so ironically Orion also considered his master a gift. A guide to his success. A success that would soon flourish into something far darker than most expected of him, given his calming persona. What lied beyond such false acts to fit in was a beast, that constantly wanted more; much more.
In seconds he squeezed on the last piece of his clothing. A thick cloak covering his undergarments, that were also black. His weapons had already been fastened to his utility belt, hidden from prying eyes. The only peculiar thing that was left to put on was his chrome, self-crafted mask. It stared back at him like a taunting image of what he truly was; a monster. Orion smiled lightly as he admired it before picking it up. He looked into the mirror, his soft complexion showing a young face and long black tendrils for hair. He lifted the mask to his face before fastening it in place. What was once a calm young image of a Zelosian male, became a sinister visage of his inner demons. Orion thought for a moment as he tilted his head in a elegant manner.
Hopefully we get back to Bastion in time. There is much left to do, especially with the stored blood in the labs. I wonder if I'll get the results I need. Hmm.
Without a care for his image he pulled the back of the cloak's hood over his hair, a looming shadow comforting his appearance. He spun around, his hand reaching above as a sudden square pad flew into his hand. Another vibration from the ship almost unbalanced him. The metal walkway that greeted him careened to the right, leading him to the middle of the ship, where he assumed the ascendant that was picked up, would be. Either way, he wasn't one for conversation. He continued along the hallway before turning just before reaching the center of the ship and found himself in the bridge. Orion's presence forced a stiff posture from the normal crew. The only one that seemed to have some sort of lacking respect was the Captain as he spun around to find Orion.
"What brings you to my bridge acolyte? If I disturbed your sleep I apologize, you see-" A loud screech interrupted him, the ship tilting slightly from a minor impact as a large piece of angular rock flew by the secured glass.
"A bigger one is coming we won't make the turn Captain!" yelled another crew member.
"Crap, do everything you can to delay the impact!" The captain screamed over the blaring sirens that finally went off. "Orion was it!? We need to get you and the other one we picked up a few hours ago out of here and fast!" He turned away from the acolyte as he snatched the metal figurines from the counter, almost taking comfort in them as he blurted out orders one after another.
Orion clenched his fist, his eyes gazing at the side screens as he watched in anticipation. There was no time, the large boulder of a compact ore in the Trahentium Saxosam belt would rip the ship apart. Even if Orion ran to find the other sith on board, it wouldn't matter. Maybe, just maybe if he could get to the escape pods fast enough, the both of them could get out unscathed. Orion smirked, the mask hiding his frustration. Without a second thought he made for the center of the ship, hoping to find a companion. If not he would escape alone. Sith died all the time in training, dying here would be no different.