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To Craft a Saber (Vulpesen/Josh Dragonsflame

Vulpesen's brows furrowed as he noticed on the change in her aura. "Focus Alex. Focus your will through the blade and if done so correctly, you may stay away from such reserves." He kept his voice soft enough to keep from piercing her concentration, but he still made himself heard. This was a defining moment. To see it tainted with the dark side would leave a bit of a sour taste in his mouth.
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
Alexandra heard him, if only slightly and her body nodded almost subconsciously as she her aura began to change back enraging the darker half of her for not being relied upon for power. She was unsteady though without that support, her mind trying to find a different source to draw from until she figured something out. Joy and compassion soon began to fall off her, hope, love, all the lighter emotions coming from her fueled the power and concentration she needed as she soon had it completed and immediately fell forward, her body exhausted though she remained barely conscious. "Did... it work?"

[member="Darth Tsolan"]
Vulpesen stepped forward, catching her and making sure she didn't hit the ground too hard. "Careful Alex." After making sure that shew as alright, he turned to the saber in regards to her question. "Seems to be in one piece. Let's just hope it doesn't blow up when you use it. But, You did well Alex. I doubt such a thing will be a problem."
[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Good... thank you for the advice by the way Vulp, i hadn't thought i could draw on a different power than i usually do when im in need of it." She tried to move herself now and lean against the desk, breathing slowly at the newly created sabers with a bit of pride showing on her face at what she had done. Sure Pride was something that should be shy'd away from usually, but she was not thinking like that for right now as she sat there and grinned. "By the way Vulpesen, what are the Jedi going to say about you helping a non Jedi with building a saber?"

[member="Darth Tsolan"]
Vulpesen grinned and sat back down in his seat. "That's the trick isn't it. Finding different places for the force to flow. I'm happy I could help." As she asked about the opinion of the jedi, his home order, Vulpesen shrugged and relaxed against the chair. "I'll worry about that when it comes. Besides, I doubt I'll get too much flak for helping out a friend."

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"You never know, it was Jedi that were a pain about marrying eight hundred years ago, im sure helping out non order force users is even worse a penalty, unless i missed the memo that stated Jedi no longer had to force people to convert or be imprisoned or something... whats it you guys do when a Sith is found?" She grinned, not at all serious as her tone suggested nothing but humor in it, eyes sliding over to rest on her friend.

[member="Darth Tsolan"]
Vulpesen rolled his eyes at the comment. This was a common thing for them. Banter about the light and darksides and jabs at the jedi and sith as well as those in between. Still, he was starting to enjoy these talks. Both when they were serious, and when they were playful, such as right now. "What would you do when the dude who blew up your house and your buddy walked through your doors? Besides, last I checked," He reached up to poke her forehead. "You weren't one of them."

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
As he poked her forehead she laughed and looked up at him before grinning. "I get your point, but you do remember the first time we met right? I was a Sith then wasn't I?" She paused for a moment before reaching up and grabbing his sleeve. "Get down here, i dont feel like looking up at you to speak, it hurts my neck Fox Face." [member="Darth Tsolan"]
Vulpesen nodded and sat down with her, following the request. "Fair enough. Though its good to see that you've left them behind. Even the path of neutrality is seen as better than the sith. Besides, I can always play the card of good publicity. With all the anti jedi propaganda in the galaxy, its good for people like myself to come out and help our non-jedi friends for no reason other than we want to."

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Oh yes, i can see the headlines now. 'Jedi helps former sith create two lightsaber weapons in name of helping them', grade A plubicity right there, hell i could probably get that plastered over every sign from here to Nar Shadaa and still have some left over." She smiled at him and reached up for her datapad and pretended to take notes. "Lets see, bright green letters on a pink background, hows that sound?"

[member="Darth Tsolan"]
Vulpesen let out a laugh and laid back to relax. "A bit bright. It'd certainly catch attention. How about pink and blue. I am the other part of this after all?" He grinned and took out his own saber to examine the silvery scales on the unique weapon. He was proud that he had created this thing. And despite her not being a jedi, he was happy that [member="Alexandra Cinthra"] could now share that same pride.

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Pink and Blue, surrounded by meadows and with a bright Sith logo above it too of course, because after all thats what people always think jedi are anyways." She smiled and watched him look at his own saber as she drew her two blades to her and held them in her hands, unlike his silver handle, hers were pitch black because of the phrik she had used. "Hmm, i should get a material to fit my own self on these, black sabers aren't that showy..."

[member="Darth Tsolan"]
Vulpesen's grin widened at the imaginary plans. Alexandra certainly was capable of some interesting ideas. As she pointed out the material of her lightsaber, he gave a small shrug. "Perhaps I should get my saber made of some phrik as well. Might open up a few more possibilities in the battlefield. As for black being showy, it depends on how ya work it." He spread his arms to indicate his own black robes.

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"I suppose that is true." She smiled and stared up at the ceiling and breathed in. "Well, today was a productive day mister Vulpesen, got to say thank you for your help none the less, now i suppose its back to the Jedi temple with you then?" She glanced down from where she was looking at him now, thinking to herself while she sate there and waited about what it is she would do after this too. Perhaps go back to ruin searching or what not.

[member="Darth Tsolan"]
Vulpesen shrugged and rose from his seat before giving his friend a small bow. "As you wish. And thank you for allowing me to help you with such a task. It was an honor. "He smiled and pulled his robes around himelf, making sure that Ace was somewhere in his robes. Alex, if you ever need me for anything, please don't hesitate to ask."

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Come on Fox Face, if i ever needed help it would be the end of the world, im more worried about what you are going to get yourself into with how things are looking for the Republic, i mean, you guys are in wars constantly from what it looks like." She crossed her hand over her sabers and bowed her head to him, her legs not exactly responding enough to allow for her to stand though she left that fact unsaid incase her friend got worried, so she chopped it down to look like laziness on her part.

[member="Darth Tsolan"]
He chuckled and spread his arms. "Come on, its me. Somehow some way, I always seem to make it out in one piece." He flashed her a wide grin as he took his exit. "Just try to stay out of trouble yourself. I hope that next we meet, it'll be on terms just as good and intact as right now."

[member="Alexandra Cinthra"]

Alexandra Feanor

The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian
"Don't worry fox face, friends are one thing are life long connections through thick and thin in regards to me." She waved her hand as he left and breathed in before sighing and letting her body slowly regain the drained energy that it had taken from her to create her sabers.

[member="Darth Tsolan"]

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