Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private To Create..... Life

Sorn smiled when Maetsus said that she was committed to breaking her chains. Just how committed was left for debate but her word was sufficient for now. "But words are wind," Sorn thought while Maetsus took his hand and showed him the capital city of Crakull.

"War is just a grand experiment," Sorn said dispassionately. "It's only a tool to facilitate experimentations especially when dealing with the fragility of life. It is amazing that something so complex like organisms can be torn down with a mere blaster shot. We can use the power of the midichlorians to push past our flesh and become more powerful. Your subjects will make decent experiments."

He smiled at Maetsus. "Yes ruling is the way of the Sith," he said. "But to ensure our victory we must know everything about the Force and all of its aspects. Only then, the Sith will rule the Galaxy for an eternity."

Maestus Maestus

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