Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To defend once home.

Regore stood in the dropschip back on his way to sanqtuary, wel his comlink went of, het awserd it and a small halografic Cena apears, she looked angry.
"Re some basterd slavers are attacking our home, the villeges is completly defencles agienst them, we got to end these slavers" regore noded "im on my way, we got to make shure they will never return" "i have alredy asmebelt a strike team of Heralds, when you arive we can head out to Ryloth" "oke Cena il see you soon" whit thad regore hand up agien and turnd to [member="Iratann'Dira"] "sorry but i got to leave when we got to sanqtuary, i geas you heard why."
Iratann looked over to the window, and nodded. "D-Don't w-worry, R-Regore. D-Do what y-you must." She said, worried about Cena, the soldiers and the villages. "W-We w-will be t-there in t-time?" She asks.

[member="Regor Laxvan"]
Regore noddet, he had a determend look on his face "i will not fail my home agien" as they had landet on sanqtary cena was alredy wiating near a dropschip/transport whit 25 heralds, Regore and cena enterd the ship regore, stoped before entering looking back at [member="Iratann'Dira"] "your comming along?" he asked wanting to be shure weather she would come whit them or not.
"I-I..." Ira started to shiver a bit. "I-I... I'm n-not s-sure... I've n-never... f-fought b-before..." She says, her voice trembling a bit. She was not willing to go, but, she didn't wanted to stay alone in the planet. Perhaps, this time it was best to stay with Regore. "...I-I'll g-go..." The Twi'lek girl finally responded, after some minutes of silence, not very convinced about going, but not wanting to stay either.

[member="Regor Laxvan"]
Regore laugfed slichtly "most of us never foucht before taking on the chause, dont worry yould be safe, these soldiers are some of the best we got"he wiated fore [member="Iratann'Dira"] to enter the ship as she dit one of the soldiers handet her a rifel, regore looked at her seriosly "rember watever hapens your never alone, thrust your comrades and you will do alricht" he siad as the heralds looked at her some having the visors of the helmets up, others looking at her whit the red eyes from there visor, those who had lifed the viror up looked friendly at her, thoug most of there faces were stil hiden in the helmet's.
Iratann holds the rifle with some difficulty, as she has never used one before. "I-I... I... I'm..." The Twi'lek girl said, as she looked over to Regore. "I-I... h-how d-do I-I use t-this?" She asks, rather nervous now, as she sits on the metal floor of the spaceship.

[member="Regor Laxvan"]
Regore smiled "thad is oke"he helped her up and showed her howe to hold the rifel. "oke look over the top to aim and pres the trigger once to fire, just aim fore somting you are shure you can hit, fore nowe just aim fore there chest" Regore thouged and looked at her "would you be more comfertebel flying?"
Iratann looked at the rifle, and then to the pilot's seat. "I-I... I think I would be more comfortable... a-as a pilot." She responded, waiting for Regore's response.

[member="Regor Laxvan"]
Ira turned her head to see the pilot's seat, which was empty. Doubting about what she should do, the aquamarine Twi'lek finally got closer, and sat on the seat, as she grasped the controls with her trembling hands. She bit her lower lip. She had never piloted a spaceship before.

However, there was something that she could feel. She couldn't explain it, but, it was like she had piloted all her life. Taking a good look around, she promptly started the spaceship, and closed the doors, taking liftoff shortly thereafter. The ship was balancing from side to side, as they got out of the planet. Even so, Iratann was taking them into a straight line.

[member="Regor Laxvan"]
Iratann smiled a bit, as she managed to stop the ship from swinging from side to side. "Y-Yes... I g-guess..." She said, although she still had questions about the piloting of the spaceship. "M-maybe... c-could you explain me the controls, R-Regore? Just to make s-sure I-I don't c-crash the ship."

[member="Regor Laxvan"]
Regore smiled "shure, but i am not thad good of a pilot" he started explaining the controles to [member="Iratann'Dira"] by explaining wat evry button does, afther thad he sat down in the saet next to her "do you have any other qwestions?"
Iratann listened intently to every instruction that Regore gave her, and when he was finished, he smiled at him. "W-Well... I... I-I wanted to know if... w-well... w-what s-should I-I do i-in case that we f-fight..."

[member="Regor Laxvan"]
Regore smiled friendly at her "you could stay whit the ship, thoug last time i was here i left my ARC-170 whit my parends, if we can get you there you micht be abel to give us some suport, or you could grap a rifel, the choice is yours"
Iratann blinked several times. "I..." She didn't knew what to do, and fighting scared her. She had always been scared of weapons. "I... leave me t-the rifle... b-but... I-I'll st-tay here, I think."

[member="Regor Laxvan"]
"shure suit yourself"regore siad wel taking a rifel and placing it agiens her chiar, afther thad he sharpend his knive and inspected his own blaster.
Iratann took a deep breath, as she kept on course. Suddenly, she noticed something. She had no idea about where to go. "I... R-Regore..." She spoke, as he turned his head, trying to find him. "R-Regore... w-where are we going? To w-where I should go?" She asked, somewhat embarrased. Ira felt as she should have asked since a long time ago.

[member="Regor Laxvan"]
Iratann nods, as she grabs the datalist, and sets the coordinates to Ryloth, entering lightspeed. While the spaceship is travelling, she explores the device, and starts reading about Ryloth and it's villages, curious about learning about her homeworld. Some "Wows!" and "Whoas!" escape from her mouth every now and then.

[member="Regor Laxvan"]

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