Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To defend once home.

Iratann heard the all-clear signal from Regore on the ship's intercom. "A-Allright, Regore. Coming down." Ira said, as she landed next to the soldiers and the prisioners.

[member="Regor Laxvan"]
Regore pushed a trandosian prisoner into the ships, who's eyes turnd in confusion and suprise when they Saw Iratann'Dira "You?!, but we sold you 2 weeks ago" regore smiled "wel looks like he met your sister" [member="Iratann'Dira"]
Regore pored the back of the prisoner whit his blaster "the lady asked you somting" the prisoner looked at her angry "we sold her to a hut on nar shada, the info is on my datapad" regore took the datapad and tossed it to [member="Iratann'Dira"] "geas we knowe were to go next"
Ira tried catching the datapad, however, it fell into her feet. "Oh... oh... no..." She picked it up, and quickly brushed the sand that had got into the datapad. "H-How... h-how does this works?"
[member="Regor Laxvan"]
Regore smiled "Shiva, this is your specilaty" the Shiva walked over to [member="Iratann'Dira"] and presed a few buttons on the datapad afther whitch it showe a list whit names of slaves, there buyers and the price they were sold fore. "here you go" shiva siad.
Iratann examined the datapad, as she began looking for a profile of her sister, with such intent, that at first she forgot to thank Shiva and Regore. "Oh!" She suddenly exclaimed. "Thank you!" She smiled at them, before returning to her search. After a while she eventually found her sister. They were almost identical.

"I... She is... on... Coruscant..." She looks up at Regore.

[member="Regor Laxvan"]

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