Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private To dream of progress

Location: New Cov
Loadout: [X] [X]


Usually, Tertius preferred having potential partners and potential employees to come to him rather than being the one doing the travelling, but lately he had met a rather interesting woman in a few corporate meetings who had sparked the man's interest with something her company and by extension her planet were apparently known for; the rare and exotic biomolecules, which took time to cultivate and form, thus making it a rare and quite surprisingly useful asset to get his hands on.

So, because this time he was the party with interest, the marquis could not refuse the etiquette to travel to the homebase of this particular entrepeneur; Liin Terallo Liin Terallo . Aboard a single Castor I - class cruiser, the Chairman of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation and head of the Eriaduan noble family; House Nargath hoped to find himself safely at his destination. Usually, he would have gone with a much larger vessel from his company's line up, but the rumors of activity by an unknown faction within the galaxy and more specifically within the Churba sector made Tertius decide on a smaller, more unilaterally useful ship that would not draw too much attention.

When the Castor class cruiser was finally in orbit of New Cov, Tertius searched through the navcomputer's files in regard to the one he wanted to visit, he had sent a request to meet before he had left from an inspection of the Mygeeto facilities of his corporation, yet he had not gotten a reply just yet, thinking it might have been because of the urgency created by his missive, perhaps his request might have been a bit too short in time for the New Cov government or more precisely the woman he wanted to meet to properly prepare to.

"Milord," The voice came from the ship's captain, a veteran of the N&Z security forces, who quickly pointed out that perhaps the Marquis should simply send a missive not under his own name, but under the power and command of the N&Z itself. "It would perhaps make the people of New Cov more willing to actually respond to your request for a meeting and less likely to be so tardy."

"We were simply a bit too hasty, captain," The marquis let out a sigh, as he nonetheless reached for the communication's system and logged in under the rank of N&Z Chairman, rather than utilizing his personal datapad. After all, perhaps a polite, but somewhat pressing message from the N&Z Umbrella Corporation would at the very least be taken more serious than a haphazard personal request for a meeting.


This is Tertius Nargath, Marquis of Eriadu and chairman of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation. It is to my regret that it seems a personal request to meet with one of your own has been seemingly lost in translation. As such I no longer request it personally, but in my capacity as Chairman of the board of directors of the N&Z.

Once again, I request a meeting with Lady Liin Terallo forthwith. No accomodations or arrangements for transport are necessary, a simple location and time in which it is possible to arrange such a meeting is more than sufficient.

We will be eagerly awaiting a reply...

Liin stared at the message on her datapad at her desk. This was not exactly how she had planned her first day back at her office to be like. {It seems that I have a mess to clean up.} Her brow furrowed in thought as she tried to figure out just how something like this could happen. It was very unlike her parents and even her staff to just leave a request ignored.

She rose to her feet and walked over to her office window. Delicate fingers rested on the window's frame as her gaze drifted over the city. Some sections were still under disrepair, while reconstruction had begun in others. Liin had just returned from her own little mission out there amongst the debris.

The memories of the attack still haunted her, even so much so as to disrupt her sleep. Yet she wasn't permitted to let anyone be aware of it. That would only display weakness. All of the fear, anger and guilt was instead pushed down inside and locked away. That is what her duty called upon her to do. And now she had to do her very best in making up for stepping outside of that duty.

Stepping back from the window, Liin returned to her desk and took her seat. Her fingers wrapped around the stem of her wine glass, which was then raised to her lips for a long and slow sip. The warm liquid soothed her enough to bring her a sense of clarity, which was exactly what was needed while she composed her reply:

"Marquis Nargath,

I sincerely apologize for the delay in my response. I have only just returned to my office after a bit of a journey.

I invite you to my family's estate at Nogero City and we can conduct our meeting there in two day's time Midday will suffice. I understand that accomodations are not required for you, but please allow me to extend the courtesy of inviting you to stay in our guest wing.


Director Liin Terallo

Liin sent off the message after a quick proofread. Now she had two days to fix this communication problem with her staff. {Surely there is a good explanation for it.} The only one that she could surmise was the proposed risk of conducting meetings on New Cov. Therein lies the purpose behind all of the travelling that she had been doing. It was all about safety.

Tag: Credius Nargath Credius Nargath

Location: New Cov
Loadout: [X] [X]
"Marquis Nargath,

I sincerely apologize for the delay in my response. I have only just returned to my office after a bit of a journey.

I invite you to my family's estate at Nogero City and we can conduct our meeting there in two day's time Midday will suffice. I understand that accomodations are not required for you, but please allow me to extend the courtesy of inviting you to stay in our guest wing.


Director Liin Terallo

It was a good thing when it seemed that his request had finally been answered, running through the message he had received on the navcom of the ship, Tertius' mood seemed to improve by quite a lot. Sure, he had waited quite a bit to get his response, but at the very least he had one, which was in and of itself better than having none.

"Captain Cornis, I will be taking a small detail with me and spend a few days on the surface, do make sure the ship is prepped and ready for departure at a moment's notice," The Marquis felt perhaps a slight bit annoyed that he had to spend his time for a couple of days on the surface, but than again it was a great opportunity to at the very least get to know the planet a bit better. With the captain responding favorably, Tertius prepared to take one of the onboard shuttles with a dozen of N&Z Security members in order to traverse towards the planet's surface.

When he had managed to pass through all the strict regulations and check ups in place, it did not take long for the Marquis to book himself a whole floor within one of New Cov's most pricey and luxurious hotels, allowing himself to do some reading on the planet during the first day and some browsing around on the second day, at which point he arranged transport for himself and his security detail, arriving at the Terallo Estate in Nogero city with a small motorcade existing out of a luxury repulsorlift limousine and a single troop transport vehicle.

Upon arrival, the Marquis did expect some sort of security to ask for his name and reason of visit, so he already kept a copy of the missive on his own datapad and would gladly speak up when asked. "Tertius Nargath, Chairman of the N&Z Umbrella corporation, here on appointment with Lady Terallo."

{He's already here? Oh, this is unexpected!} Word had spread to Liin of the Marquis' arrival as soon as he gained clearance to access the vents for the dome. It was almost as though it was a surprise visit with the way that her staff began to scramble around her to prepare for the meeting. In truth it partly was. After the recent attack, New Cov wasn't exactly prepared for business as usual.

Liin spent her day debriefing the Board on her excursion with Xitli Sacul Xitli Sacul , as well as the help that his labs can provide. And the debriefing was not without it's lectures given to her by the Senior members about putting herself into danger, most especially alone and without telling anyone. With dignity she accepted their criticism and vowed to not repeat that venture. The last thing that she needed was to lose her privacy entirely if they felt that they couldn't trust her to not wander off into danger.

But a small part of her did enjoy the thrill of it.

By the second day, Liin was at her family's estate in Negero. The guest wing was prepared in the case that her invitation was accepted. A lavish meal was also in the works. It was nearing midday, afterall, and meetings should never be conducted on an empty stomach.

Liin's outfit was pressed and ready. The curls and waves of her hair were set perfectly. As with every day and every meeting, she needed to look her best.

And no sooner was she finished getting ready when one of her staff appeared at her office door. "Marquis Nargath's transport have reached the grounds, my Lady."

"Thank you. I shall be there presently."
Liin gave one final check of herself before leaving her office and heading down the stairs to the foyer. Her steps were not hurried, but full of purpose. A well practiced smile graced her features as she spotted the Marquis giving his credentials to her security.

It wasn't until she was much closer in her approach before she spoke to him. "Welcome to New Cov. I do hope that your stay has been pleasant thus far. And once again I offer my sincere apology for the delay in my response. I was unavailable for a short time. I have the midday meal being prepared for us. Shall we head to the dining hall?"

Tag: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

Location: New Cov
Loadout: [X] [X]
With the limousine and the troop transport awaiting entry, the Marquis calmly looked on his personal datapad as he closed the window through which he had spoken again, waiting for the vehicle in which he was seated comfortably to move again, all the while utilizing his time most effectively by running through some of the requests passed to him from the members of the board of directors. It seemed there had been some commotion in one of the industrial sites owned by the N&Z EnSol division in regards to unionized workers claiming better wages or a strike would ensue.

"Hmm, let's have one of the directors oversee the negotiations in person," While running through the list of directors, the Chariman took his pick and smiled as he mailed this order back to his board of directors. "You can't always expect to be seated on a cushion..."

When it seemed that the lady of the estate arrived,, the chauffeur moved out of the limousine swiftly in order to let out the Eriaduan noble, who as he had waited did feel somewhat peckish from having only had a mere cup of tea as his breakfast. "Lady Liin Terallo Liin Terallo it is a delight to see you here in a more personal setting and not strictly as part of a meeting of peers."

With a gentle smile, Tertius bowed gracefully, yet despite his grace, still a bit stiffly towards the woman, motioning the chauffeur to follow whatever directions would be given by the estate's personel. However, as he did so, it seemed that the one driving the troopcarrier misunderstood the wave of the hand and he banged at the divide between the driver's compartment and the back, which prompted the N&Z security detail to leave the troopcarrier in a proper response, quickly falling into formation.

"Ah...right, my apologies," The Marquis nodded somewhat apologetically towards the mistress of the estate, pointing at his security detail. "I doubt I would need any of my security detail during this visit, but would it be possible if they were to inspect and optimize the safety of the Guast wing which I expect you would be offering as my accomodations during this visit?"

Tilting his head a bit, the Eriaduan smiled once again and nodded. "In the meantime though, I do must admit to my own shame that I have indeed not had a full breakfast, so anything hearty would now feel like a gift from the gods."

TAG: Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

The meetings with peers tended to go in circles, as one might expect. It was how she imagined meetings of any Senate had gone. Liin herself felt that her words held very little weight for NCBC wasn't nearly as large as those under the leadership of her fellow peers. Though she had been doing her best to broaden their market and product line. Right now their only limitation was in gaining any contract with the Dark Empire and their holdings. For the moment NCBC had no such business opportunites in their sector of space, so the embargo had little impact on New Cov.

Liin bowed her head in turn with a polite smile. "It is lovely to see you too, Marquis Nargath."

Her eyes darted to his security team as they suddenly arrived and took formation. For a brief moment it reminded her of how the horrific attack on Ilic City had started. Liin's body stiffened and she couldn't surpress a brief flash of fear in her eyes. Even as he requested the guest wing inspection, it took her a moment to recover. {I need to pull myself together! This will not do!}

Letting out a small breath, Liin forced herself to regain her composure. "Of course they may. And you are in luck, for the chefs are preparing a lovely three course meal. If you'll follow me, please."

Pivoting on her heel, she turned and exited out of the foyer. As one would expect, the hallway leading towards the dining hall was filled with tapestries, paintings and scultpures showcasing Covie history. The smells from the kitchens nearby hung on the air. The dining hall was also as one would expect; large, decorated and adorned in the center with a large table. Instead of the two having to sit on either end, placesettings were prepared for them to sit near eachother. Liin's chair was at the head of the table, while the Marquis' was to her right.

"I trust that the recent embargo hasn't affected you greatly?"

Tag: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath
Last edited:

Location: New Cov
Loadout: [X] [X]
Liin Terallo Liin Terallo most curtious and friendly greeting was responded to in kind by the Marquis, who made a courteous bow towards the lady of the estate, holding his hand in front of his chest and elegantly moving his free arm behind his back before raising back to his full height. "Likewise Lady Terallo, it is nice to see some of the other parts of the galaxy. My work has been forcing me to frequest a handful of places far too often these last few weeks...a change in pace, no matter if it has anything to do with my obligations to the company, is always highly appreciated."

Noticing the light expression, the subtle hint of surprise and maybe...a bit of fear, the Marquis let out a soft chuckle in order to try and assure the woman that this was just a moment of overeagerness from the N&Z security's part. "Don't worry, it is not like they are some sort of ravenous beast. These men have been chosen to be part of my security detail because of their meticulous nature and their skill in surveillaince. Any inspection if you would let them, would be non-invasive. it is merely a protocol they are held to because of the news that stated your government has been having some issues in regards to... crimes as of late."

Chuckling gently once more, the Marquis nearly fell into a bout of laughter. "It would send a rather bad and ironic presedent that I would get hurt on my first trip to your estate with the goal of talking about biomolecules and their medical applications...wouldn't you agree?"

Refraining from too much chit chat, the N&Z Chairman motioned to the security detail to do their job and to follow the directions of the Estate's staff, they were after all so graceous to allow them their inspection, so it would be in bad taste not to allow them to be present during the process in order to reaffirm themselves.

"A three course meal, my are spoiling me, Lady Terallo," While he followed the young woman, it was perhaps rather clear that unlike Liin Terallo Liin Terallo , the Marquis did not seem to have the same spring in his step, as despite his outward appearance that seemed to show a good physical health and moderate lifestyle despite the wealth sown into his aristocratic outfit, a slight limp could be seen in his left leg, nothing too overly visible, but still something that cracked the facade of a man who by all means looked like he was in the prime of his life. There was ofcourse the dullness in one of his eyes which suggested the lack of vision from said eye and the efficiency of his movement and pace, as if he had to make sure not to exert himself too much. Yet, as he kept up, maintaining a somewhat brisk pace, his eyes did wander through the foyer and the hall, taking in each and every sculpture and painting within the rooms they passed through. "A fine collection of cultural inheritance, Milady. And...oh, now these smells are making my mouth water...I must have been more peckish than I anticipated."

With a smile, the man turned his attention back towards Liin, nodding in response to her question. "I do have a few facilities near the territory of the Dark Empire, but for now the Embargo itself has had little to no impact on my own work... with the N&Z mainly focusing on the mid rim, we have managed to weather many a storm such as this in the corporate battlefield."

TAG: Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

Liin too, has travelled much lately for her work. However her reasoning was due to the fact that their recent attack on Ilic City started off with the start of a business meeting. It was the kind of deception that Liin did not want to have repeated during her time as Director. So most of her time had been spent travelling. Only a select few have been granted access to New Cov, with the Marquis being one of them.

It is a recent history that the Marquis was quit to point out. His security detail were given full access to the guest wing after having been shown the way by the staff.

Once the Marquis sits down, the kitchen staff arrive with bowls of a creamy meat and vegetable soup. One could almost call it a stew, however it was closer to a chowder and spiced just right. The steaming bowls were placed with great care in front of them.

Liin's full attention rested on the Marquis as she took note of his response to her question, all the while she unfolded a napkin and placed it onto her lap. "I'm glad to hear that your business is not that affected by it. NCBC has no contracts within it's territory. And although I wish to facilitate some new laboratories outside of New Cov; you can bet that they won't be on any worlds under threat of occupation by them."

She took a spoon in hand and carefully dipped it into the soup, bringing it slowly up to her mouth so as not to spill any of it. The taste was amazing, the soup's temperature perfect so as to not burn her tongue. Once her mouthful was fully swallowed, she spoke up again; "You spoke earlier of wishing to talk about biomolecules and their medical applications. I'm sure that you'd be pleased to know that there are many uses for them in that field. We've created a gel that works faster than bacta. The cellular regeneration it supports is magnificant. And when you team it up with antibacterial remedies, it's benefits last longer for the biomolecules take longer to break down than antibodies would on their own. There are numerous applications that biomolecules can be used for. One is really only limited by one's imagination."

Tag: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

New Cov

[X] [X]


As soon as he managed to get seated, it seemed the kitchen staff was already bringing out a plethora of dishes, ranging from meat and stew, to a rich vegetable soup and more. It was quite a lot to take in for someone who's usual lunches and luncheons comprised a bit of fruit, some bread and some cheese mostly, but than again it might have been a difference in culture, with his own being the strict and militaristic Eriaduan culture, which prefered to present dishes like these as a dinner, hardly as a lunch.

Still, the very sight of the food made his stomach grumble audibly, thus forcing Tertius to chuckle and excuse himself. "It appears Lady Terallo, that I have underestimated my own peckishness or you have truly brought forth some scumprious dishes."

Waiting for the lady of the house to start first, the Marquis started off with the vegetable soup, finding the comforting warmth to spread through his body with every spoonful passing through his throat, the richness of the vegetable stock instantly recharging his energy for the day.

"That is interesting indeed," The Chariman of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation tilted his head a bit as he looked the woman straight in the eyes with a somewhat sly smile on his face. "Though, do correct me if I am wrong, but with the recent ... disturbances I heard about in regards to New Cov, I would be remiss to ask how secure you think your own facilities to be. After all, while having the right product is one thing, having the right facilities is another."

Having a little taste of the aforementioned stew, enjoying the creaminess, the richness and fullfilling nature of it all, the Marquis was actually quite silent for a rather long duration of time, still listening attentively, but quite focused on what he was eating, for his tongue was really enjoying the plethora of sensations gracing his tastebuds. "I have discussed the possibilities of your product with the boardmembers of the N&Z Umbrella Corporation and it has been brought to my attention that perhaps we should offer an extensive partnership to both provide you with the facilities required to expand the research and development on your product, but also the production and storage capacity."

A stomach grumbling was indeed a compliment to the kitchen staff. She was glad of it for it would be far more embarrassing if he was disturbed by the flavors.

The Marquis then brought up the subject of the attack. One would almost think that he delighted in reminding her of it given the sly smile that he gave her. In truth the tragic event was a sore spot in her once perfect world; and one that she still has nightmares over on a nearly nightly basis. Instead of learning how to deal with her trauma, she has instead been doubling down on her workload. Speaking up, she kept her voice steady and composed, "Our facilities were secure and sealed. Once protocals were enacted during the attack, there was no breach. Lord Nefaron needed me to open the barriers, however he did not have me nor did he or his forces gain access to where the facilities were. The only things stolen were some of the Covie and some of the foliage outside of Ilic's dome. However without the knowledge on how to extract the biomolecules from the right plants, his attack and attempt at stealing our resources was a failure." The attack was her own failure too, for in her own naivety, she hadn't thought of having a need to vet her guests. Every meeting prior to that one with a variety of people had been good ones. So it didn't even come to mind that someone would attempt to sieze control of her world through such a deception.

Liin continued to eat her creamy soup, all the while maintaining her composure. It did not do well to get emotional in front of anyone, most especially during an important business meeting with a well esteemed guest. And she was not about to lose more of her reputation by not being able to keep it together at every moment.

"A partnership with NCBC? And what would that entail?"

Tag: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

New Cov

[X] [X]


Calmly enjoying the food which had been put on the table, from the creamy soup to the rich stew, the marquis seemed to hardly make any eyecontact after he had made his statements, almost as if his demeanor had changed ever so slightly. He did hear the words coming out of the woman's mouth, but they seemed to be... not making much of an impact, as he continued to be calm and collected, almost apathetic to the explanation of the suffering Liin Terallo Liin Terallo seemed to have had to go through. Yet, as he reached for a napkin to tap at the corners of his mouth, the Chairman of the the N&Z Umbrella Corporation suddenly looked her straight in the eyes, calmly stating, almost whispering just a few words: "Such utter fools..."

This cold demeanor shifted back to his more welcoming demeanor of earlier, almost as if he simply had little interest in the whole story behind the whole curfuffle the woman had gone through. It was as if he chastised the assailants, the cheats that had tried to rob her, not for the fact that they did rob her, but for their apparent incompetence. "If one sets themselves to reach a goal, to achieve something... to fail so miserably makes one nothing more than a fool."

Though his words could be misconstrued by those not knowing how businesses were run, Tertius was quite clear in the fact that he suffered no fools, no weak-mindedness, no negligence. He was a strict man, a man who had principles and a code of conduct. He didn't mind the act itself, he minded the flawed perception, the foolish attempt itself, as if those who had tried to get what they wanted, did not even know the half of their own desire. However, he DID. He knew the advantages it had to get one's hands on the Biomolecules, but he also knew that it wouldn't be smart to try and get his hands on them by force. Hence those who tried and failed to use force were deemed to be utter fools.

"New Cov, though it has potential...lacks the capacity, the facilities and the extensive network to build upon the achievements you have made and those you have yet to make, Lady Terallo," Reaching inside his vest, the Marquis pulled out a thin transparant plate, sliding it across the table towards the Lady of the estate, when it suddenly showed a detailed hologram of what looked like a massive structure, a complex, a compound dominated by a massive skyscraper. "My Partnership...My proposal is as such... Seperate your company from your planet, retain your power over the planet, your corporate interests...but utilize your company to obtain a position of power within my company. Become a member of my board, the director of a newly reorganized division dedicated to medicine, biology and chemistry."

Leaning a bit backwards, the Marquis pointed towards the hallway with the many New Cov artworks, the depictions of the planet's culture and background he had seen. "What I offer you is a chance to attain the next level, a new position of power...executive power in a company that will not stop until it dominates, until it stands at the top of the corporate game. You and your expertise... I am the only one who value them for what they are, who values YOU for what you are."

Fools, they were. Even Liin's father Arch'ii had told her as much, sharing the same sentiment as the Marquis. And although she was still dealing with the nightmares in her own unique way, she was certain that at some point she would regard the attack within the same kind of light and perspective.

Finishing her soup, she slid her bowl to the corner of the table. One of the staff dutifully retrieved it, while Liin retained her attention on the Marquis and what he had to say.

As the transparent holographic plate was slid her way, she took it in hand. Liin's jaw nearly dropped as she took in the size and scope of the facility shown there. The entire complex looked enough to fill up a dome to itself. {Where is this, I wonder? Is it already built? I would love to have a tour,} she mused to herself.

The Marquis then went on to elaborate further on his proposal, outlaying a partnership and transfer of position. It is very similar to an offer that she had heard from Jonah Jonah . Although the Underlord's offer had less to do with NCBC than it did with herself.

"Your offer sounds very promising. It would allow us to expand in ways and at such a faster rate than we could of ever dreamed. It could leave a valuable legacy for New Cov and NCBC. However, the position within your Board that you offer, would that be extended to whomever is elected the Director of NCBC? What would become of me then? I do not have this position for life, unless our own Board of Directors continues to vote for me." {I cannot imagine being offered the Galaxy, only to lose it in a single vote.}

Tag: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

New Cov

[X] [X]


"You make the mistake to assume we have not thought about the contingencies and the peculiar nature of your situation," For a moment, the Marquis showed a near brilliant smile on his face, a gleeful glimmer visible within his eyes, almost as if he were asked to do the thing he liked the most and in truth, it wasn't all that far removed from it. Tapping with his index finger on the table for a moment, Tertius suddenly let out a soft chuckle and began to nod for a few seconds. "New Cov is a corporate world, however it is wholly possible to allow you to remain in control of the production of biomolecules even when you would lose outright control over the planet. The idea is that we separate the NCBC from the planet's own government structure, turn it into a company of its own which would then be absorbed into the greater N&Z."

Waving with his hand, as if to 'shoo' away Lady Terallo's insecurities in regards to the longevity of her potential position, the N&Z Chairman maintained his smile, which perhaps had only gotten even brighter, maybe a bit greedier, but nonetheless brighter. "You'd think it impossible, but we can achieve such a seperation by simply offering New Cov something of equal, if not greater value in return. Something I could arrange, would be to at the very least keep the actual Biomolecule production on the planet itself, but greatly increase the NCBC's facilities under the N&Z brand, which would allow more job opportunities, in turn creating greater overall wealth of the population and ofcourse its government. We could even add a branch of the N&Z Engineering Solutions on New Cov... so, in that case, if the NCBC would be absorbed into the N&Z, there would be no issue with you remaining as member of the board for as long as you are capable to perform your duties as a leading member of the company."

Tapping with his fingers on the thin tablet he had slid towards the woman earlier, the Marquis allowed a small cilindrical shape to reveal itself, with another different colored cilinder next to it, which seemed to be a bit lower. "If I am correct, the self reliance of New Cov has come under pressure with the recent events revealing some flaws in the overall corporate nature of the planetary governmental structure. However, if I were to propose this deal to your government and it would be accepted, they could gain a fourteen point three percent margin of growth in terms of individual wealth and median household income over a period of three years."

A corporate government was all that New Cov had known for centuries. It is what had worked best for them. {So now what? Do we allow another company to take our place? Or do we overhaul the entire governmental system altogether? Who would lead New Cov then? I couldn't be expected to do both; now could I? Surely not if the two entities were to seperate.} All these thoights and more flooded Liin's mind both as the Marquis was silent and as he spoke. Duty called for her to never wary here focus away from her guest, but she couldn't help it. This would not only alter NCBC, but it would alter New Cov as well.

"Do you mean to say that this facility would be built here?" she inquired, gesturing towards the holo-image displayed on the tablet. Whether it would be built inside of a current dome or have an entirely new one constructed was certainly another matter altogether that needed to be decided upon.

The growth is always welcomed. What company wouldn't want that? Liin took a sip of her wine before cragling the glass in her hand, her eyes moving from the tablet and to those of the Marquis. "And what of our current contracts that we hold with other organizations? Are they all to be grandfathered in?" She needed them all to be, otherwise it could have a negative impact. Most especially in regards to her and the Brood.

Tag: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

New Cov

[X] [X]


Once more the Marquis chuckled, waving his hand at the tablet and moving the holographic image back towards the image which had displayed the design of a headquarters envisioned to be the center of a new division within the overarching N&Z Umbrella Corporation. "It is but a mere design, but yes...If necessary, I would have the N&Z fund everything, from the creation of a wholly new dome and all the necessary connective means to the other domes to fully fascilitate this design. I do not desire to take what interests me by force. Unlike this... miscreant you have dealt with, I simply look for a proper understanding, a deal that benefits both parties."

When hearing the Lady of the estate mention what he'd do with the contracts she had already built in her current capacity, Tertius simply tilted his head and smiled. "If those contracts are beneficial to the N&Z they would simply be taken over and maintained as long as you wish them to be or until their use has run its course. Ofcourse, if you were to agree to the terms I am presenting would still have a say in these matters, even more would have a great deal more to say on the galactic scale."

Gently pressing his hands together, the man leaned a bit forward, maintaining his gentle smile as he did so, looking straight into Lady Terallo's eyes. "Imagine it; no more responsibilities towards your planet, the freedom to work on any product of your choosing, with the most advanced facilities and all the space you would desire for this endeavour."

While Nefaron tried to take New Cov for himself, the Marquis had only desired a part of it. Biomolecules were certainly a unique commodity, yet there seemed to be an underlying motive behind these proposals. Liin hadn't quite put her finger on it.

As the Marquis responded to her question, she had half a mind to ask him a follow up one. However, Liin stopped herself as he elaborated further. His offer of allowing her to have a say in NCBC's current contracts, including having a greater voice in larger matters intrigued her even further.

And it didn't end there.

The Marquis leaned towards her, holding her gaze with what could almost be described as a cheshire grin reaching into his eyes. Liin recognized what he was doing; he was baiting the hook with the most irresistable of baits which was obtaining freedom while maintaining power. Not only that but he was offering her even more power and influence than she has ever had before.

She remained silent for a moment after the Marquis had finished. It was obvious that she was mulling over the various aspects of his offer. Once more she was being seen as a talented individual, rather than just the head of a company and caretaker of New Cov, the latter of which was known to be a temporary position unless she was tragically killed during her time in office. And here she was given a lifeline. Even more than that she was given a chance to broaden her family's legacy beyond New Cov's borders.

"You certainly know how to drive a hard bargain," she mused. "And you clearly know me well enough to make such an enticing offer; one that I would have a difficult time in refusing." Liin offered him a genuine smile. "Being able to retain New Cov's independence is paramount. Seperating it from NCBC won't be an easy task. Yet I shall bring your proposal to the Board with my full support behind it. You should have our response by the the week."

Tag: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

Location: New Cov

Loadout: [X] [X]


Finally they had come to the crux of it, the whole joke in Lady Terallo's situation was that her ambition and her potential were stiffled by the very rules and regulations see seemed to have sought to protect. Tertius knew how corporate worlds could start out as a free and open place for trade and economy, only to become overly bureaucratic and as such selfdestructive over long periods of time. New Cov was no exception, to expand their influence, to increase their revenue, there would simply be no other choice than to reorganize and restructure and it was exactly that which the Marquis was offering: a way to uncouple a few of the so-called state businesses in exchange for greater sustained wealth and the obvious presence of an economic partner who had as much to gain from New Cov's prosperity as New Cov itself would.

"If you wish for me to be present at the boardmeeting, I would certainly be able to make some room in my schedule, Lady Terallo," With a smile on his face, the Marquis decided he might actually enjoy another plate of that delicious stew he had had, it seemed that these negotiations and the keen observation and mindful deconstruction of his proposal had given him a greater appetite than he had expected. "If that is not something that is done on New Cov, just simply make sure they can contact me personally if there are any questions. That aside though... if you have any more questions at all, no matter the subject, please don't hold back."

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

She offered the Marquis a polite smile of appreciation. "That would be wonderful, thank you. I'm sure that the Board would love to have you on hand for any questions. It will make such an important meeting go a lot smoother and quicker than it would have without you."

Liin nodded to the kitchen staff, giving both herself and the Marquis another helping should he wish. She savored another spoonful before continuing. "I do have some questions, if you do not mind. Out of all of the large corporations in the Galaxy, N&Z has offered the most promise. So tell me, what set your sights on New Cov? Is there a project or idea that you have in mind concerning our biomolecules?" It was a genuine question that she often had recently when any of the corporate leaders came to have a meeting. Although the Marquis had spoken earlier of wanting Liin specifically, she was certain that there had to be more to it than that.

Tag: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

Location: New Cov

Loadout: [X] [X]


"In that case, you can expect me without any fuss," Tertius let out a chuckle as he leaned a bit backwards upon his chair, finding it to be rather comfortable, especially with his belly full and his hunger satiated by the hearty meal his host had provided him with. The extra serving he had been given had truly hit the spot, but he had noted that there seemed to be something in Lady Terallo's expression, a question, an urge to know perhaps the reasoning behind his endeavour, why exactly it had been her and her company which he had set his eyes on. Lo and behold, it didn't take the lady of the estate long to actually pose the questions which seemed to be lingering at the back of her mind.

"I would be remiss to not admit that profit or more correctly, the potential for great profit was without a doubt one of the reasons I approached you," The marquis smiled gently, knowing that since this WAS a conversation between two members of the corporate galaxy, if she had not even considered profit to be at least part of the equation...she had to have been naive, but Tertius didn't doubt that considering her background she was well aware that it was a factor. "But, aside from profit...I saw the potential, in both the product and yourself. One must act on their gut feeling ever so often...I find it to be a very good indicator when the mind is unable or unwilling to grasp the information at hand. The Biomolecules have a potential of great value and expansive use, but I also quickly understood that the product could only gain its full potential and expansive use when I had YOU...Lady Terallo, as well. Your expertise and your knowledge on the product are what makes it all worth while."

Tilting his head a bit with that same gentle smile, the Marquis looked her straight in the eyes. "This is why I am willing to go as far as to uproot your planet's entire way of life if need be. I can't stand to see potential being ignored and unutilized... to just provide the biomolecules is far from the limit of your actively manipulate them and create is what you are ment to do. To lead and grow, and I am more than willing to do exactly what is necessary to have you figure out the very limits of your own potential."

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

Liin was quite pleased with the Marquis allowing himself to be available for what probably was going to be the most important board meeting of her life. And it was the most important board meeting for New Cov as well; one that would reshape their future should it be approved. "You are most welcome to stay here in the meantime. I'm sure that it won't be long before I am prepared to make my presentation. We will need to travel to Ilic City to NCBC Headquarters for it. There is still some repairs being made to the city, but they are nearly complete."

Another spoonful of her soup is taken while she listens to the Marquis answer her questions. Profit was no doubt an underlaying factor for his approach to NCBC. Yet what she did not expect was in the reasonings that came afterwards. And the lengths upon which he was willing to go to get what he wanted. Nefaron had offered her only suffering and death. While the Marquis had offered her a purpose. One might even call it a destiny or legacy to be fulfilled.

Liin considered herself very lucky to be on his good side. For something about him told her that he'd make for a very nasty enemy.

"There are many uses for biomolecules, yes. We have been working on quite a few of them, even far beyond the medicinal. Their molecular structure is so complex that these experiments take time if they are to be done correctly." She tilted her head ever so slightly to the side, giving a sly smile of her own while she held out her hand towards him, displaying the Covines Ring on her finger. "I'm wearing one of them now. The biomolecules are infused in the metal which help to reinforce the strength of this unique crystal that it surrounds." It wasn't dark enough in the dining hall for the ring's special quality to be displayed, but she didn't need it to be at this moment in time. "Isn't it beautiful?"

Tag: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

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