Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private To dream of progress

Location: New Cov

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"That is most likely the best choice and since I haven't heard anything concerning the Guest Wing of the estate from my security detail, I am certain that your estate is safe and sound," Letting out a chuckle, the Marquis hoped to try and break the tension which still hung a bit in the air. After all, even if it wasn't his intent, the earlier shock with the security detail must not have been considered a fun moment in Lady Terallo's eyes. Luckily she did not seem to mention it during the meal nor during the whole discussion they had, allowing the Marquis to feel a bit at ease. "Would the city itself be considered safe enough to leave my security detail on the premise or should I ask them to accompany us for your wellbeing?"

Hoping to at least make sure his potential businesspartner and hopefully internal colleague and companion would stay safe during his stay, Tertius wasn't trying to be oppressive towards her, but considering the news he had gotten on the planet's recent issues, he thought it prudent to at the very least offer his own security as a safeguard.

"Oh, that is interesting," Hearing that his guess was right seemed to make his attempt to convince Lady Terallo all the more rewarding. The moment she explained that even her ring had been made by the use of biomolecules made the man wonder what would have happened if someone like his grand uncle would have found these things back in his day. But in his own case, the medical and bio-organic applications would essentially be limitless. "I am...flabbergasted, Lady Terallo. While I understand there is rarity to take in mind, from the sound of it, biomolecules must be the most underrated product around. "

Nodding calmly, the Marquis' lips curled into a faint, but gentle smile. "The ring would only shine when it is worn by someone as bright as yourself, Lady Terallo."

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

To have an armed escort to Ilic City, or to not? The city itself seemed safe enough. Liin's contacts within the Brood have not made her aware of any further threats to herself or New Cov. They have so far been fulfilling their part of the bargain; utilizing their strength to not even allow the very idea of attacking New Cov or it's assets into fruition. Still, no plan was ever fool proof. And she would be naive indeed to allow herself to be unguarded during any journey, regardless of it's length. "Although I do believe that Ilic is safe once again, I would hate to be proven wrong on that point. I am aware that there are pockets of individuals within the citizenry that believe me to be responsible for the attack. So a small escort will be appreciated. Thank you."

It was no lie that she told. It wasn't even a rumor. For she had seen the holo-vids broadcasted by the usurper telling the Covie that she was entirely responsible for his actions, solely by inviting him. In truth he had come under false pretenses and while Liin did not hold herself to be entirely responsible, deep down she knew that she was at least partly to blame. However there were a couple of people within the Board of Directors that wanted her fired over the unfortunate event. But luckily their numbers were small enough to not hold enough influence over the Board's decisions.

She offered the Marquis a small smile, dipping her head in agreement of his assessment in regards to biomolecules being underrated. Before her tenure as Director, biomolecules were primarily being utilized in medicinal and biomedical uses. Yet once she joined the Board, the extent of uses in biomolecules expanded broadly, thereby increasing New Cov's economy. And it was because of that that her position within the Board quickly rose. "There is much that biomolecules can accomplish. And while seasonal; expanding their uses ensure continued profit."

Liin felt her cheeks flush a little at the compliment that the Marquis had sent her way. She pulled back her hand enough to use it to pick up her glass of wine. "You flatter me so. However I do not possess the abilities to make it glow. I am not a Force wizard. And what's interesting is that it's color depends on what side of the coin the Force wizard falls under. A useful tool in allowing someone like myself to know who she is talking to."

Tag: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

"That is what security is for after all, to get rid of any doubt and distraction that may hinder the normal flow of your day," With a gentle wave of his hand, the Marquis attempted to further emphasize the truth in his words.

"Seasonal or not, their expansive use may very well allow you and I hope to soon say 'us' to break into new frontiers on the market," Hopeful that his offer had been enough to compensate any of the losses Lady Terallo thought she'd suffer within this possible agreement, Tertius showed confidence in his decision and the strength of his offer. After all, he was granting her a bigger stage and a much greater reach through the N&Z's network and operational power.

"You underestimate yourself too much, lady Terallo," The man calmly reached out with his right hand towards the woman, holding his palm upward with the implication she should reach for his outreaching hand. If she'd do so, he'd simply place his left hand gently on hers in order to not just calm her nerves, but also to soothe her selfconfidence. "The fact you have been able to get this far has shown your ingenuity and your steadfast nature. Do not bother about thinking yourself any lesser than those who dabble in using some fancy hocus pocus and trickery. I do not need to be some space wizard high on stardust to see potential where it presents itself. You are a star shining bright and you will draw the attention and the envy of others before you know it. If this ring does indeed perform in the manner of which you speak, than you may have already found yourself a product which could become very popular in our very own line of business."

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo


It felt strange to her to hear him say that in regards to NCBC and of herself. He was not a Covie, and normally when she referred to herself as more than one person; it was in regards to NCBC and/or New Cov. Yet here she was, potentially beginning a new chapter with an offworld company. It was a strange thought and almost scary, yet at the same time it also felt very right. Change was like that.

Liin dipped her head slightly as the Marquis spoke of her underestimating herself. Perhaps he was right, however people tend to be the worst critiques of themselves. It was far easier to praise another than it was to praise one's self.

She set down her glass after the Marquis held out his hand. Liin understood the gesture and placed her right hand into his. Her eyes quietly observed him as her ears took in every word while the warmth of his hands encompased her own. She couldn't help but let out a bit of quiet laughter when he had finished. "Envy, you say? I do believe that there are few out there that can sustain the work load that I do. Every waking hour is dedicated to NCBC and New Cov. There are no days off for me. Such a concept may frighten others away from my position more than anything. But I thank you for the sentiment and I do hope that my ring and anything that we produce of a similar nature can help to benefit those without the magic like myself. Perhaps the technology involved could be expanded to that beyond a ring. Perhaps a doorway, or even the very edges of a meeting table." Liin found her thoughts begin to fall into a tangent of ideas, and so she stopped herself from losing her focus on the Marquis. "Forgive me. Sometimes I find myself imagining new products at the wrong times. As lunch is now finished, shall I escort you to the guest wing?"

Tag: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

"The envy I speak of would not be directed towards the work you do, but the talent you have, Lady Terallo," Calmly retracting his hands after giving hers a soft and gentle pat on the back, the Marquis slid his chair backwards and stood up with a nod towards the woman. This had indeed been quite the lunch to satiate his appetite and he wouldn't mind knowing how good diner would be if this were to be lunch.

"Imagination is what makes me proud in my engineers, Lady Terallo...without their imagination, we at the N&Z would not have such a wide arrange of products in our catalogue and though I could attribute things within the N&Z to my own imagination...those are usually more insubstantial and logistical in nature," Giving the kind host a nod, Tertius agreed in silence to make their way to the guest wing, where no doubt his own security had already set up shop in order to safeguard his resting space for the day.

"Do tell me though, Lady Terallo," Following the estate's host if she were to lead him, the Marquis pointed out something he had been thinking about for a while now. "If these biomolecules have the capacity to reinforce and strengthen materials, would they also be capable of enhancing the very properties these materials possess?"

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

A good imagination was vital in her line of work. Liin knew that. It was what had allowed for the increase in their products for much more than just pure biomolecules and gel packs. What was once a seasonal source of revenue quickly became a means of profit all year through. "You are too kind, Marquis Nargath," she said with a smile.

As he rose to his feet, so too did she, waiting for the Marquis to be ready for her to lead the way to the guest wing. It was nestled on the other side of the Estate, so they had a few minutes to walk there.

Liin listened intently to his inquiry as they walked, her steps matching his to keep to his pace. "They do indeed. At least in some aspects. I have yet to expand the testing in that regard beyond bacta gels. My time had been utilized elsewhere after the attack, and so my experiments have been halted for the time being. Should this proposed transition take place, I am certain that once everything is settled, my experiments and research can continue."

To be free from one responsibility so that she can focus on the others almost felt as though a weight will soon be lifted from her shoulders, or that invisible chains were to be broken. It was rather freeing.

Tag: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

All the Marquis had to do was follow Lady Terallo to the guest wing, looking at the interior of the estate and feeling as if for some reason this place did not exude the cold and sterile corporate nature he came to expect from most planets and families that had been part of such societies where progress and modernity usually came before tradition and culture. So far, the estate had managed to make him feel more at home than perhaps Lady Terallo could have imagined as long as she had yet to visit Tertius' own ancestral home.

"Such experiments and research can be easily picked up again when your environment is guaranteed to be safe again," Tertius tried to tease her a bit, but realizing how frightening it must have been and how frustrated she must still be after having lived through such a thing, he refrained from making too many jokes about the issue, if any at all. "Perhaps you will like to have the knowledge that should we push through with this idea, all N&Z facilities are built and designed with a emphasis on security, always allowing employees, visitors and partners to feel safe and secure makes for a much better workenvironment for most people.

The marquis found it most peculiar that the interior of the estate did manage to make him feel as such, but perhaps this would also mean that if Lady Terallo were to visit his own estate on Eriadu, she too would feel more comfortable compared to a night's rest in some modernistic hotel. "Well, at the very least I doubt I will have anything except a good night's rest here, it feels so familiar in terms of interior design,"

With a smile on his face, the man noticed that two members of his own security were already within sight, standing calmly next to what seemed to be a few members of the Lady of the Estate's own staff...

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

He was quite correct. Once the recovery was complete and reconstruction was finished, she could get back to the aspects of her job that she favored the most. Working with the biomolecules was always exciting, most especially when the experiments worked. Although that was probably engrained into her DNA as a Covie. It gave her a sense of pride, moreso than in anything else.

The Estate halls were finely decorated with tapestries, paintings and statues. However Liin's own works of art were hidden away before the Marquis' arrival. Her parents liked them, as well as some of the staff, but Liin was not ready for them to be on public display. Her color-blindness would surely present itself as the colors used for the subjects of her paintings were not correct. This was always an aspect of her that was kept hidden.

"Our labs are fully secured during the attack, as well as those inside of them. However with decades of peace, I'm afraid that our security has waned somewhat. N&Z would do well to upgrade our security so that is up to date with the current state of affairs of the Galaxy." Should the wars ever reach New Cov's borders, Liin had plans in place to secure New Cov's resources. She only needed the time to see them implemented.

Liin looked to the Marquis as he commented on the familiarity of her Estate. With a smile and curious tone she responded, "Is your Estate similar by design or layout? I am glad that you feel at ease here. I find it to be quite tranquil, myself."

She noticed her staff and his guards having a small chat. No doubt they were probably going over the dinner and breakfast schedules, to be sure that everything was in order. "It looks as though they are all getting acquainted. The guest wing is yours to explore, as well as the Estate grounds. You have your own dining hall, office space, sleeping quarters and bath house. I should get started on my presentation for the Board. Should you need anything, just inform my staff. Dinner will ready in the early evening." She didn't make any presumption on whether he wanted to join her for dinner or to have his on his own. Liin was certain that he had his own work to do. Afterall, this visit wasn't a vacation. Yet he was pleasant enough that she didn't mind his company. He knew just how to lift her from any self doubt, and she admired that trait. It wasn't a very common one.

Tag: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath

"That I can indeed promise you," The Marquis quickly responded when it once again came to be mentioned that the New Cov security meassures had been severely lacking when it came to protecting what was probably one of, if not the most valuable product they had. "It is coincidental that the N&Z has been in full schwing when it comes to reorganizing and updating its own security meassures simply for the sake of keeping up with our own high standards."

Tilting his head a bit when she asked whether or not the estates were similar, the Marquis smiled somewhat deviously, almost impishly. "Let's say that the Valkan Citadel is keen on showing off the heritage it carries and all my forebearers have been...quite adament on adding to its splendor. However, this place does have a certain logic to its lay out that feels similar to that of the Valkan Citadel...maybe even more so when it comes to the sanity of the one designing it."

As the pair came closer to the talking security detail and the estate's staff, Tertius just waved with his hand, motioning them to keep at ease for the moment. This seemed to work, much to the Marquis' surprise, after the miscommunication of earlier that day. "I will most likely have to draw up some plans myself, rest assured, should you have any need of me, your staff will know where to find me. Do you by any chance have a separate smoking room? I would love to smoke a cigar while I am working."

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

How very admirable, she thought. And it was indeed perfect timing for the Marquis and N&Z to reach out and connect with her.

Listening to his description of the Valkan Citadel, Liin can see why her family's Estate was familiar to him. Each displayed aspects of their respective histories and cultures, however she was certain that her Estate was much smaller in scope and age. Hers was just a few generations old and the Marquis' description makes her believe his to be far older than that. "Perhaps I'll see it some day." Liin wasn't inviting herself so much as she was keeping herself open to travel. Afterall, she didn't expect to fully remain on New Cov should this new path be approved. Instead she was certain that she would get to do a fair bit of travelling. Perhaps if she was lucky, she'd get to see things that she had never seen before; such as the ocean or snow or even a desert.

Liin offered him a polite smile as he he inquired about a smoking room. Her grandfather on her mother's side smoked cigars as well. It was an aroma that she had grown fond of while growing up. "You'll find a small study adjacent to your sleeping quarters which has doubled as a smoking room. So you may feel free to indulge there. Now if you'll excuse me, I believe that we both have some work to do." Liin dipped her chin to him in a nod of respect before turning on her heel to make her way back to her own wing. There was much work to be done if she was going to present this new direction to the Board in a way that they wouldn't want to vote it down. Liin wanted this change both for New Cov and for herself. Perhaps if it was to be voted through, then her nightmares of the attack will cease to plague her at night.

Tag: Tertius C. Nargath Tertius C. Nargath


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