Velok the Younger
When I Was A Young Warthog
[member="Alicia Drey"] [member="Enigma"]
Speeches were beautiful things, in Rave's estimation. Her secondary specialty involved every known variety of Dark Side healing -- Dark Jedi, Nightsister, Sith Magic -- and as Ayra kept talking, Rave devoted painful attention to resolving her body's most pressing problems. She only hit the highlights, because she had to free up time at the end. With about a third of a diatribe to go, her focus shifted elsewhere, to the exhausted Sith Master's gun. That temporary Forcelessness weakened Ayra's aura to the point where subtly alchemizing her weapon's trigger, fusing it with the housing, took only seconds.
"Try to pull the trigger. I guarantee you don't have a fraction of the strength." With a shrug, she holstered the Lonesome Gun. "Tell you what I'll do, though. You want to be something special -- I'll transform you." She bared her teeth in a smile that didn't even get close to her eyes. "And that's not an offer. That's a promise."
The Gromas system was headquarters of Mohc Extractives, AEL's largest subsidiary and the one most likely to be raided -- as had been demonstrated many times by many phrik hounds. Thus, a good portion of AEL's armed vessels were on station or near enough that they'd been summoned when the situation began. Meanwhile, rad-suited crewers had managed to board five of the Hammer-B LACs and exit the gutted hangar of the Lethewalker. The frigate itself, having sustained no damage beyond the hangar, was in full battle readiness, though unsure of what to do apart from call in backup.
When the fighters, gunship, and tugs moved toward the Lethewalker, then, it found rather quickly that it had something to do. The Lethewalker was a modified Haran'uliik frigate, a vessel meant mainly for killing the exact kinds of ships that were approaching it. A massive spinal Vulcan cannon spat thirty flak guns' worth of shrapnel cloud at six kilometres per second. Paired ion cannons and mass drivers assaulted the tugs mercilessly. The little frigate could move like a light freighter, dogfight as necessary, and it was studded with quad lasers to boot.
The five LACs oriented on the Subach frigate and began vomiting their complement of HELIX warheads, weapons designed to detonate beyond the reach of the short-range point-defense emplacements on the Kressh. Sixty warheads, each detonating in a pincushion of twenty invisible beams, each beam as strong as a turbolaser and a half -- the Kressh would find itself in the middle of a firestorm equivalent to a broadside from a command ship. Granted, those beams weren't targeted terribly well, but with twelve hundred of them, they didn't have to be. Crosshatched X-Ray lasers turned the local region into some approximation of hell.
Meanwhile, a pair of Azalus flak frigates and two Tegaanalir patrol craft were en route from the other side of Gromas 16, though it would be some time before they could get here.
Speeches were beautiful things, in Rave's estimation. Her secondary specialty involved every known variety of Dark Side healing -- Dark Jedi, Nightsister, Sith Magic -- and as Ayra kept talking, Rave devoted painful attention to resolving her body's most pressing problems. She only hit the highlights, because she had to free up time at the end. With about a third of a diatribe to go, her focus shifted elsewhere, to the exhausted Sith Master's gun. That temporary Forcelessness weakened Ayra's aura to the point where subtly alchemizing her weapon's trigger, fusing it with the housing, took only seconds.
"Try to pull the trigger. I guarantee you don't have a fraction of the strength." With a shrug, she holstered the Lonesome Gun. "Tell you what I'll do, though. You want to be something special -- I'll transform you." She bared her teeth in a smile that didn't even get close to her eyes. "And that's not an offer. That's a promise."
The Gromas system was headquarters of Mohc Extractives, AEL's largest subsidiary and the one most likely to be raided -- as had been demonstrated many times by many phrik hounds. Thus, a good portion of AEL's armed vessels were on station or near enough that they'd been summoned when the situation began. Meanwhile, rad-suited crewers had managed to board five of the Hammer-B LACs and exit the gutted hangar of the Lethewalker. The frigate itself, having sustained no damage beyond the hangar, was in full battle readiness, though unsure of what to do apart from call in backup.
When the fighters, gunship, and tugs moved toward the Lethewalker, then, it found rather quickly that it had something to do. The Lethewalker was a modified Haran'uliik frigate, a vessel meant mainly for killing the exact kinds of ships that were approaching it. A massive spinal Vulcan cannon spat thirty flak guns' worth of shrapnel cloud at six kilometres per second. Paired ion cannons and mass drivers assaulted the tugs mercilessly. The little frigate could move like a light freighter, dogfight as necessary, and it was studded with quad lasers to boot.
The five LACs oriented on the Subach frigate and began vomiting their complement of HELIX warheads, weapons designed to detonate beyond the reach of the short-range point-defense emplacements on the Kressh. Sixty warheads, each detonating in a pincushion of twenty invisible beams, each beam as strong as a turbolaser and a half -- the Kressh would find itself in the middle of a firestorm equivalent to a broadside from a command ship. Granted, those beams weren't targeted terribly well, but with twelve hundred of them, they didn't have to be. Crosshatched X-Ray lasers turned the local region into some approximation of hell.
Meanwhile, a pair of Azalus flak frigates and two Tegaanalir patrol craft were en route from the other side of Gromas 16, though it would be some time before they could get here.