Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion To Have And Have Not | Darkwire Dominion of Iphigin

  • Thread starter Darkwire Storyteller
  • Start date
Location: Shipyard Complex, above the freight containers...waiting....
BH 'Saria' Interchangeable Weapon System BCR-X13 Compact Sniper Rifle
Equipment: JN-3 Auger Personal Shield
Tagging Allies: Noah Gloom Noah Gloom Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch @Shira Varanin Project Uriel Project Uriel
Tagging Enemies: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull scifipoinsettia scifipoinsettia

Arial was tired of this charade. Watching them yell about authorized personnel and light sabers. Things needed to heat up. So she fired first, straight for Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter 's head. her BCR-X13 Compact Sniper Rifle letting loose a shot. It was the first shot that was the most important. It was the easiest shot, the others would be expected. It had to count. It had to take down the priority target. She didn’t care about the freight authority. This was beyond that.

Arial spoke clearly on the radio “Eliminate the 3 troublemakers and any who side with them.” This whole thing was a farce. She probably didn’t have the authority to give that order, but in the heat of the moment when a shot had already been fired, she doubted that this was going to be an issue now at least. Arial lined up her next shot, intent on providing suppressing fire, to keep the enemy on the run and give her side the upper hand. If a shot hit, it would only be a positive.
Location: Next to Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter and Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull
Gear: Large bowcaster/staff | Two blaster pistols | Vibroblade in right wrist | Electroshock plates in left palm and fingertips | Durasteel plate | Cortosis plate on forearms
Dominion: Noah Gloom Noah Gloom Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch Shira Varanin Project Uriel Project Uriel
Chaos: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull

Hearing permission from Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter to kill everyone, there would have been a shit-eating grin on his face if he could smile... so maybe it was lucky he couldn't when Project Uriel Project Uriel approached them. During their exchange he stood, still and vigilant, keeping his eyes scanning the crowd around them.

And then someone shot. Of course, there was nothing he could do about the shot itself, but as soon as he perceived the threat, he would emotionlessly grab whatever's nearest to him which would be either Noah Gloom Noah Gloom or, if he dodged, a nearby crate and launch that person/crate with mathematical accuracy at Airal Thamne Airal Thamne (Or wherever she was when she let off the shot).

As soon as the projectile left his hands, he pulled his staff from across his back and had it unfolded into the bowcaster in seconds and, should nothing be preventing him from doing so, opening fire without much regard to who or what he was hitting, projecting a maniacal laugh through his speech processors as he did so.
Location: Shipyard Complex, nearby the freight containers...waiting....
Armor: Mirage Stealth Prototype Armor
Weapons: Reaper Blaster Pistol (drop holster-left hip), Fate Assault Rifle (attached to chest rig), Wrist Mounted Retractable Hold-Out Blaster (right wrist), Beskar Sword (back scabbard), Krath Itak Sword (back scabbard **Note to Force Sensitives/Force Users-this sword emanates a strong Darkside presence), Retractable Vibro-Sword (attached to utility belt), Boot-Knife (right boot)
Equipment: Personal Energy Shield (left wrist), Personal Cloaking Device (attached to utility belt)
Tagging Allies: Noah Gloom Noah Gloom Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch Shira Varanin Project Uriel Project Uriel
Tagging Enemies: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull scifipoinsettia scifipoinsettia

A shot rang out, coming from some other overhead position and racing down toward the three interlopers. Beltran let out a slow breath as he stepped out from between the crates. The time for stealth was more or less over, so he turned off his sound dampener with a flick of his tongue and raised his rifle looking for a target. He'd recieved Noah Gloom Noah Gloom 's transmission about the leader's lightsabers and that was enough for the seasoned operator to make a few suppositions. The first and foremost being that blaster fire would probably not be much of a help in dealing with her, so instead he switched targets to the droid, who was in the middle of retaliating against the sniper who'd fired at them.

He would engage the female force user later with one of his blades.

Switching his rifle to its highest setting, he zeroed in and fired a super-charged shot at the droid ( L8R L8R ), aiming for center mass. The hope was that, in this instant, the droid would be too distracted by the sniper to react to his shot in time. He moved forward, keeping his rifle up and hugging to the sides of the various shipping crates, ready to duck in between another set of them if and went they returned fire. Switching his weapon away from the single super-powered shot, he toggled the three-bolt burst option and began to lay suppressing fire at the entire enemy group, making sure to aim away from Noah Gloom Noah Gloom and Project Uriel Project Uriel 's position. He also took care to keep his blasts from straying too close to the freight manager and the young woman with the pallet loader. He didn't know for sure whether either of them were Darkwire, but he wasn't in the habit of leaving an excess of collateral damage if it could be avoided. That kind of wanton destruction was....sloppy.
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Shira Varanin

One grenade could feth up the cargo. As folks went weapons free, Shira pulled her blaster and darted between the fight and the valuables. She smacked down a deployable bubble shield behind a crate and joined it for the extra cover.

The shield was a strong one, albeit unstable: she couldn't fire outward any more than others could fire in. It would last maybe three minutes - or much less, depending on how many people applied firepower.


Within the shield and behind the crate, Shira tried to get a handle on just how many people were engaging and what side they were on. Even with the holocams' help, she failed utterly.

Noah Gloom Noah Gloom Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch Project Uriel Project Uriel
Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr L8R L8R Airal Thamne Airal Thamne
Location: Next to Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter
Wielding: 4 - Whimsy Knives, 1 - Nastirci Combat Knife, 2 - HG-88 ‘Big Iron’ Hand Cannons, 1- 8 guage Scattergun
Wearing: Phase I Haywire Armor on top of UL-13 Corporis Skin Suit

Sasmay watched the droid, machine, thing, approach and give orders as Scherezade produced what looked like an old receipt rather than an actual piece of signed documentation. Another pair approached the scene, announcing their intent clearly with the threat of force as the Scattergun stopped tapping. The droid turned, Sasmay watching L8R a moment before the shot rang out.

The woman dodged backwards, unsure of the shots path but sure trying to keep from catching a round with her face.

The shrapnel slinger came up, pointed in the direction of the security droid and the pair near it before tilting up and letting it rip loose.

Location: Shipping Complex, Standing in front of the trio.
Direct Enemy: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter | Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull | L8R L8R
Direct Ally: Hacks Hacks | Noah Gloom Noah Gloom | Shira Varanin | Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Airal Thamne Airal Thamne
Armor: A1-Ionsider including Wristblades and Hud | MK-3-Heavy-Bolter (Hip Braced) | Grenades: 2x Frag | 2x Cryoban (Belt) | Energy Shield (Waist) | Model 31 Palm Stunner (Right Palm)| 1 x Jack Knife (Hip) | Full Songsteel Quarterstaff (Back) | Vibro Knife (Belt)
Background NPCs: Only if required to balance.

Chaos, true to the namesake.

Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter

"I'm authorized personnel, I am with the Committee of Freighters Rights and I'm here to make sure all the freighters are treated as per in accordance with the equal rights bill of law submitted in 821ABY in this very place, or rather, about 20 miles away from here. You will let me through to continue inspection or by the grace of Hra'mdin'alee I will have words with your superior!"

Her head tilted the opposite way to Scherezade. Processing committee of freighter's rights.... Holonet Search reference. Processing.... 101 results found. Committee of Port Authorities. Committee of Rights to Others Freight, Committee to Free Freighters Forever, Committee of Committees.... Error. "Committee of Freighter's Rights not found. Please restate your designation." Uriel took the shopping list and inspected it for signs of explosive tampering. "Your nutritional requirements are not fully being met. Suggestion. Bantha, Gonzo, and Jerba cheeses are known to go well with eldorai palm salad, also experts advise a healthy mix of nyx nyx peppers for tang and porkins brand hubba chubba cho...." Sadly for all she was interrupted by a shot.

Airal Thamne Airal Thamne

“Eliminate the 3 troublemakers and any who side with them."

Command Accepted. Safety mode disengaged. Lethal protocols activated.

Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull | L8R L8R

Now it was her turn for her eyes to glow red.

Red vision brought her readouts of the hostiles and tracking again. Her helmet soon going fully up to mask her face. L8R L8R sending something upward was registered as an increasing threat. Yet her heavy bolter was still far from optimal this close in, slow to fire with a minimum range to arm but extremely devastating if it hit. She needed to back up. Impacts from Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull 's slug thrower going right through her energy shield and digging into her armor. The HRD drone braced under the impacts, body rocking, small chunks of the armor denting in. Processing... Processing... Slowly she backed away underfire, tracing the hip braced weapon at Sasmay all the while.

Safe distance acquired. Finally she fired but not at the target, at the ground under Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull . The heavy bolter letting out a great whistling sound ready to twist the ground and a smoking crater soon to follow if nothing impeded it.

Uriel registered the damage to her armor and mild damage to her endoskeleton, while turning her weapon on the next target. Tracking... tracking... L8R L8R

Shira Varanin | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Airal Thamne Airal Thamne

Registering the shield going up around the crate, Uriel had followed Shira's lead and actually stepped in front of the shielded crate. Her heavy armored footsteps creaking again with their small surface area against the ground, leaving a small dint as she dug her footing in.

Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr and Airal Thamne Airal Thamne had the chaos agents at a disadvantage from above and if they looked Uriel tried to find the perfect angle not to obscure their shots, while shielding the crates as best as possible. The crackling edge of her own shield generator complimenting Shira Varanin. Shira’s use to the mission parameters just went up tenfold in the unit's estimation, and uriel considered her a new tertiary objective to keep alive. High praise indeed from toaster girl.

Analysing Uriel Unit:
Personal Energy Shield: 100%
A1-Ionsider Armor Condition: Dented by Scattergun Slugs
Armor Ionization Buffers Condition: Empty 0%
Damage to Combat Chassis Endoskeleton: 3%
Primary Systems Damage: None
Estimated Combat Capability 230% (Shield/Armor + Unit + Ionization Buffers)
Location: Loading Area, Shipyard Complexe
Objective: I S O L A T E D W A R E H O U S E R O L E P L A Y, Load the crates
Equipment: Still these hands
Good Eggs: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Noah Gloom Noah Gloom Shira Varanin Project Uriel Project Uriel Hacks Hacks Airal Thamne Airal Thamne
Fudds: L8R L8R Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter

All is well, this zone is secure.

There wasn't a chance to object to the unnerving pleasantries of the terminator because the surprisingly strong hand of the manager grabbed the woman's arm and began to drag her away from the scenario.

Have a pleasant day.

Not quite pleasant. She wanted a fight, she had agreed to do this on the premise that she'd get a fight. Sam Rodarch wasn't here to ship crates, she was here to smash faces and now the opportunity was beginning to become a distant dream as the chaos erupted with a single shot. It was infuriating! The woman wriggled with flared nostrils as they moved further and further away from the scene.


The warehouse manager was immune to being called a moon fruit as he continued to drag Sam away from the action. He'd make this lame bantha work if it was the last thing he ever did.

“Boys, we've got company. It's time to get a wiggle on,” he spoke into his comms, summoning the rest of the warehouse team out from their awfully long tea break, “we gotta get these crates loaded pronto, Lirri,” he continued, finally addressing her wild face with a lot more composure now that they were a little further away from the unravelling chaos.

“You can fight lunatics in your free time but right now, you're on the clock.”

Her furious eyebrows fell somewhat in the face of the warehouse manager's resigned determination. She had presumed that the hand of cowardice was dragging her away, but no, it was a rather dutiful one. Despite her ire, Rodarch could respect that, in fact, she had been rendered speechless by it.

“This kind of nonsense is a regular occurrence,” the manager assured her, as he reviewed the pallet that the woman destroyed prior with a wrinkling of the nose, “that's why the salary is so high, it's danger pay.”


“Hol' on, how much are ya talkin' here?”

Surely this detail would have been mentioned in the job interview, no? The warehouse manager sighed and stared at the woman, pondering briefly about who had exactly approved this hire.

“I'll tell you after we load these crates onto that ship,” he replied, pointing very clearly at the correct crates and the correct ship, “now, let's get you back on this pallet truck.”
Location: At the shipping complex
Time: Probably midday
Equipment: Green light sabre
Allies: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr l Shira Varanin l Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch l Airal Thamne Airal Thamne l Hacks Hacks
Enemies: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter l L8R L8R l Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull
Noah watched the woman he was paying the most attention to hold out her hand. Given the force probe he had done it didn't seem that it was a gesture that was at all favourable. Perhaps even one that could potentially kill or severely maim him. So he held his movement carefully watching the whole group to make sure that nothing was coming at him.

That was about when the droid started making moves towards him. He was starting to move when it surprised him and caught his arm. He was slower than he remember being. Only being in a clinic or a gutter will do that to a person his inner thoughts said to him. He tried pulling away from the droid but it's grip was simply too much for Noah.

Either he gets thrown across the room and dies from the impact or he loses his arm. He had little to no choice in this matter as he pulled his lightsabre off his belt and pulled it under his right arm. He ignited it under his right arm. The one the droid was holding onto. It was a clean cut and the wound seared itself shut and he managed to flip himself over the crates he was sitting infront of and looked over his arm again making sure the full wound was actually sealed and there was no blood coming out.

He sat back looking up using the force to make sure there was also no internal bleeding which thankfully there wasn't. "First time out on the job and you have to cut your own arm off because you reacted too slow. Makes you feel gosh darn awful." He said to himself as he waited to see if they would pursue him or if he could recover and perhaps try coming at this problem another way.

Shira Varanin

Allies: Noah Gloom Noah Gloom Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch Project Uriel Project Uriel Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Airal Thamne Airal Thamne

Enemies: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull L8R L8R

The overlapping shields and the crates provided plenty of cover - a halfway defensible position between the firefight and the cargo. The bubble shield was holding for now. If the Force smiled on her, she might get another three minutes out of it.

Shira set her jaw, took her blaster in a two-handed marksman's grip, and began applying disciplined fire to every hostile in sight. Her metal hands, arms, and shoulders gave the gun solid stability. Her stance and the position of her feet contributed just as much to professional accuracy. One blaster pistol might not add much, but keeping expectations low had never failed her before.

Well, rarely. Sometimes.

Location: Shipyard Complex, nearby the freight containers...waiting....
Armor: Mirage Stealth Prototype Armor
Weapons: Reaper Blaster Pistol (drop holster-left hip), Fate Assault Rifle (attached to chest rig), Wrist Mounted Retractable Hold-Out Blaster (right wrist), Beskar Sword (back scabbard), Krath Itak Sword (back scabbard **Note to Force Sensitives/Force Users-this sword emanates a strong Darkside presence), Retractable Vibro-Sword (attached to utility belt), Boot-Knife (right boot)
Equipment: Personal Energy Shield (left wrist), Personal Cloaking Device (attached to utility belt)
Tagging Allies: Noah Gloom Noah Gloom Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch Shira Varanin Project Uriel Project Uriel
Tagging Enemies: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull scifipoinsettia scifipoinsettia

Projectiles and blaster fire filled the air as both groups of operators let loose on each other. The battle droid grabbed hold of the operative who'd been posing as a beggar and begun to fling him up into the air when he produced a green lightsaber and...cut his own arm off.

"Huh." Beltran said aloud. "That' way to do it."

It had been effective, at least in allowing the now amputee to disengage himself from the droid, but it was obviously a tactic that was unsustainable in the long run. He continued toward the fight, aware that Project Uriel Project Uriel and another of the operatives had activated their personal shields. For the time being, Beltran delayed in using his. He would probably need it later and he didn't want to drain the battery before its time.

Just as he was about to pass the last pair of containers, Beltran ducked to the left and disappeared between them. Dropping his rifle to the ground, he proceeded to do three things:

First, he activated both his sound dampening field and personal cloaking field. Second, he climbed up to the top of the nearest shipping container overlooking the fight. And third, he drew his Beksar blade. He knew his cloak would only work for a few seconds and would short out completely the moment he made contact with another being, so he wanted to make the most use of it as he could.

Launching himself from atop the crate, he jumped down at the group from above with his sword raised over his head. About a half second into his freefall, his cloak would short out-rendering him visible-as he slashed down at Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter with his blade, intending to use the momentum of his fall to cleave her body in two.
Location: Wandering around the shipyard complex
Wearing: Armatura | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | The Sofitor
Wielding: 7 Nozhi Blades | 1 Whimsy Knife | 1 Whimsy Witch Knife | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Clarion | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke | Combat Gauntlets | Tessen | 2 TOTT-001 Arc Light Blaster | 2 Dissuader KD-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets | The Parasite
AoC Tags: Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull L8R L8R + Open
Darkwire Tags: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Noah Gloom Noah Gloom Shira Varanin Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch Project Uriel Project Uriel Airal Thamne Airal Thamne + Open
The paperwork trick worked in literally every holoseries and holomovie she'd ever watched. One would have expected, with such great statistics, that it would work in real life as well. But no. It didn't work that way. It didn't work that way at all – because now they were being shot at. It had begun with the very first shot. And that made her unhappy, because the shot had stopped a suggestion list by the droid, and Scherezade had genuinely been interested in listening to that.

The first shot that was sent by Airal Thamne Airal Thamne . Scherezade had already been moving, but not fast enough. Thankfully, the hit ricocheted from her after hitting her shoulders, and other than an "ouch" of surprise, she was okay for the moment.

To her right, she saw L8R L8R in what looked as though she'd yanked the guy's ( Noah Gloom Noah Gloom ) arm off away from his body. Krakking awesome!

But there was no time to focus on it. Shots were being fired from all around, and while Scherezade's armor was good, she knew it wasn't good enough to just stand there for an endless amount of time in a rain of bullets and blaster shots.

Jumping backwards, most of the bullets that hit her would leave a nasty bruise in the morning, but her armor so far still stood through it. Scherezade reached into the very ground with the Force, forming her will around the sands and so many crap items hidden within it. Within moments, she was ready to pull a sphere of earth off from the ground and send it hurling towards the right container. Those who would neither stop it nor get out of the way might find themselves at least partially squashed by the sphere mess and velocity of the thing.

Before it hit, she smiled. Over fifteen blades slid from her body, having been attached to her armor, some from the outside of it and some from the in, and in her hands she held both lightsabers. Fanned by her blades, the Sithling pressed the buttons and ignited her sabers.

They weren't a red, they were a bright and shiny green.

Just in time to twist and block Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr 's down-coming blade.
Location: Trying not do die
4 - Whimsy Knives, 1 - Nastirci Combat Knife, 2 - HG-88 ‘Big Iron’ Hand Cannons, 1- 8 guage Scattergun
Wearing: Phase I Haywire Armor on top of UL-13 Corporis Skin Suit
Tags: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter L8R L8R

Sasmay didn't truly know what to expect out of the droid she had fired at. She had a very bad and sinking feeling that went beyond her gut, something outside of her that told her backing away would be a good course of action. The slow retreat of the machine was not it however as it aimed something braced on its hip at her. Eyes squinting, it was almost too late to notice when the thing lobbed a shell at her feet while the woman popped the shield button on her suit and propelled herself backwards.

The Scattergun came up over her face as she moved, crouching and putting all she had into the roll. The shell landed, and her feet came off the ground as the shockwave and shrapnel struck her.

Thrown backwards, Sasmay did not have a soft landing as her body rag dolled for a second on the ground. The world spun, losing herself for a moment to the twisting spiral of lights in front of her eyes as heat and sound washed over her.

Her hands burned, the feeling moving clear up to her elbows and the back of her head was sore. She lay still for a while, gathering herself as she cast aside the Scattergun. It was broken beyond use, and she had a good view of the large man coming down from the crates while she laid there half disoriented. A hand came up to her face before slowly lifting herself up to her knees, then standing and moving back further away from the action.
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Misson: Eliminate Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull
Shipyard Complex, above the freight containers...waiting....
BH 'Saria' Interchangeable Weapon System BCR-X13 Compact Sniper Rifle
Equipment: JN-3 Auger Personal Shield
Tagging Allies: Noah Gloom Noah Gloom Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch @Shira Varanin Project Uriel Project Uriel
Tagging Enemies: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull scifipoinsettia scifipoinsettia

The battlefield had changed significantly but no one made their way towards her vantage point. Arial held her shots as a body flew towards her and she waited for the field of vision to clean up. She couldn't shoot a friendly which meant that her first target was a no go. Watching the shield go up, she was impressed. This group didn't let the enemies cloud their minds. Now it was time to apply pressure.

People and things had gotten in her way so by the time she could focus on a single target, all Arial saw was Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull . She held her breath, accounted for wind and tried to predict their movement as she fired for center mass. Less likely to miss that way. Her BCR-X13 lit up as another shot rained down. This time she kept the heat on her target. Firing as fast as her rifle will let her. It lit up again and again until the clip ran out. She pocketed it. Now she was stuck reloading which meant that the pressure was let go but she could only do so much for the fight.
Hacks rested over the handlebars of the stolen CorpSec speederbike, observing the shipping movements through the magnification of her glasses. She watched the ant-sized people, such was the distance between her and them. Chatter over the commlink suggested something was up, but everything seemed calm for now. Under control. Then a shot rang out, echoing in the night, "Who the fu-" Hacks said, about to ask who fired but Liberty was a step ahead of her, pointing to a far away rooftop. Ariel Thamne. Hacks knew of the girl through stories. When Lysle of the Hydian Way and his Red Ravens had wiped out the Black Sun Syndicate, Ariel was one of the thugs working under Dominio.

"Yeah," Hacks breathed, "Just our karkin' luck trusting a Black Sun trigger-happy gangster." More shots followed and through the glasses Hacks could see everyone engaging with one another. Ariel opened up again, a salvo of hellfire raining down on the suspects. "Lock an' load, Liberty," Hacks announced, her hands thumbing the activation key. The engine roared as she twisted the throttle. A beast had awoken, the sound of the bike could be heard far and wide. A low rumble settled over the night as Hacks waited patiently, deciding not just yet to take flight.
Equipment: Same
Location: Same
Friends: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull
Foes: Project Uriel Project Uriel Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Noah Gloom Noah Gloom Shira Varanin Airal Thamne Airal Thamne Hacks Hacks

Well, how lucky was it that he'd managed to accidentally rip Noah's arm off... or that's how it appeared... Didn't matter, the arm caught about half of the high-powered shot sent at him by Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr , the rest sinking into his armor, which really ruined the paint job even more. He roared in anger, throwing the arm full force at @Noah as he waded back into the fight, deciding others posed a bigger threat for now.

He took only a moment to analyze which target was closest to him. And he started stomping forward, figuring Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter could handle Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr , though maybe he would get a chance later... For the paint job.

No, for now he started forward toward Project Uriel Project Uriel , his bowcaster aimed directly at her as he picked up speed, the heaviness of his feet probably making the ground shake slightly as he approached. As he neared her, he folded the bowcaster back into an enormous staff and swung it at her with some impressive speed for how slow his steps had been, aiming at what he perceived to be the hub of her computing... Her head.

Shira Varanin

Allies: Noah Gloom Noah Gloom Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch Project Uriel Project Uriel Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Airal Thamne Airal Thamne Hacks Hacks

Enemies: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull L8R L8R

Some call it futile or mad to repeat a choice at length and expect the result to vary. Those people are probably correct.

When none of her blaster shots connected effectively, Shira held her ground behind crate and shield, and kept firing. Her targets of choice were the schutta with the green sabers, the muscly retreating backflip girl, and the droid. Or maybe he was just an impressively skinny man in very tight armor. Regardless, the three of them got a couple of gift-wrapped blaster bolts sent their way.

Her pistol clicked empty. As she reloaded, the bubble shield died.


Location: Shipping Complex.
Direct Enemy: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter | Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull | L8R L8R
Direct Ally: Hacks Hacks | Noah Gloom Noah Gloom | Shira Varanin | Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch | Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr | Airal Thamne Airal Thamne
Armor: A1-Ionsider including Wristblades and Hud | MK-3-Heavy-Bolter (Hip Braced) | Grenades: 2x Frag | 2x Cryoban (Belt) | Energy Shield (Waist) | Model 31 Palm Stunner (Right Palm)| 1 x Jack Knife (Hip) | Full Songsteel Quarterstaff (Back) | Vibro Knife (Belt)
Background NPCs: Only if required to balance.

With Airal Thamne Airal Thamne suppressing Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull from the roof, her threat level was lowered in relation to the crates and objective.

Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter | L8R L8R

Threat. Damage to crates.
Threat. Damage to cranium.

Primary Mission: Protect cybernetic assets using any means necessary while they're being loaded onto Darkwire freighters.

Primary mission compliance. The heavy bolter turned from the incoming droids attack, tracking… tracking... and firing at the projectile of earth Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter had force thrown, hopefully making a large mess of the thing. The bolter tried to connected the shot mid-air with the earth sphere. Cover your mouths, Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter and Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr it might send dust and debris everywhere if successful. Maybe Noah Gloom Noah Gloom , Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch or Hacks Hacks could finish getting these things out of here, toaster girl had her hands full.

Before she could walk forward to defend the other crate, she was hit upside the head, a heavy running hit by L8R L8R , right through the energy shield which did nothing to stop matter. There was an almighty clang… as the bowcaster staff hit the HRD’s both armored and internally metal head. Flickering followed across her optical sensors.

Blunt impact. Registering system damage.... optical sensor efficiency at 80%, verbal matrix at 70%, equilibrium stabilizer at 95%, melee subroutine engaged.

Uriel’s head tilted up again, detaching the hip connection at her waist, she brought the hip braced heavy bolter around like a club swinging sideways at the midsection of the droid. Heavy small feet pressing down into the duracrete below, and hoping to propel the threat into a nearby building. Either way her own bolter would probably be crushed if it impacted the chassis or bowcaster, and it was certainly no use to anyone at melee range beyond acting as a club.

Analysing Uriel Unit:
Personal Energy Shield: 100%
A1-Ionsider Armor Condition: Dented by Scattergun Slugs, Helmet Badly Dented by Bowcaster, minor compression fractures.
Armor Ionization Buffers Condition: Empty 0%
Damage to Combat Chassis Endoskeleton: 6%
Primary Systems Damage: Optical sensor efficiency at 80%, Verbal matrix at 70%, Equilibrium stabilizer at 95%
Estimated Combat Capability 190% (Shield/Armor + Unit + Ionization Buffers)
Location: Shipyard Complex, nearby the freight containers...waiting....
Armor: Mirage Stealth Prototype Armor
Weapons: Reaper Blaster Pistol (drop holster-left hip), Fate Assault Rifle (attached to chest rig), Wrist Mounted Retractable Hold-Out Blaster (right wrist), Beskar Sword (back scabbard), Krath Itak Sword (back scabbard **Note to Force Sensitives/Force Users-this sword emanates a strong Darkside presence), Retractable Vibro-Sword (attached to utility belt), Boot-Knife (right boot)
Equipment: Personal Energy Shield (left wrist), Personal Cloaking Device (attached to utility belt)
Tagging Allies: Noah Gloom Noah Gloom Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch Shira Varanin Project Uriel Project Uriel
Tagging Enemies: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull scifipoinsettia scifipoinsettia

As Beltran swung and fell toward Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter , he was briefly aware of the large mass of dirt that the woman had force-hurled toward one of the very crates he'd been sent here to protect. There was little he could do about it from where he was, so he put it out of his mind and focused on the fight in front of him. As he landed, his strike was blocked by the woman's lightsabers which had moved impossibly fast against him. He had expected as much from a force wielder, but he hadn't expected to see her fanned by a grouping of very nasty looking floating knives.

"You've got style," He told her as he disengaged his beskar sword from her lightsaber. He didn't wait for her to strike back at him, instead choosing to continue his offensive against her. He activated the small personal shield on his left wrist, he charged directly at her. He would swing his shield at one of her blades, hoping to bat it out of the way long enough to create an opening. He would then lunge at her with his sword, attempting to impale her through the gut.

He choose this method of assault because the woman's floating knives would give an her an advantage if he kept himself at range. He figured he would be better able to mitigate that advantage if he stayed close. Since his armor was made out of beskar plates and cortosis-weave fabrics, it would offer him a decent level of protection against her sabers though he would have to be wary of attempt to thrust or stab at him where the armor was weakest, but for as long as his shield held out and as long as he was able to keep her on the defensive, Beltran was confident that he would have the upper-hand.
Location: Wandering around the shipyard complex
Wearing: Armatura | The Forgemaster's Ring | Ring of Stasis | The Sofitor
Wielding: 7 Nozhi Blades | 1 Whimsy Knife | 1 Whimsy Witch Knife | 2 Nastirci Combat Knives | Clarion | Copero's Wail | Fire and Smoke | Combat Gauntlets | Tessen | 2 TOTT-001 Arc Light Blaster | 2 Dissuader KD-30 Pistols with Glitter Bullets | The Parasite
AoC Tags: Sasmay Cull Sasmay Cull L8R L8R + Open
Darkwire Tags: Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr Noah Gloom Noah Gloom Shira Varanin Sam Rodarch Sam Rodarch Project Uriel Project Uriel Airal Thamne Airal Thamne + Open

The smile on Scherezade's face went from ear to ear as she practically beamed at the compliment the man gave her. Under normal circumstances, it would've truly been a shame if she had to kill him for attacking her. But these were not normal circumstances. Far from it.

Her body moved with the grace and fluidity of a dancer as she blocked attach after attack that he made, coming forward with her shield. She was a large woman, yet she moved nimbly, always taking the step or few required backwards, slowly leading herself and Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr towards the crates.
The earth sphere she had sent seconds ago had landed, though its impact was severely reduced thanks to the actions of Project Uriel Project Uriel . Scherezade hoped that it had also at least caught a few of the other side's people in it as it went, but she couldn't afford the moment needed to turn around and look.

Though this still very much felt like warm up, she could not and would not deny that she was enjoying herself. Her smile never wavered from her lips, and after they'd inched closer to the correct crate, Scherezade let out a rolling laughter, and switched her lightsbers off.

A moment later, her Whimsy Shield erupted from her wrist, and she changed stances.

Now, she would no longer just block.

Now, she would run forward and slam into her enemy as he was slamming into her.

A bear would fight with a blood hound, and they would see who'd survive the impact. If anyone around them would survive the impact too.

"BAM!" she screamed as she launched forward, her levels of excitement quite hard to miss.
Location: Trying not do die
4 - Whimsy Knives, 1 - Nastirci Combat Knife, 2 - HG-88 ‘Big Iron’ Hand Cannons
Wearing: Phase I Haywire Armor on top of UL-13 Corporis Skin Suit
Tags: Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter L8R L8R

The series of shots rocked the woman forward, both suits managing to take the lot of them without her dying in a glorious blaze of fire. However, the consistent shots had not only winded the woman, but knocked her down where she decided to play dead for a while. She did her best to remain still until she realized that Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter was moving back into the alley of crates, prompting her to try the shield button once more. She slapped it once, nothing. Twice, a spark. Third time -

The shield sputtered when the button was slapped thrice, finally kicking on as Sasmay pulled herself up into a running start away from the containers as Scherezade deWinter Scherezade deWinter and Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr began to fight behind her. "Chit chit chit chit." Sasmay yelled, trying to get a decent gulp of air as she scrambled around the end of a shipping crate before pulling out a handcannon and taking the chance to actually breath.

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